International Conference on Men's Issues 2019

August 16, 17, 18th 2019, O'Hare International Airport, Chicago

$405-$1505 ON SALE!


The International Conference on Men’s Issues (ICMI) is a series of annual conferences dealing with social and legal issues that disproportionately affect men and boys.

This year’s conference is being held in the City of the Big Shoulders, Chicago Illinois and will feature thought leaders from across the world. This year’s hosts are Honey Badger Brigade.

From #metoo to the American Psychological Association’s guidelines pathologizing “masculinity” as harmful, to Gillette’s recent razor ad blaming all men for the actions of a damaged few, ideologically motivated groups have used unquestioned narratives of female victimhood to promote damaging stereotypes about men and boys, masculinity and men’s relationships to each other.

More than ever before, recognition of men’s issues is needed. Men and boys deserve compassion, they deserve consideration for their unique needs and they deserve our support.

Men and boys also deserve respect for their unique contributions to society and an end to the promotion of unkind stereotyping implicating them as harmful, abusive, toxic, selfish and hateful. We would not tolerate this directed towards any other group.

ICMI 2019 will have a focus on the implication of marginalizing men’s issues on the health and well-being of our greater society. We are entering into an era of unprecedented ideological conflict and by reducing men’s ability to take a positive identity from their masculinity we are encouraging young men to pursue ever more radical ideologies to find a place to belong. In turn we are also encouraging young women to embrace an identity as society’s victim rather than it’s equal co-creators.

For ICMI attendees the conferences have lasting impact, as advocates from across the planet congregate in a spirit of unity and common cause. Friendships and working alliances are forged that last into the future and result in more advocacy for those who need it.

Clear your calendar and make plans to attend. Purchase your seats now while they are at their lowest price, and get ready to become a part of history. Tickets can be found here. Ticket Layaways here. If you want to sponsor the convention or just help out with costs, go here.


  • J. Steven Svoboda

    J. Steven Svoboda

    In 1997, Steven Svoboda founded the non-profit Attorneys for the Rights of the Child to educate the world that children do not need to have their genitals cut, and he has presented to the United Nations on male circumcision. In 2013, he unofficially won a debate with a world-famous epidemiologist regarding the legality and ethics of male circumcision. He co-founded the Northern California Chapter of the National Coalition for Men (NCFM), the world’s oldest men’s rights organisation. In 2016, through his non-profit work, he met the love of his life, Gina Maria Mele Svoboda, and married her in July 2018. On New Year’s Eve 2018-2019, he led the submission to the United Nations of a third party intervention in a Finnish circumcision case.

  • Paul Elam

    Paul Elam A Voice for Men

    Paul is the founder of the International Conference on Men's Issues and the publisher of A Voice for Men, largely considered the online flagship of the men’s human rights movement. He is the coauthor of Say Goodbye to Crazy and produces educational videos for men.

  • Mike Buchanan

    Mike Buchanan j4mb

    Mike was the founder of the British political party Justice for Men & Boys in 2013, and continues to lead it. It remains the only party in the English-speaking world campaigning for the human rights of men and boys on many fronts. He’s the author of 10 books including one on the institution of marriage, ‘The Fraud of the Rings’ (2009), and ‘Feminism: The Ugly Truth’ (2016).

  • Philip Davies

    Philip Davies

    Philip has been the Conservative MP for Shipley, UK, since 2005. He’s a highly regarded advocate for men’s issues, the only such MP among 650 in the House of Commons. At ICMI16 he gave a talk titled, 'The Justice Gender Gap' based on research he did when investigating feminist claims of discrimination against women in the criminal justice system. He gained international notoriety by successfully arguing that a parliamentary debate on men’s issues should occur on International Men’s Day.

