The brand concept is Arts of Living and Life of Arts. The main designs are William Morris, which are used from the collection at Victoria and Albert Museum, London.
Simply designs but focused on the best qualities which are combined with luxury and elegance.
Make from silk which is called "queen of fiber". It has excellent function on hygroscopicity, warmth and drape property.
豊かな弾力と心地良い肌ざわり 高品質のスプリングラムを使用し、本物の良さを実感いただけます
Using the high quality of spring lamb, it is a pleasant touch in elasticity rich
ご家庭でおふとんが丸ごと洗えて、干しやすさにも注目 清潔で快適な眠りをお届けします
The collections of the bedding which can be washed at home and can easy to dry. Can provide clean and comfortable sleeping.
横寝時の肩の楽さはそのままに 独自構造で体の部位に合わせて硬さを変えた敷きふとん
The bottom mattress has the structure with different hardness suitable for parts of the body, and feeling comfortable on shoulder during lying sideways.
強い繊維で、シャリ感・張り感があり通気性に優れる麻 日本の夏には欠かせない涼を感じる天然繊維です
Because hemp is a strong fiber and breathable material, feel quite pulpfree. It is a cool natural materials that are indispensable in the hot Japanese summer.
The bed made by beauty and fragrance of Tono hinoki and the formality of craftsmen. The fragrance of hinoki makes you like being in the forest and helps you have a more relaxing sleep.