(feat): OnChain boost updates
OnChain Boost Update:
Boost max increased to 10,000 views - this should almost be completed per Ben
OnChain boosts to have an icon+text showing OnChain boost and a clickable link to the Etherscan boost transaction (mockup below)
Users who boost OnChain 1 time get a badge icon for 7 days on profile (needs front end)
Link OnChain boost button to Etherscan transaction page
Update Boost prompt text and design
New Boost Prompt
OnChain Boost Icon and Badge
added 2 - Normal P - Boost S - Backlog T - Feature labels
changed milestone to %sprint: Ohms
changed title from (feat): Allow boost up to 25k but require onchain to (feat): Allow boost up to 20k but require onchain
changed the description
removed milestone
changed milestone to %sprint: Remind
assigned to @benhayward.ben
changed title from (feat): Allow boost up to 20k but require onchain to (feat): Allow boost up to 10k but require onchain
changed the description
changed weight to 10
added S - InProgress label and removed S - Backlog label
changed milestone to %sprint: Subscribers
removed S - InProgress label
added S - Follow Up label
removed milestone
- Developer
Functionality should be working and ready but planning needs to be done, @jotto141 let me know when this is to be resumed.
changed the description
changed title from (feat): Allow boost up to 10k but require onchain to (feat): OnChain boost updates
- Reporter
Added some extra requests for onchain that Bill and I discussed in more detail.
added to epic &4 (closed)
changed the description 2 times within 1 minute
changed the description 2 times within 1 minute
changed the description
mentioned in merge request front!210 (merged)
mentioned in issue #316 (closed)
mentioned in merge request !122 (merged)
changed the description 2 times within 2 minutes
changed the description 2 times within 10 minutes
changed the description 2 times within 5 minutes
mentioned in epic &4 (closed)
closed via merge request !122 (merged)
mentioned in commit 5efd71fe
mentioned in commit front@510f485b
changed milestone to %sprint: Aspiring Albatross
added S - Backlog label and removed S - Follow Up label
added S - InProgress label and removed S - Backlog label
changed epic to &42
- Developer
Okay, this had to wait a short while, as it's going to be necessary to detach the badges component first as outlined in &42
Else if any more than a handful of badges are displayed, any excess will overflow the container.
removed the weight
removed S - InProgress label
marked this issue as related to front#1086
changed milestone to %sprint: Dapper Dingo
added S - Backlog label
added 1 - High label
removed 2 - Normal label
changed weight to 6
added S - InProgress label and removed S - Backlog label
added S - Backlog label and removed S - InProgress label
removed S - Backlog label
- Developer
Awaiting the green light from @FaizanJKhan so moving to open.
changed milestone to %sprint: Elevated Eagle
added S - Backlog label
changed milestone to %sprint: Funny Frog
changed the description
marked the task OnChain boosts to have an icon+text showing OnChain boost and a clickable link to the Etherscan boost transaction (mockup below) as completed
- Developer
@markeharding I did thinking over the weekend after our chat Thursday. I was initially thinking to use a cron job, but now I'm thinking, we could put a redeem button on /tokens, that calls the backend and checks whether a user has more than X onchain boosts, then writes it into the entity if so. What do you think?
Unless we're going to be making some sort of special landing page for this, I presume we should also add a section to /tokens to show users that it exists. @FaizanJKhan any suggestions, text to put in, or anything to add?
removed S - Backlog label
added S - Backlog label
- Reporter
We will want to have a Notice on the sidebar announcing this, along with a blog post. I am not sure we need something on Minds.com/Token mentioning this, as the core functionality/messaging has not changed. These are just additions to the existing utility.
But I'll discuss with Jack if we need to redo parts of the token page. We can still do this release and add that after if need be. @benhayward.ben
Edited by Faizan Khan changed weight to 10
added S - InProgress label and removed S - Backlog label
- Developer
Okay chatted with Mark regarding this and know how to move forward. Unassigning the milestone because its been broken up #493 (closed)
removed milestone
marked this issue as related to #493 (closed)
- Owner
@FaizanJKhan @markeharding updated task for OnChain Boost completion
changed the description 4 times within 2 minutes
- Developer
Just a note, also got this pending here mobile-native#1001
marked this issue as related to mobile-native#1001