  • Harry Crouch

    Harry Crouch

    Harry Crouch, National Coalition For Men, President. Harry has over 45 years public, private and nonprofit program and business conceptualization, design, development, training, management, monitoring and consulting experience. He helped design and launch a San Diego Domestic Violence Council gender inclusive nondenominational faith-based domestic violence, education, outreach and referral program, perhaps the first of its kind to include men as victims. He oversees the operation of and helps guide and grow NCFM. By referral, he also, prepares parents for family court mediation, primarily high conflict cases.

  • Tom Golden

    Tom Golden Men Are Good

    Tom Golden, LCSW is a therapist and speaker who has given workshops on the masculine side of healing in the U.S., Australia, Canada and Europe. His work has been featured in the NY Times, the Washington Post, on CNN, CBS Evening News, ESPN, the NFL Channel and others. Tom served as vice chairman on the Maryland Commission for Men’s Health and lives outside Washington DC.

  • Don Dutton

    Don Dutton

    Don Dutton, Ph.D. is a Professor of Psychology at the University of British Columbia. He co-founded a court mandated treatment program for men convicted of wife assault in 1979, the data from which was incorporated into his research on domestic violence. He has published over 100 papers and five books, including the Domestic Assault of Women (1995), The Batterer: A Psychological Profile (1995), The Abusive Personality (2006), Rethinking Domestic Violence (2006) and The Psychology of Genocide (2007)). He has given talks to the World Bank, the U.S. Army and Department of Defense, the University of Washington Law School and the Senate of Canada. He serves as an expert witness in civil trials involving intimate abuse and in criminal trials involving family violence.

  • Diana Davison

    Diana Davison

    Diana Davison is co-founder of The Lighthouse Project, a Canadian non-profit that helps the falsely accused. In the last two years Lighthouse has helped over 150 people who are facing online accusations, preparing for criminal trial, or fighting wrongful convictions. Her work has been appreciated and supported by lawyers who recognized the justice gap being filled by Diana and the Lighthouse Project. Along with helping on individual cases, Diana is working with some of the these lawyers to enact legal changes that will restore due process rights for the accused.

  • Tim Goldich

    Tim Goldich

    Tim Goldich is an author who has devoted the last twenty-five years to researching, pondering, and writing a four-book series on gender issues. The first book—Loving Men, Respecting Women: The Future of Gender Politics—was published in 2011 and is available on The second book—Equal Partners: The History of Gender Equality—is due out in 2019. He has also created a series of YouTube videos under the umbrella title of “Man Against the Wall.” He is a board member of both the National Coalition For Men and of the ManKind Project, two organizations that variously support men politically and emotionally. He is president of the Chicago chapter of NCFM and former editor of NCFM’s Transitions: A Journal of Men’s Perspectives (the longest running journal of its kind). Goldich facilitates the personal growth work of men on New Warrior Training Adventure weekends, and of men and women on personal growth weekends called Path To Spirit. Tim’s latest venture is the founding a new Internet-based organization calling itself, Gender Equalists: Transforming gender political space for unity, fairness and forgiveness.

  • Elizabeth Hobson

    Elizabeth Hobson j4mb

    Elizabeth Hobson is an anti-feminist, libertarian, and the Director of Communications for J4MB. Elizabeth is a mother of two boys, and currently studying for a BA in History and Politics at the Open University. She calls herself an anti-feminist Gender Equality Activist, and she’s worked with Trigger Warning, The Liberty Belles and Ladies for Philip Davies, as well as being part of the organising team for the March for Men / Messages for Men conference in London in 2017 and 2018. Her areas of particular interest include the family and fathers’ rights, MGM, feminism and freedom. Elizabeth wants to end the Sex War – artificially constructed by feminists – and pursue a more just society based on classical liberal values such as liberty, equality and meritocracy.

  • Marc Angelucci

    Marc Angelucci NCFM

    Marc E. Angelucci, Esq. is a Los Angeles attorney who practices civil litigation and appellate advocacy and has taken on high profile cases involving paternity fraud and male victims of domestic violence. He formed the L.A. chapter of the National Coalition for Men and has served as it's president.

