Be prepared for virtually any radiation exposure scenario
Law enforcement and police teams tasked with public safety at large events have an array of potential security threats to consider, including radioactive materials that could be used for malicious intent. Thermo Scientific innovative, portable radiation detectors help ensure that on-site teams are equipped to detect radiation, identify the source, determine the threat level, and initiate a response plan, all within minutes and without creating widespread panic.
Radiation detection & identification categories
Quickly distinguish between naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) and radiation from man-made sources such as nuclear weapons, improvised nuclear devices (INDs), or radiological dispersal devices (RDDs). We offers a variety of portable radiation detection devices and instruments for continuous monitoring and immediate alert to a variety of radiation types.
Optimize efficiency by integrating radiation monitoring systems into one solution. Our multifaceted tool set integrates a variety of environmental and industrial process radiation monitoring instruments. It provides real-time monitoring for applications such as radiological hotspot identification, environmental contamination detection, or routine security surveillance.
Learn about the advanced technology, planning tools, and instruments available to first responders, firefighters, law enforcement, military, and government agencies to aid in the detection of radioactive materials and the identification of chemicals, narcotics, and explosive threats. Includes grant information. Read A Practical Guide to Safety and Security Threat Detection Technology.
Featured content on radiation detection for law enforcement
Where are the best places to monitor fans, do baseline scanning, and set up remote monitoring? Take a look at this Sporting Event Scenario map with markers for safety and security radiation monitoring points.
Radiation is an often overlooked threat, yet unsecured radioactive sources can lead to catastrophic scenarios for law enforcement and emergency response teams, and can have devastating, long-term implications for a community, city or entire region. Here are 5 steps that every law enforcement agency should consider to ensure radiation preparedness.
Read more articles on radiation issues. Visit CBRNE and Dirty Bomb Detection Devices - Radiation Security
Video spotlight: Radiation detection for law enforcement
Frequently Asked Questions about Radiation Detection
Radiation can be found almost anywhere. Is it always a threat to public health and safety? How can it be monitored? What tools do I need to detect it? Are you trying to scare us? Get the answers to these and other questions on our Frequently Asked Questions about Radiation Detection page.