Commit 9dc4d33a authored by Mark Harding's avatar Mark Harding

(fix): use combineLatest to ensure obversables are in sync for hasMore

1 merge request!373Refactor/es feeds
Pipeline #67753368 running with stage
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import FeedsSync from '../../lib/minds-sync/services/FeedsSync.js';
import hashCode from "../../helpers/hash-code";
import AsyncStatus from "../../helpers/async-status";
import { BehaviorSubject, Observable, of, forkJoin } from "rxjs";
import { BehaviorSubject, Observable, of, forkJoin, combineLatest } from "rxjs";
import { take, switchMap, map, tap } from "rxjs/operators";
export type FeedsServiceGetParameters = {
......@@ -68,9 +68,14 @@ export class FeedsService {
this.hasMore = this.rawFeed.pipe(
map(feed => {
return this.inProgress.getValue() || (this.limit.getValue() + this.offset.getValue()) < feed.length;
this.hasMore = combineLatest(this.rawFeed, this.inProgress, this.limit, this.offset).pipe(
map(values => {
const feed = values[0];
const inProgress = values[1];
const limit = values[2];
const offset = values[3];
return inProgress
? true : (limit + offset) <= feed.length;
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