  • Allen Frantzen

    Allen Frantzen

    He is the author of Modern Masculinity: A Guide for Men (2016), translated as La Masculinidad Moderna: Guía Para El Hombre (2017), and Beyond the Ring: Fighting to Find the Whole Man (forthcoming).

  • DeAnna Lorraine

    DeAnna Lorraine @DeannaLorraine7

    DeAnna is known as the “Red-Pilled Relationship & Dating Coach,” because she is the only dating & relationship expert that talks about & addresses with the REAL issues that are affecting men, women, dating and our intimate love lives and relationships. She wrote the book on it and she is a revolutionary Thought Leader on these issues. She throws out political correctness and tells it like it is, always.

  • Bettina Arndt

    Bettina Arndt @thebettinaarndt

    Bettina trained as a clinical psychologist before becoming well known as one of Australia’s first sex therapists. She then became a respected social commentator focussing mainly on gender issues and was invited onto government advisory committees including many on family law. Bettina’s day job is currently online dating coaching but she’s still campaigning for the cultural dialogue in Australia to include proper focus on men’s issues.

  • Shawn T. Smith

    Shawn T. Smith

    Shawn is a clinical psychologist in Denver, Colorado. He's the author of “The Tactical Guide to Women: How Men Can Manage Risk In Dating and Marriage.” Men face particular risks in today’s sexual marketplace. Shawn offers men solid strategies for avoiding life-altering errors and averting train wrecks before they start.

  • Robby Soave

    Robby Soave

    Robby Soave is an associate editor at Reason. He enjoys writing about culture, politics, education policy, criminal justice reform, television, and video games. His work has also appeared in The New York Times, The Daily Beast, U.S. News & World Report, The Orange County Register, and The Detroit News. In 2016, Forbes named him to the '30 Under 30' list in the category of law and policy. In 2017, he became a Novak Fellow at The Fund for American Studies. He also serves on the D.C. Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. His first book, 'Panic Attack: Young Radicals in the Age of Trump', is currently available for pre-order.

  • Philip W. Cook

    Philip W. Cook

    Former award-winning daily radio and television broadcast journalist Philip W. Cook is the author of Abused Men-The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence (ABC-Clio Second Edition 2009-Greenwood/Praeger First Edition 1997). He is the author of the 2013 book, When Women Sexually Abuse Men-The Hidden Side of Rape, Stalking, Harassment and Sexual Assault with criminologist Tammy Hodo, PhD. He is the co-author of articles in several peer-reviewed journals such as The Journal for Human Behavior in the Social Environment, The Journal of Elder Abuse, and New Male Studies. He has appeared on hundreds of radio stations, and many nationally broadcast television shows, as well as in numerous publications and in both local and national wire services, (Associated Press/ Canadian Associated Press) as well as daily newspapers.

  • Benjamin Boyce

    Benjamin Boyce boyceofreason

    Benjamin Boyce entered the Culture War discourse when, two weeks before he graduated from The Evergreen State College in Spring of 2017, the campus suffered an extreme intersectional breakdown, live-streamed by student protestors who took faculty hostage, performed impromptu struggle sessions, and roamed about with baseball bats, assaulting students with differing views. As the mainstream and independent media were only detailing the outburst itself, and not what caused it, Benjamin began uploading and dissecting the far-left faculty trainings, student orientations, and guest speakers which fomented—sometimes explicitly—this miniature cultural revolution. He now has over 80 videos on Evergreen and is building an archive of interviews on race, gender, sexuality, religion, and various academic disciplines, which discussions model open dialogue, heterodox viewpoints, and careful consideration of contentious topics.

