1 | -> "''Music is a safe kind of high.''"²-->-- '''Music/JimiHendrix'''²----²[[index]]²* AwesomeMusic/BigBadBosses²* AwesomeMusic/BoBurnham²* AwesomeMusic/{{Brentalfloss}}²* AwesomeMusic/{{Classical}}²** AwesomeMusic/JohannSebastianBach²** AwesomeMusic/BelaBartok²** AwesomeMusic/LudwigVanBeethoven²** AwesomeMusic/JohannesBrahms²** AwesomeMusic/AntonBruckner²** AwesomeMusic/FryderykChopin²** AwesomeMusic/ClaudeDebussy²** AwesomeMusic/AntoninDvorak²** AwesomeMusic/EdwardElgar²** AwesomeMusic/GeorgeFredericHandel²** AwesomeMusic/JosephHaydn²** AwesomeMusic/FranzLiszt²** AwesomeMusic/GustavMahler²** AwesomeMusic/FelixMendelssohn²** AwesomeMusic/WolfgangAmadeusMozart²** AwesomeMusic/SergeiProkofiev²** AwesomeMusic/GiacomoPuccini²** AwesomeMusic/SergeiRachmaninoff²** AwesomeMusic/MauriceRavel²** AwesomeMusic/GioachinoRossini²** AwesomeMusic/FranzSchubert²** AwesomeMusic/RobertSchumann²** AwesomeMusic/DmitriShostakovich²** AwesomeMusic/PyotrIlyichTchaikovsky²** AwesomeMusic/GiuseppeVerdi²** AwesomeMusic/AntonioVivaldi²* AwesomeMusic/{{Country}}²** AwesomeMusic/TaylorSwift²* AwesomeMusic/{{Electronic}}²** AwesomeMusic/AphexTwin²** AwesomeMusic/{{Aviators}}²** AwesomeMusic/{{Current 93}}²** AwesomeMusic/DaftPunk²** AwesomeMusic/TheLivingTombstone²** AwesomeMusic/NickBertke²** AwesomeMusic/{{Pendulum}}²** AwesomeMusic/TheProdigy²** AwesomeMusic/TangerineDream²** AwesomeMusic/{{Vangelis}}²** AwesomeMusic/WoodenToaster²* AwesomeMusic/HardRock (Includes Glam Rock)²** AwesomeMusic/{{ACDC}}²** AwesomeMusic/DeepPurple²** AwesomeMusic/GunsNRoses²** AwesomeMusic/{{Queen}}²** AwesomeMusic/StatusQuo²** AwesomeMusic/SteelPanther²* AwesomeMusic/HeavyMetal²** AwesomeMusic/BlackSabbath²** AwesomeMusic/{{Darkthrone}}²** AwesomeMusic/DeathMetal²** AwesomeMusic/IronMaiden²** AwesomeMusic/{{Isis}}²** AwesomeMusic/JudasPriest²** AwesomeMusic/MarilynManson²** AwesomeMusic/{{Metallica}}²** AwesomeMusic/NineInchNails²** AwesomeMusic/PowerMetal²*** AwesomeMusic/{{Helloween}}²*** AwesomeMusic/{{Kamelot}}²*** AwesomeMusic/{{Nightwish}}²*** AwesomeMusic/RhapsodyOfFire²*** AwesomeMusic/{{Sabaton}}²*** AwesomeMusic/{{Therion}}²** AwesomeMusic/{{Primus}}²** AwesomeMusic/{{Rammstein}}²* AwesomeMusic/{{Mashups}}²* AwesomeMusic/{{National Anthem}}s²* AwesomeMusic/{{Pop}}²** AwesomeMusic/{{Aha}}²** AwesomeMusic/{{BTS}}²** AwesomeMusic/{{EXO}}²** AwesomeMusic/{{Infinite}}²** AwesomeMusic/{{Loona}}²** AwesomeMusic/MichaelJackson²** AwesomeMusic/{{Prince}}²** AwesomeMusic/RedVelvet²** AwesomeMusic/SimonAndGarfunkel²** AwesomeMusic/{{VIXX}}²* AwesomeMusic/{{Progressive}} (Both Prog. Rock and Prog. Metal)²** AwesomeMusic/{{Ayreon}}²** AwesomeMusic/DreamTheater²** AwesomeMusic/{{Genesis}}²** AwesomeMusic/KingCrimson²** AwesomeMusic/{{Mastodon}}²** AwesomeMusic/{{Meshuggah}}²** AwesomeMusic/PeterGabriel²** AwesomeMusic/PinkFloyd²** AwesomeMusic/TheProtomen²** AwesomeMusic/{{Rush}}²* AwesomeMusic/{{Punk}}²** AwesomeMusic/DollSkin²** AwesomeMusic/GreenDay²* AwesomeMusic/PostPunk²* AwesomeMusic/{{Rap}} (Also Hip-Hop, Soul, R&B, etc.)²** AwesomeMusic/BeastieBoys²** AwesomeMusic/ChildishGambino²** AwesomeMusic/DeathGrips²** AwesomeMusic/KanyeWest²* AwesomeMusic/{{Rock}}²** AwesomeMusic/TheBeachBoys²** AwesomeMusic/TheBeatles²** AwesomeMusic/BrianWilson²** AwesomeMusic/{{Coldplay}}²** AwesomeMusic/DavidBowie²** AwesomeMusic/ElvisPresley²** AwesomeMusic/FooFighters²** AwesomeMusic/FreeBand²** AwesomeMusic/{{Gorillaz}}²** AwesomeMusic/TheGratefulDead²** AwesomeMusic/ImagineDragons²** AwesomeMusic/{{Kent}}²** AwesomeMusic/LinkinPark²** AwesomeMusic/{{Muse}}²** AwesomeMusic/{{Nirvana}}²** AwesomeMusic/TheNational²** AwesomeMusic/ThePolice²** AwesomeMusic/TheProclaimers²** AwesomeMusic/ProjectR²** AwesomeMusic/QueensOfTheStoneAge²** AwesomeMusic/{{Radiohead}}²** AwesomeMusic/RedHotChiliPeppers²** AwesomeMusic/RedVox²** AwesomeMusic/TheReplacements²** AwesomeMusic/TheSmashingPumpkins²** AwesomeMusic/{{Sparks}}²** AwesomeMusic/TheyMightBeGiants²** AwesomeMusic/PaulWilliams²** AwesomeMusic/FrankZappa²[[/index]]²²[[foldercontrol]]²²[[folder:Drum Corps]]²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXWTXSXUi7U Santa Clara]] [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nQc_aiqWrg Vanguard 1989]].²* Star of Indiana 1990 - [[http://www.dci.org/news/view.cfm?news_id=8f609051-fb2f-4ffc-b0ea-62cf905675da "Belshazzar's Feast" by William Walton]]. Majestic and powerful in the extreme!²* Space chords in general.²** Especially with the [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkLbTxUhbUc Blue Devils hornline]] in 2004.²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PECUpJuUeAQ 1988 Madison Scouts]]. A mellophone pulls off trumpet range (well, the "equivalent" of a mello and trumpet at the time).²** Their performance of "Malaguena" will still peel your face off. And they won the DCI Championship that year, beating even the previously undefeated Blue Devils.²* The Madison Scouts' [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee00oCVR-Lw performance]] of "You'll Never Walk Alone". EXTREMELY powerful stuff.²[[/folder]]²²[[folder:Folk and Filk]]²* The music of Stan Rogers is always good, but [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fT-aEcPgkuA&t=1m40s "The Mary Ellen Carter"]] is the essence of '''gar'''.²-->And you to whom adversity has dealt the final blow²-->With smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go²-->Turn to, and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain²-->And, like the Mary Ellen Carter, rise again!²** So awesome, in fact, it was the SurvivalMantra that [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mary_Ellen_Carter saved a man's life when his ship sunk 30 miles off the coast of Virginia in a heavy storm]].²* Leslie Fish's [[http://www.prometheus-music.com/audio/hopeeyrie.mp3 "Hope Eyrie"]] (there performed by Julia Ecklar) is hopeful, and saddening, and beautiful. No surprise it's a [[http://www.ovff.org/pegasus/songs/hope-eyrie.html Pegasus Award Winner]].²* Mumford & Sons: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLJf9qJHR3E "Little Lion Man"]] and [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNy8llTLvuA "The Cave"]].²** There hasn't been a band with so much emotion and poetry in their music in a long, long time. Just listen to [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_Od0PJp6GI "White Blank Page"]]. You can ''hear'' the grit in his voice!