[Sprint/HipsterHedgehog] (feat): clicks on etag blur should propagate to remind and viceversa
closes #1444
0/1 discussion resolved
61 61 62 62 <div m-read-more class="mdl-card__supporting-text message m-mature-message" [class.m-activity--message-remind]="activity.remind_object" 63 63 [hidden]="!activity.message || editing"> 64 <a class="m-mature-text-toggle" (click)="activity.mature_visibility = !activity.mature_visibility" 64 <a class="m-mature-text-toggle" (click)="toggleMatureVisibility()" 65 65 *ngIf="attachment.shouldBeBlurred(activity) || attachment.isForcefullyShown(activity)" 66 66 [ngClass]="{ 'mdl-color-text--red-500': attachment.isForcefullyShown(activity) }"> - Maintainer
Looks like this already exists, so this isn't a required change, just a question.
What the hell is "isForcefullyShown()"?
approved this merge request