  • Markus Meechan


    Markus Meechan CountDankulaTV

    Markus Meechan, AKA “Count Dankula” was once a little known Scottish bloke with a silly sense of humour and a tiny YouTube channel. That all changed one day when he decided to play a prank on his girlfriend and train her pug, Buddha, to “be a nazi”. When the video of his dog training regime unexpectedly went viral, the UK press and police came knocking. After being convicted of making a “grossly offensive” communication online, Markus has become a globally recognized figurehead of the free speech movement, and a certified “enemy of the people” to intersectional SJWs everywhere.

  • Desi-Rae Campbell

    Desi-Rae Campbell JustThinkingOutLoudTV

    Desi-Rae is the host of Just Thinking Out Loud, a video and audio series geared towards social and political commentary. With the growth of political correctness and cultural debate through social media, she has been speaking on the topics of identity politics and free speech from her context as an immigrant to the Unites States. Her unique commentary touches on race, gender, culture, second amendment rights, and more. She is also involved in the cryptocurrency space with a focus on privacy and data, and is an artist.

  • Micah Curtis

    Micah Curtis MindOfMicahC

    Micah Curtis is a freelance writer, podcaster, and soon to be comic book writer who specializes in entertainment. He's written for websites such as Truth Revolt, HollywoodInToto, Bleeding Fool, and Blistered Thumbs, and is the host of the weekly podcast Micah and The Hatman.

  • Jonathan Taylor

    Jonathan Taylor Jonathan Taylor

    A former instructor at Texas A&M, Jonathan Taylor is the founder of Title IX For All, a data-driven advocacy platform that advocates gender equity in education. Jonathan and his wife Samay Molina manage the platform daily. As of 2019, their primary role is to assist students, parents, advocates, education professionals, attorneys, and others regarding litigation aimed at ensuring students accused of Title IX-related offenses (sexual misconduct, dating violence, etc.) are treated fairly.

  • Robert Franklin

    Robert Franklin

    Robert Franklin is an attorney at law and the former Executive Editor of the Houston Law Review. Franklin writes commentary on our family law system and other related men's issues. He is a journalist for the National Parents Organization (formerly Fathers and Families) a shared parenting and family law reform advocacy group. Franklin is also a periodic contributor to A Voice for Men.

  • Aydin Paladin

    Aydin Paladin @AydinPaladin

    Aydin Paladin is a libertarian political commentator, independent researcher, and men’s rights advocate with an emphasis on human communication and media psychology. She is a PhD student, having obtained a Master’s in Communication studies with a focus on digital worlds and their intersection with group identity. Aydin creates videos designed to serve as edutainment via in-depth exploration of relevant findings in the social sciences and their application to current events in politics, particularly as it applies to issues of intergroup conflict across race, sex, culture and ideology.

  • Kursat Christoff Pekgoz

    Kursat Christoff Pekgoz

    Kursat Christoff Pekgoz is a Title IX activist fighting for equal rights in American academia. He has filed a series of complaints against various institutions, including USC and Yale and Princeton, which were accepted for investigation by the Department of Education. He tries to help other men combat gender discrimination in his spare time. He also has a proud record for defending the civil rights of ethnic and religious minorities against the tyranny of Islamic fundamentalists. He is doing his best to continue his politically incorrect advocacy despite various forms of smear and retaliation.

  • Sonja Schmidt

    Sonja Schmidt

    For over 20 years Sonja Schmidt worked as a television Comedy Writer and Producer on networks including FOX, NBC, ABC, The WB, BET, and The Disney Channel with some of Hollywood’s most talented, yet politically maladjusted stars. It was during that time she revealed she was a registered Republican. After being kicked out of Hollywood she went on to write, host and produce her own political internet show for Pajamas Media entitled, “Left Exposed”. She also performed nation-wide with Evan Sayet’s “Right to Laugh” comedy troupe, the role of Michelle Obama in Laura Ingram’s comedy stage production of “The Obama Diaries”, and various lovable and highly respected characters from the political world such as Sheila Jackson Lee, Maxine Waters, and Al Sharpton in Ms. Schmidt’s two-woman comedy production entitled, “Ladies of the Right”. She’s authored a fun children’s book assuaging fears stoked by the Left about global warming, “Deb and Seby’s Real Deal on Global Warming”. Her next book, “Left It” addresses her life, her adventures in Hollywood and how they led to her becoming the card-carrying Conservative she is today.