²** Not to mention their performance at the 2011 Grammys alongside the Avett Brothers and Bob Dylan. [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6djpCo5Ib0s Look at their faces.]] That's joy, right there.²** [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaIZhKkgteA "Hopeless Wanderer""]]. Mumford & Sons just [[UpToEleven topped themselves.]]²* Laura Marling. [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18CMUs-XBFY "Rambling Man"]], [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLIaVfh33EM "Ghosts"]], and [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpITaUMgsyw "Night Terror"]].²** Mumford and Sons used to be her backing band... then they got famous instead. Now Laura's becoming more famous, however, which is awesome.²* Gordon Lightfoot made many great songs, but his most famous, and what he considers his finest has to be mentioned here. Ladies and gentlemen, we present: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgI8bta-7aw The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald]].²* "The House of the Rising Sun," a traditional folk song which has seen many renditions, most famously by British blues rock group The Animals. There are also renditions by Music/BobDylan, Music/DollyParton, and most Music/FiveFingerDeathPunch. The first four lines of the song are also used in "The Saints are Coming" by the Scottish punk band The Skids.²* It may be stuck in the ''Twilight'' ghetto, but Iron & Wine's "Flightless Bird, American Mouth" is too pretty not to like. Sam Beam's voice is heavenly.²* "The Foggy Dew", an Irish ballad with many renditions. It's amazing. "The world did gaze, with deep amaze, at those fearless men but few who bore the fight that freedom's light might shine through the foggy dew."²* Californian Americana band [[http://www.thesilentcomedy.com/ The Silent Comedy]] have a number of these songs to their name, despite their limited recognition and audience. Early on in their career, before the departure of band violinist Ian Kesterson, TSC gave us the likes of [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmKZO-A7QLA "Victory"]], a sweet but no less soaring fiddle number, and the wonderfully-gritty [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoP5NGLsWR0 "Bartholomew"]], since made famous by ''VideoGame/DarkSouls''. Since then, their sound has become darker, harder, and bluesier, giving us songs such as [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTL-rDTR8Wc "Blood on the Rails"]], a historical piece about worker exploitation. Of all of their songs, though, their straight-up ''coolest'' may very well be the pounding, riff-heavy, and inexplicably sinister [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pce9OYqBxDg "Light of Day"]].²[[/folder]]²²[[folder:Gospel, Hymns, and Other Religious Music]]²* A few Christian hymns qualify. "God of Our Fathers", [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozThleyXdVQ "Thy Strong Word"]], and [[http://www.cyberhymnal.org/htm/b/u/builton.htm "Built on the Rock"]] among others. (That last one requires a browser with MIDI support).²** [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNf0K1y7kGM "The Judgement"]]. This song is... Wow. The powerful singing, the sweeping, uplifting music, and the power in the sheer feeling of it! YES!²** Also [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_T0R8uOHTQ "Battle Hymn of the Republic"]] is great, if only for the brilliant lyrics by Julia Ward Howe:²-->He is coming like the glory of the morning on the wave²-->He is Wisdom to the mighty, He is honor to the brave²-->So the world shall be His footstool, and the soul of Time His slave²-->Our God is marching on.²* The Tridentine Mass of the Roman Catholic Church boasts a lot of awesome sung prayers. In fact there are many arrangements in each of them. These Gregorian Chants are topnotchers in doing so.²** [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PJlq2da49Y Asperges Me Domine]] (Sprinkle Me O' Lord) which is used in the blessing of the congregation with holy water as the priest passes through them is astoundingly solemn and full of reverence.²*** [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jWSxtJHJQg The Dan Gibson version]] adds calmness, complete with mother nature's sounds.²** The Nicene Creed [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8AbGCuaQFk Credo III]].²*** [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVTSgopK_NM The Dan Gibson version]] is astoundingly calm and awesome to listen.²* "How Great Thou Art".²* [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/This_Is_My_Song_%281934_song%29 "This Is My Song"]] is set to the so-called [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finlandia_Hymn "Finlandia Hymn"]], a rare calm and serene section from Jean Sibelius' otherwise bombastically-awesome ''Finlandia'' overture. Also a rare good example of LyricalDissonance, taking a tune from a strongly-nationalistic song and putting words to it praying for international co-operation.²* The [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usfiAsWR4qU "Halleujah"]] chorus from Handel's ''Messiah''. A surprisingly epic work.²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boGPlwlw3zQ "The First Noel"]], a truly magnificent composition.²** From the same time of year, "O Holy Night!"²*** Try the [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKlOYWwgRo8 Martina McBride]] version. Wow...²** Sticking with Christmas carols, "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen" especially as done by Music/TransSiberianOrchestra, and "Do You Hear What I Hear?".²** {{SHeDAISY}}'s version of [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v77O460dDLw "Jingle Bells"]] and [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivfH5c2bq64 "Deck The Halls"]].²* The hymn "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" tells the story of a climactic battle between the forces of Good on Earth and all the devils in Hell. Just as things are looking bad, the music reaches its final verse, where the organ kicks it into high gear as Jesus comes onto the battlefield and utterly routs Satan.