Gregory Waters


Researching Syrian regime and via Facebook. Writer and Managing Editor at Bylines in

Joined February 2016

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  1. Pinned Tweet
    26 Sep 2018

    Within weeks of intervening in , 's ground forces were fighting alongside the Tiger Forces. The intimate relationship between the two has only grown deeper since. Part 4 of my series for

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  2. 20 hours ago

    At leat 2 |n govt fighters killed in clashes on front. Both likely belong to 's 358th Battalion, 105th Brigade (spent most of the war in )

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  3. Retweeted
    21 hours ago

    this report on the systematic rape against children by Assad regime in reminds me of Abdulqader, a 16 yo guy who i met in detention and died 2 days after intelligence officer sodomized him with a wooden stick while laughing with his friends

  4. 22 hours ago

    Pretty sure this is from the June 25 raid on the axis that left one member of the 8th/11th Division’s dead.

  5. Jun 27

    My latest for : examining ’s role in north & attempting to assess its goals. In short - policies are almost entirely run at the provincial level w/ largely absent while economic+social ties only grow deeper.

  6. Jun 26

    Excellent short thread giving a fair assessment of the suitability and likely effectiveness of the 's new

  7. Jun 25

    commander Hussein Ahmed Mhna died on June 19 of an illness, possibly cancer. He fought in where he met IRGC force commander Qassem Soleimani. He was buried in his hometown of Bint Jbeil

  8. Jun 23

    Just realized she put ads for her show over every pic of the victims. Stay classy

  9. Jun 22

    Pro-govt pages reported a small arms attack on |n govt checkpoint in the city of yesterday

  10. Jun 22

    141st Regiment of the 1st Division (a |n govt unit trained by ) using tarps to cover their artillery trucks - either in or Anyone whos followed this war knows the govt military uses equipment for everything from tents to vehicle covers

  11. Jun 22

    Rukmini somehow makes herself out to be the victim in a tweet about the victims of ISIS

  12. Jun 22

    Suheil Hassan w/ |n bodyguard & either a Maj General or Major in the Russian army squatting in front of Captain Sumer Hassan, commander of special forces units & unknown man. Possibly a recent pic from

  13. Jun 21

    Imagine being this stupid Literally every militia and SAA division with Russian training is involved in this offensive + the “””elite””” 4th Div...but no it’s just a probing attack.

  14. Jun 19

    The 11th Div is not a great division. It spent the entire war fighting in central mostly against It lost TEN division/brigade commanders/Chiefs of Staff since 2015. Most of the leadership today is inexperienced and new.

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  15. Jun 19

    These reinforcements were sent to the Jamalah/ front where they reported 2 deaths in yesterday’s failed opposition attack (both from the 67th Brigade)

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  16. Jun 19

    On June 10 the 60th Brig, 67th Brig & 135th Artillery Reg of the sent reinforcements to north W/ the arrival of the 67th and 135th, all brigades of the 11th Div now have components on the Hama front - the only Division to do so.

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  17. Jun 18

    This appointment may be connection to |n efforts to make the remaining 2 brigades of the 7th Div into "Special Forces" units. They've assigned EU-sanctioned Maj Gen Hussam Luka to oversee this transformation. Possible they hope this move brings more resources to 7th Div.

  18. Retweeted
    Jun 18

    several changes in the Republican Guards and the Special Forces by Assad in this thread: Appointing Brigadier General Milad Jadid as the new chief commander of the Special Forces, in Dec 2018 he was appointed Chief of Staff of the Republican Guards

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  19. Jun 17

    He was reported killed near النيارية east of & just south of Bishri mountains (still controlled by ) the same day claimed to kill 11 |n govt fighters in the region.

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  20. Jun 17

    A Sunni Kurdish “reserve” member of the 11th Division died in the last week. He was from the Rukn al-din neighborhood of Thx for the ethnicity ID.

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  21. Jun 14

    This is also planned to be used to rebuild the 14th & 15th Special Forces Divisions and old units of the Republican Guard. These are men that Suheil Hassan wants for the -Ayoub says no, marking a change in approach to Suheil from previous Def Minister END

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