  • Carl Benjamin


    Carl Benjamin Sargon of Akkad

    Carl Benjamin came into public prominence (and infamy) via his YouTube channel “Sargon of Akkad”. His embrace of classical liberalism and Enlightenment values, and his opposition to identitarian politics and authoritarian governance, has made him a controversial figure in Britain and across the globe. Benjamin was banned from crowdfunding website Patreon last year after using socially taboo language while debating against white supremacists. The ban spurred an exodus of creators large and small from the platform in protest of corporate censorship, including cultural icons Sam Harris and Jordan B Peterson.

  • Janice Fiamengo


    Janice Fiamengo @JaniceFiamengo

    Janice Fiamengo, creator of the Fiamengo File YouTube series at Studio Brulé, is a writer, professor of English, and advocate for men’s issues, free speech, and western culture generally. She teaches literature at the University of Ottawa and is the author of The Woman’s Page (2007), a study of early Canadian female journalists, as well as of numerous periodical essays and edited books. She has also published online articles criticizing feminism and political correctness in magazines such as PJ Media and FrontPage. She lives in the Thousand Islands region of Ontario with her husband, poet and songwriter David Solway.

  • Martin Evison

    Martin Evison

    Martin Evison is Professor in Forensic Science at Northumbria University in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England. He studied genetics and archaeology, and worked outside academia for six years in IT, ultimately combining this in forensic human identification. He has undertaken casework in five Continents and has experience of Higher Education in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the UK. Martin presented to ICMI16 on 'Ideology as a Threat to Due Process and the Presumption of Innocence', and continues to hope that evidence—rather than dogma—can underpin policy formulation in higher education, health and the justice system, and play its proper role in the courtroom.

More presenters and guests at large to come!

Conference Hosts

  • Alison Tieman

    Alison Tieman @typhonblue

    Alison Tieman is the founder of Honey Badger Radio, the longest running and most popular podcast with a men’s rights focus. She received a bachelor in Media Arts and Digital Technologies from the Alberta College of Art and Design and Masters in Environmental Design from the University of Calgary, her thesis on Haptic Design received the department’s award for best thesis in 2012. She believes our tendency to sacrifice men rather than face our problems is a keystone habit that, when challenged, unlocks tremendous growth potential in organizations and societies.

  • Karen Straughan

    Karen Straughan @girlwriteswhat

    Karen Straughan is an anti-feminist and men’s rights advocate who achieved international notoriety through her YouTube channel, “girlwriteswhat”, which boasts more than 200,000 subscribers and nearly 19 million video views. She’s a contributor to Honey Badger Radio and has presented at events hosted by the Canadian Association for Equality, Students for Liberty, the Free State Project, Civitas Canada, the National Coalition for men, Freedom Talk Alberta, and the Libertarian Parties of New York State and Wisconsin. She has been a presenter at all previous International Conferences on Men’s Issues, and was the keynote speaker at ICMI18.

  • Brian Martinez

    Brian Martinez Honey Badger Brigade

    As a host at Honey Badger Radio, Brian Martinez discusses news topics related to men’s issues and also interviews people with a wide range of professions and interests. Some of Brian’s Fireside Chat guests include documentarian Cassie Jaye, Dr. Jordan Peterson, comedian Owen Benjamin and Youtube personalities such as Sargon of Akkad and Dave Cullen.


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ICMI 2019 is organized by Honey Badger Brigade, in affiliation with A Voice For Men and Justice for Men and Boys. The International Conference on Men Issues was founded by A Voice for Men in 2014.

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Stand up and be counted at the International Conference on Men's issues! Your support shows the world that these issues matter. Purchase your ticket for ICMI 2019 today!