²** For even more awesome, try John Rutter's arrangement, with an 80-voice choir, organ, and orchestra. The third verse is just the men singing, in a minor key, and sounds as dark as hell itself. The fourth verse builds back up to full power in triumph and joy.²** "The body they may kill, God's truth abide the still, His kingdom is forever."²* Ladies and gentlemen... [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoJz2SANTyo "Amazing Grace"]].²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uslytyVrWFw "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing"]], sung by one of the undisputed rulers of choral music.²* Pick an Evensong hymn, any Evensong hymn. They can be so incredibly peaceful when sung correctly — to the point that it's almost impossible to go away from Evensong feeling angry for any reason. [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Mfumq24RE0 "Abide With Me"]] and [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pigh8VHr-ZE "The Day Thou Gavest"]] are particularly favoured, the latter because of the imagery of the world rolling onward "into light" while we sleep, while elsewhere, others are waking, and those already awake keep watch.²* [=MercyMe's=] [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWMk_MoFTFM "I Can Only Imagine"]] asks God what happen when we finally meet Him.²* "Were You There?" is the sweetest, simplest, most plaintive Easter song in existence. Find a simple arrangement, and let it break your heart.²* There's a style of gospel hymn from the old revivals that are meant to be sung by a lot of people with a lot of enthusiasm, and some of them are pure Awesome Moments. In particular:²** "To God Be the Glory".²** "When the Roll is Called Up Yonder".²** "Wonderful Grace of Jesus", with a chorus that splits into two melodies, the men singing a deep, rumbling ostinato, and the women joining in with a descant, building in volume, until the two voices meet at the end in three triumphant chords. Pure win.²* "Agnus Dei" by Michael W. Smith. The text is a scant two quotes from [[Literature/TheBible John's Revelation]] and a simple tune, but with the right voice and the right backup it's got this ethereal quality that sounds like heaven.²* "The Doxology"... short, sweet, to the point and it gives any listener goosebumps every time.²* The Navy Hymn, a/k/a "Eternal Father, Strong to Save" is probably one of the most comforting ones out there.²** "Whose arm doth bind the restless waves", indeed.²*** Wiki/TheOtherWiki lists a large number of [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_Father,_Strong_to_Save variant verses]] that can be plugged into this hymn for many petitions on behalf of not only the military, but military families, astronauts, doctors and others. There are even [[HypocriticalHumor a few that plead for people to stop writing new verses]].²* "Faith of Our Fathers," especially if you're Roman Catholic.²* Anything by the late Moses Hogan, who arranges spirituals for full choirs completely a capella. Particularly awesome pieces include "Battle of Jericho", "Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel?", and "Elijah Rock".²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tyTErGO538 "Kedushah"]] is an immensely powerful prayer, building to a crescendo of "ANI ADONAI ELOHEICHEM!" (I AM THE LORD YOUR GOD!)²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uc01ASDJT8 "Nearer My God to Thee"]] aka the soundtrack to the sinking of the RMS Titanic.²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4_i-6QPjZ0 "Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah"]]. It's downright goosebump-inducing when there's a strong bass singer to back up the congregation singing it.²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Pmj3iCDxqk "Yehei Yehei"]] by The Chevra. It's just five words, "yehei shlama rabba min shemayah" (May there be abundant peace from heaven), repeated through the entire song, but DAMN if it isn't catchy! Also makes awesome dance music.²* While it could qualify as Video Game music, Music/ChristopherTin's arrangement of the Lord's Prayer in Swahili ([[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJiHDmyhE1A "Baba Yetu"]]), used as the start theme for ''VideoGame/{{Civilization}} IV'', is amazing, no matter what footage it's set to.²* It my not be very well known, but "Jesus Freak" by dcTalk is one of the best examples of the genre; and it's CHRISTIAN ROCK!²* No Easter Sunday would be complete without "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today" / "Christ The Lord Is Risen Today".²* Put your headphones on and be swept away by the amazing sound of ''Sacred Harp'' shape-note hymns, even if you're not religious: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExIiaoqoFjM North Port (A Seat in Paradise)]]. Fans of ''Film/ColdMountain'' will remember [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJPdvitbOMU "Idumea"]] and [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgnpJiMHJfE I'm Going Home]].²* "You're the Lion of Judah" and "Days of Elijah" by Robin Mark.²* Russian Orthodox music also deserves a mention, for several reasons. One, there is a tradition of Oktavists. They are like a ''BassoProfondo'', except [[UpToEleven even lower]]. Two, it includes full voicing, including regular tenors, baritones, bass-baritones, basses, and bassos profondos, in addition to the Oktavists. HOWEVER, the Oktavist, of which there is usually only a small number singing or in the building, will often be louder and easier to hear than any of the other singers. Perhaps is this nowhere more evident than in the work of the late Vladimir Pasjukov, and, perhaps, no song shows this as much as [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sN4TbjI4F74 "Abandon Me Not In My Old Age"]]. This performance in particular is especially awesome, as this song is normally sung by two or three oktavists. [[SugarWiki/MomentOfAwesome Pasjukov is not backed up by any other Oktavists or any amplification. THAT IS ALL HIM.]] As one of the deepest-voiced oktavists, and one of the deepest-voiced men of all time, his passing is one that, unfortunately, passed under the radar. For a man who can sing so powerfully and beautifully not to be better-known in the west is truly [[TearJerker sad]].²* "The Holy City" by Stephen Adams and Frederic Weatherly. [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28LIXGF2d1o With]] or [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DPms3Vjyo0 without lyrics]], it's amazing.²* The oldest complete, readable piece of music, now known only as [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpxN2VXPMLc Hurrian hymn number 6]].²* "By Faith" by Keith and Kristen Getty. "By faith this mountain shall be moved, and the power of the gospel shall prevail. For we know, in Christ all things are possible for all who call on his name."²* After a concert in Wuppertal, Germany, the Icelandic indie band Árstíðir passed the time by singing a 13th century Icelandic hymn titled "Heyr himna smiður" ("Hear, Smith of the Heavens") [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4dT8FJ2GE0 in the middle of the railway station]]. The cathedral-like acoustics of the station make it a sound to behold.²[[/folder]]²²[[folder:Grunge]]²* "Call my name / through the dream / and I'll hear you scream again... BLACK HOLE SUN, WON'T YOU COME".²** Also, "Spoonman" is the best song off of ''Superunknown''.²** [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9318WhMQr18 "Live to Rise"]].²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpH5i3xD7tA "Rooster"]] by Music/AliceInChains.²** "Would?" is as awesome, and the Opeth cover is EPIC.²** Also "I Stay Away".²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vcz_Nr1jd4c "Touch Me I'm Sick"]] by Music/{{Mudhoney}}.²* Music/PearlJam's live version of "Even Flow", from Live at Lollapalooza 2007. Amazing.²** [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxxR2iUc2r4 "Save You"]].²** [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hs8y3kneqrs "Yellow Ledbetter"]].²* Hole's ''Celebrity Skin'' album is amazing, especially the title track and "Reasons To Be Beautiful". "Live Through This" is also a worthy addition to a music collection. Say what you will about Music/CourtneyLove, but Hole is awesome.²* Music/StoneTemplePilots may have gotten flak for sounding too much like Nirvana with their first album, ''Core'', but on the follow-up, ''Purple'', they proved their mettle with songs like [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqyposaQWnI "Big Empty"]]. EpicRiff, incredibly tight rhythm section, and the amazing vocal performance by Scott Weiland just seals the deal.²[[/folder]]²²[[folder:Jazz]]²* Music/DukeEllington. Period. He's the one who first showed that jazz could be taken seriously apart from pop music and he was the guy Gershwin listened to for inspiration not to mention he may have the record for compositions by '''any''' American composer...and that's not even enough to be considered a ''short'' intro!²** ''The Harlem Suite'' probably takes the cake here, with his swelling blues from the start to the cool swing, and back to the moody blues culminating into a awesome, jazzy, and slow march to the end. Bonus points for having been (at least initially) commissioned by Arturo Toscanini, and being a jazz piece that has been, and is still, played by classical orchestras today.²* As if Pharaoh Sanders and John Hicks weren't amazing enough already, they came together and made [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eeBaIUrdec "You Got to Have Freedom"]], which is just too amazing for words. The intro alone is a minute straight of John Hicks working wonders, and that's before the vocals kick in.²** "Creator has a Masterplan" certainly applies too.²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1U40xBSz6Dc "Rhapsody in Blue"]].²** [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zIe8FzV74U "Concerto in F, 3rd Movement"]].²** Since we're talking Gershwin... [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_XMUvnT_aQ "Cuban Overture"]] is ten minutes of pure ''fiesta''. And the ending ''will'' make you want to get up and dance.²* Most songs by the Puppini Sisters. Not even related in real life, these three ladies are putting the swing sound of 1940s pop music into songs like "Walk Like An Egyptian", "Heart Of Glass", and "Crazy In Love".²* Bobby Darin's version of [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgykWqMh4V0 "Mack the Knife"]]. The ending is so badass it hurts.²* Listening to Music/CharlesMingus' "Haitian Fight Song" turns panty-waisted poindexters into switchblade-flicking badasses, and makes plain women gain a cup size and a bad (but sultry) smoking habit. Same with "Better Get It in Your Soul".²* Music/JohnColtrane. First, he wrote ''Music/GiantSteps'', which is universally recognized as one of the most difficult songs in jazz to perform, and there's also ''Music/ALoveSupreme'', an over-40-minute dedication to higher power that is often called one of the most passionate performances in jazz history.²** Coltrane's "Music/MyFavoriteThings" cover deserves a mention as well, taking a well known song and improvising sheets of sound in a nearly 14 minute masterpiece on the soprano sax with a drum, bass, and piano highlighting and adding to the song. ²** For a while, Coltrane had the greatest quartet in jazz: himself, [=McCoy=] Tyner on piano, Jimmy Garrison on bass and Elvin Jones on drums. That band had a power and an almost psychic interplay that few, if any, jazz bands have ever matched.²* Music/CharlieParker's "Charlie Parker with Strings". While some purists hate it for being too "pop" for bebop, you have to admit there is something incredible about his virtuoso bebop improvs being played over a full orchestra. There's something even more incredible about hearing his virtuoso bebop improvs being played with just a five-piece band behind him. Bebop is possibly the most difficult-to-play popular music ''ever'', and Parker, Gillespie, Al Haig, Max Roach et al. made it sound not only easy but fun. ²* Almost anything by Music/RahsaanRolandKirk, but "Pedal Up" is probably his most ridiculous tune, especially his live performance of it on "Bright Moments." It's a 12-minute piece which includes circular breathing (he holds out several notes for minutes on end without stopping to take a breath), 3 saxophones (all played by Kirk simultaneously), and the last 3.5 minutes of it are an elaborate solo played just by Kirk without the backing band involving him droning on one sax, setting up a beat and chord progression with another, and soloing on the third (the end solo even has classical-influence harmonization with two of the saxes at once).²* Perfect blend of guitar, sax and rhythm: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhSx8uKdD5o "Lily Was Here"]] doesn't need lyrics to be awesome.²* Marc Cohn. [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JzuZW-Lcns "Walking in Memphis"]].²* If you were told that in 2011 a female jazz singer who plays the bass could win the Grammy for best new artist over probably the most popular pop singer of the day, you wouldn't believe it, would you? [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJo7cT8WH_8 Well, believe it.]]²* Louis Armstrong singing "Bare Necessities" from Disney's ''Disney/TheJungleBook''. [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXwEBp3cKfM Prepare to feel warm and fuzzy.]] And "What a Wonderful World". The perfect song to remind you that, yes, the world is worth living for.²* Music/ArtTatum. [[BlindMusician Blind in both eyes]], he taught himself how to play and improvise jazz piano by ear, and became so technically proficient that other pianists regard him with awe to this day; one famous story recalls Fats Waller remarking of him, [[GodInHumanForm "God is in the house."]] Listen to Art Tatum playing [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaPeks0H3_s "Tiger Rag"]]. Now remind yourself that that's only ''one'' person playing all those complicated chords and superhumanly fast runs... and he's ''improvising'' it.²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIDOEsQL7lA "Summertime"]]. Written by George and Ira Gershwin. Performed by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong. Sheer perfection.²* Ladies and gentlemen, Music/WyntonMarsallis based his third symphony around the history of jazz, aptly subtitled the Jazz Symphony. It's basically a concerto for an entire jazz big band and symphony orchestra.²* Music/MilesDavis. Listening to album after album of his is like taking the finest walk through an evolution in jazz. Special mention to the haunting introduction to the title track of ''Music/BitchesBrew''.²* There was a thing in jazz during the '50s and '60s were a band would perform at small parties set up by producers, and it would all be recorded as a live album. People showed up and were offered booze to help them enjoy themselves. Two classic albums of this particular variety are ''Mercy, Mercy, Mercy'' and ''Why am I Treated so Bad!'', both by Cannonball Adderley and his quintet, with special mention to the title track of the former (their most recognizable hit).²* Buddy Rich in general. His performance with the Boston Pops, playing ''Theatre/WestSideStory'', caused [[Music/JohnWilliams John freaking Williams]] [[SugarWiki/AwesomeMoments to nearly drop his baton in awe]]. There's a reason Neil Peart idolizes the man. He did things in a suit that any drummer alive would kill to do at all. He is, arguably, the greatest drummer to have ever lived.²* A lesser-known Japanese "death jazz" band called Soil & "Pimp" Sessions deserves mention here. Give them a listen, especially if you enjoy the faster-paced stuff by The Seatbelts (of ''Cowboy Bebop'' fame). So much energy for six musicians (one of whom has the sole job of yelling at the rest through a megaphone, and even then this is fairly rare). Try [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHpbxkKVnEU "Suffocation",]] [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axzOcH9KhN0 "Crush",]] [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaufAE7-imY "Mashiroke",]] or [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tuLK6I4lgM "Storm".]]²* Dave Brubeck's utterly magnificent "Take Five". Probably the most recognized piece of jazz music in the world. Sexy, soulful, and sophisticated. Made even more epic in the cover by Pakistan's Sachal Studios Orchestra, which adds a local feel. [[ApprovalOfGod Brubeck loved it]].²** Brubeck's "Blue Rondo à la Turk", a song made in punishing 9/8 meter with a 4/4 side meter from the same album mixes Turkish music with modern jazz.²* Herb Alpert's "Rise". Unfortunately forever linked to ''Series/GeneralHospital'''s rape of Laura by Luke, but still a thoroughly excellent piece of music.²* If you think Chuck Mangione was just that guy who did that disco-jazz tune "Feels So Good", you're in for a shock when you hear [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzR56x1Yjek "Children of Sanchez"]]. ''14 minutes long'' and not a single second is wasted. After a 3:40 minute flamenco shanty with a powerful vocal performance from Don Potter, the second those drums kick in, you're thrust into a jazz/mariachi/flamenco juggernaut that is at once stupidly catchy, tense and powerful and bombastic. The song serves as the theme to a film of the same name, and while you'd be hard pressed finding someone who remembers said film, you're likely to find someone who knows just how amazing this song is.²[[/folder]]²²[[folder:Other]]²* ''Music/BeethovensLastNight'' is concept album by Music/TransSiberianOrchestra, telling the story of Beethoven selling his soul to the devil, ([[ItMakesSenseInContext it's a long story]]) and is generally full of awesome (only to be expected from an album based on Beethoven). The highlight is ''[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCXQWIt5P50 What is Eternal]]''. All through the song there's this pervading sense of melancholy - that he doesn't think he's good enough, that his work will never be remembered, that his life's worth "ended with his birth". Then about two minutes in, the music fades into a short burst of ''Ode To Joy''. It's quite the TearJerker. Beethoven might never fully know his own genius, but we sure as hell will.²** From the same album, there is the magnificent piece ''[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_Qc5YYp4Cg A Last Illusion]]''. Starts off with a short ditty on a classical guitar (The first few phrases of ''Sonata facile'' by Mozart) and quickly segues into a very strong rendition of ''Flight of the Bumblebee'' on electric guitars, backed by the full orchestra. The last two and a half minutes or so of the song is simply the most amazing, emotionally charged rendition of ''Ode to Joy'' that can be summed up in the aforementioned two and a half minutes. Not only does the orchestra come back at full blast, there are at least three guitars, plus two pianists, and a [[OminousLatinChanting full choir.]] If Beethoven were alive today, he would be able to hear this. It's that moving.²** Also [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njuo1EKzjuQ Mephistopheles]]. Not only does the singer sound like a ThrashMetal version of Creator/TimCurry, but it's a VillainSong set to [[AwesomeMusic/{{Classical}} The Moonlight Sonata]] by Music/LudwigVanBeethoven. Just listen to it.²** [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBxOma7EIRA Misery]] is an equally [[LargeHam hammy]] VillainSong that's just as good but more sadistic.²* A little single name: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2-DnM5MvpI David Garrett]]. It's difficult to see in which category he fits.²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKLpJtvzlEI Lux Aeterna]]. There's a reason so many movie trailers use it.²** Not to be confused with Gyorgi Ligeti's ''Lux Aeterna'', which played during the trip to the moon in ''Film/TwoThousandOneASpaceOdyssey''.²** The long, orchestrated version seen here and in movie theatres everywhere is actually called [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lux_Aeterna_%28Requiem_for_a_Dream%29 Requiem for a Tower.]] The original version is still awesome, but in a quieter, terrifying kind of way.²*** [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrZUfKk_mPc Requiem for a Tower makes everything epic]]²*** And now there's the [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyvN0LzXxrI Requiem for a Dream Guitar cover]]. It's just as epic, if not more so.²* A great deal of the CMOA that gets our blood pumping in those movie trailers is produced by groups such as Immediate Music, X-Ray Dog, and Music/ESPosthumus, and licensed out to film distributors for use in their trailers. Hats off to 'em!²** Their music would be peak CMOA if it weren't for the tiny little fault that... '''their music cannot be legitimately obtained'''!²*** Now alleviated (at least partially), with the releases of the various Trailerhead albums and occasional public releases of ''Themes for Orchestra''. Immediate has released various singles on iTunes every few months, in collaboration with various artists.²*** Immediate also sets lyrics to their music, released under the band name ''Globus.'' Standouts are [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5q6skxRLnsI "Preliator"]], [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCdxC7rqLvs "Orchard of Mines"]], and [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeSOO8Alb1U "Sarabande Suite (Aeternas)"]]. [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CYURyyn8MM "Europa"]] is a truly epic song about the bloody history of Europe, while "[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2xmueFjBXQ Black Parade]]" captures the essence of the Arab Spring.²*** Music/ESPosthumus have also released three albums, ''Unearthed'', ''Cartographer'' and ''Makara''. The epitome of their epic songs is "[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GusLypfx7OQ Pompeii]]".²** "[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlnkahNbHm8 Diem Ex Dei]]" is one of Globus' best.²* ''Canon Rock''. There's a reason why [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=by8oyJztzwo this]] is one of the most viewed videos on Website/YouTube. (Hint: It isn't because of the hat.)²* Funtastic Power!'s [[Film/ThreeHundred "THIS IS SPARTA!"]] [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luyFer6XwaI mix]] is hilariously epic.²** [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVVHTBAA-VU "Returns A King"]] is epic as hell, as is the track that inspired it, [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tAT_A71WOs "Victorius Titus"]] from the 1999 film ''Theatre/{{Titus|Andronicus}}''.²* When you ask the question of who the greatest pianists of the 20th century were, Fats Waller's name is definitely at the top of the list, and his rendition of [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHN9OUDs-ys "Carolina Shout"]] does more that show you why. Flawless multitasking isn't just something computers can do, and working it all into something that swings rather than stands stiff is something that the best do with ease.²** Of course, when it comes to great pianists "all roads lead to Art Tatum," as they say, for his amazing style that somehow took influence from every style that came before it and took them all to the next level. Unfortunately, as occurs in most such cases, pinning down an absolute moment is difficult, but [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZdkttppGWc here's a start]].²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d41l96fTMpM This performance]] of "The Bonny Swans" by Loreena [=McKennitt=] and her band. Even if you don't care for [[MurderBallad the story the lyrics tell]], it's got a a violin, and piano and an electric guitar sounding ''awesome'' together. And Loreena's voice.²** More awesomeness by [=McKennitt=]: "The Mummer's Dance," "All Soul's Night," and her brilliant adaptation of Alfred Noyes' "The Highwayman."²* Anything by Beirut. [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-mqhkuOF7s "Elephant Gun"]] brings the level of ukulele awesomeness up about four million points, and then when the strings and the accordion and the trumpet kick in- live, it creates hordes of swaying, dancing onlookers.²** "The Gulag Orkestrar" is similarly INCREDIBLE. "They called it mine," indeed.²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qItugh-fFgg ALL YOUR BASE-BASE-BASE! ARE BELONG TO US!]]²** [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qE6emvdmg-M There's also an excellent version]] with the lyrics set to the music of [[Music/{{Queen}} "Bohemian Rhapsody"]].²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUMFUvrBIwA "March of Cambreadth"]] by Heather Alexander is an awesome fighting song.²* "Bittersweet Symphony".²* "Message To My Girl" by Split Enz.²* "Acid" by Ray Barretto. Oh, so brilliant.²* Music/LemonDemon's "Ask For Nothing" is one of those songs that seems uninteresting the first time, but gets better every time you listen to it. Even though on first listen it sounds like the time signature is screwed up, it's actually in 4/4. It's just disguised as what appears to be 17/8. That takes skill.²** Also of note is [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPFYAd96WqE Bad Idea]], at least for "Too Much Spare Time" for the flash work, and [[http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7084489538066105747 Word Disassociation]] for getting away with WordSaladLyrics, and still being awesome.²* In need of some blues? Music/MuddyWaters. "Rollin' Stone", "Hoochie Coochie Man", "Mannish Boy", "Got My Mojo Working", "Louisiana Blues", the music he performed was influential and classic in every way.²* Kristoph Klover's rendition of Jordin Kare's [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ryd_p20XEU Fire in the Sky]] made Buzz Aldrin cry on live television. ²* Jim West, Steve Jay, Rubén Valtierra, and Jon "Bermuda" Schwartz. They have taken any and most genres released in the past thirty years and parodied and homaged it, while playing it, flawlessly.²* Music/WeirdAlYankovic is an excellent parodist and his music is something to behold.²** While all his songs count, specifics go to the [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzERBgijZ0c end]] of "Hardware Store", all of [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9qYF9DZPdw White & Nerdy]], and ''without a doubt'', [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0cCRRFi1aA Skipper Dan]]!²** Pick a Polka Medley. Any one. [[EarWorm Chances are you'll have that song stuck in your head forever.]]²** "Ringtone" is amazingly catchy and has an awesome melody to it. It helps that it's a style parody of Music/{{Queen}}.²** [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqDBB0no6dQ Pancreas]] is a style parody of Music/TheBeachBoys, specifically Brian Wilson's Music/{{SMiLE}} album, that reveals an intimate knowledge of all things Wilsonian on Al's part. Of course, the song contains tons of unique instruments and awesome vocal harmonies, especially at the end. ²** [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VuiBBX6aZA "Genius in France"]]--Al's ''nine minute'' tribute to the late Frank Zappa, with none other than Frank's son Dweezil himself on guitar. Because it's as ridiculously complex and awesome as you'd expect it to be, calling this song a parody is immediately ''out'' of the question.²* Sam Spence's [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WApopnLTk18 "The Lineman"]]. It was made for the NFL, but sounds like an epic superhero theme.²* Maura O'Connell's "Mystic Lipstick".²* Roisin Murphy's [[IntercourseWithYou "Sow Into You"]] ([[PunBasedTitle that's not a misspelling]]). [[EarWorm It's so easy to like.]]²* Anything played on a [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeusaphone Zeusaphone]]. How can you not love an instrument that ''shoots lightning''?²** For example, [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJqoRaphiEk The Imperial March]], now with 100% more lightning.²* [[http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8VlZOg9iv4 "Sanctus"]] by Karl Jenkins. It's a cross between awesome military music and the OminousLatinChanting.²* Of all the musical tributes to Michael Jackson after his death, [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R12QVtuB0_Q this medley of his songs]] by Sam Tsui is the most astoundingly awesome and TearJerker worthy of them all. And while we're on the subject of Mr Tsui, also check out his amazing cover versions of "Don't Stop Believin" by Music/{{Journey}}, "Run" by Snow Patrol, and a High School Musical song.²* The Doug Anthony All Stars. Rude, [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fs_XDadEgH4 crude]], hilarious and incredibly NSFW one moment,and the next they blew audiences away with [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssEBcrATK68 stuff]] [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-j0g2oG_w2g like]] [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNre0nnlo_U this]]. If Paul McDermott's voice doesn't move you, nothing will.²* Music/{{Voltaire}}. ''[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5HXF7Ymij4 When You're Evil]]'' [[VillainSong That]] [[ForTheEvulz is]] [[EvilIsCool all]].²** [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6rLMchPYSw Hell In A Handbasket]].²** [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqHS8k2-u8o This Sea]], [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVCLc_k3xqM The Beast of Pirate's Bay]], [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVbjMzDCJ3I Death Death Song]], [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tHULNYWQ2Q Cannibal Buffet]]. [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjJDBP292rM Riding a Black Unicorn]] [[LongTitle Down the Side of an Erupting Volcano Drinking From a Chalice Filled With the Laughter of Small Children]].²* Music/OingoBoingo. It's Music/DannyElfman, for crying out loud! For starters, [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iypUpv9xelg "Dead Man's Party"]] anyone? Or [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sROhhid5CB4 "Insaniy"]] perhaps? Hell, [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jItz-uNjoZA "Little Girls"]] and the Farewell version of [[http://www.imeem.com/artists/oingo_boingo/music/eb9ihbdT/oingo-boingo-water/ "Water"]] are instant win, period. (In all honesty, whenever Danny Elfman plays a rock song, it's going to be awesome.)²* Secret Chiefs 3 tend to specialize in this when they're not just dishing out horror instead. Good examples would be [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HCRhAJA7tM "The Three"]] and [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cafWsO7sEp4 "Combat For The Angel"]].²* It's doubtful that she can [[http://www.mtvmusic.com/artist/flobots/videos/232420/handlebars end the planet in a holocaust]], but that doesn't make this song any less awesome.²* ''Face the Wall'' by Music/EmilieAutumn. Actually, ''anything'' off the 'Unlaced' part of that (instrumental) album.²* ''Psychobilly''.[[EarWorm Ridiculously catchy]], [[LyricalDissonance upbeat, '50's-style]] [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Frw7Gi5cAwY songs]] about the ''ZombieApocalypse.''²** Considered psychobilly for whatever reason is The Quakes' cover of [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6mJR7r9VUU The Killing Moon]], originally by awesome [=80s=] group Echo and the Bunnymen.²* Music/TheBloodhoundGang's "The Bad Touch". It's just... not only so IntercourseWithYou that it's a legend, but it's sheer greatness.²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRv8gnBMiWM This]] remix/medley of ''[[VideoGame/TheLegendOfZeldaTheWindWaker Wind Waker]]'' tunes by Fredde Gredde HAS to be recognized. Not only is it astoundingly beautiful, it was all played and synchronized by ONE GUY. Awesome, indeed.²* Music/KronosQuartet do impeccable covers as well as their own material. Their cover of [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UP7rjppeRA0 "Purple Haze"]] may outdo the Music/JimiHendrix original.²* Immediate Music and Globus have albums that are FULL of Awesome Music. Look at [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlnkahNbHm8 any]] of them, you'll probably enjoy it immensely.²** Special mention goes to [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7RkXjJIAfg Save Me]], a ''spectacularly'' epic TearJerker of a song which can only be described as [[JustForFun/XMeetsY Queen meets Muse meets orchestra]].²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arPG0IB9rzE The Cossack Patrol]]. The link won't get you to the best version, which was sung by the Red Russian Army Choir and was powerful enough to make you want to join communism. Even if you're called [=McCarthy=].²** [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKCwk-dqvOk Moscow 1941]] Here's a variation for the school band.²** The Cossack Patrol sounds exactly like [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2YlbiyiuMc Polyushke Polye]] by Lev Knipper, another kickass Soviet piece.²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrZdvW6BBkc ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS TO KICK YOUR ASS!!!!!!]]²* A lot of Music/SongsToWearPantsTo songs are this, from just about any genre, such as [[http://www.songstowearpantsto.com/songs/underage-stalkers/ Underage Stalkers]] and [[http://www.songstowearpantsto.com/songs/never-been-in-love/ Never Been In Love]].²* William Joseph. The two most notable examples are Piano Fantasy and Within (the orchestra versions).²* Rodrigo y Gabriela has an interesting story. They are a Mexican duo, that after searching for success in the metal scene decided to move to Europe and eventually changed to flamenco. Listen to their rendition of [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNc5o9TU0t0 "Stairway to Heaven"]]. Now listen [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KBgg-hrtyo some]] [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqplTlpTF6s of their original songs]]. Now remember that every single thing you hear is ''two fucking guitars''.²* [=YoungBlood=] Brass Band. Somehow manages to fuse a brass band sound with rap. Sound crazy but it works and works well. Oh, and the sousaphones are powerful enough that your car windows will rattle.²* "Trains and Winter Rains" by Music/{{Enya}}. Made even more awesome by the fact that the entire thing was performed by exactly ''one'' person. [[EarWorm It's also really catchy]].²* Florence Welch and Dizzee Rascal's live mashup, [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-N6aE17-fQ You've Got The Dirtee Love.]] The performance was so popular that it was then released as a charity single and shot to # 2 on the charts.²* [[https://www.youtube.com/user/jackcontemusic Jack Conte]] from the San Francisco Bay Area is definitely one of the most talented and edgy indie musicians on the Internet, whether he is working alone or [[https://www.youtube.com/user/pomplamoosemusic with his girlfriend.]]²* Music/NewRadicals:²** [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVHXR1vGiLE This song.]] Just ''try'' not to dance along. Even if you're not a dancer, try to listen to it without getting it stuck in your head. ''Why were they a one-hit wonder?!''²** "You Get What You Give". It speaks volumes when Keith Richards says that's the song he wished he wrote above all others.²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Odkj1OMVd1g This]] reworked piece of ''Series/TheEqualizer'' soundtrack by [[Music/ThePolice Stewart Copeland]].²%%* Quite a few of Music/DoctorSteel's songs spring to mind. "Dr. Steel", though, in particular. Also, [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nuc1eXMPxkU "Curse of the Crystal Skull"]] and [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJJW2wU4ACk "Conspiracy"]].²%%What's awesome about them? This is zero-context as written.²* Mairead Nesbitt playing [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wzMfSiOkMQ Granuaile's Dance.]] Take Grace Kelly's dancing, add phenomenal violin skills, and you have Mairead. Made even better if you know [[PirateGirl who]] [[LadyOfWar Granuaile]] [[CrazyAwesome was]].²* Two words: ERIC. WHITACRE. [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EoUAbODO34 Here's a small taste of his work]].²* Pogo (Nick Bertke) [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IBaIBxv_uQ He's been played at the Guggenheim!]] [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4jmB9fdZc8 Small]] [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1jmhbw3JHw taste]] [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBN-CAhOYQ0 of his]] [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVxe5NIABsI work.]]²* [[http://www.8bitchristmas.com/ Who can't resist Christmas done in 8-bit music]].²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpPvl0X1hKA This]]. Also doubles as Heartwarming Music. Also, how, just how, as it possible to not be in LOVE with this song? So sweet.²* What happens when you fuse together classical violin with hip hop? You get [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZ78f1gUa5Q something]] [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q40vXg5caF0 completely]] [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2S3WtJYgy1Q awesome]]. Nuttin' But Stringz. YES. And what's even better than classical violin and hip hop? Try classical violin, hip hop, and '''[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GI-76Ef9IKc baseball]]'''. Bonus points for the fact that this was before their big break on "America's Got Talent".²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTSA_sWGM44 TROLOLOLOLO-LOLOLO-LOLOLOLOLO!]] Damn, Eduard Khil is the coolest guy ever for singing that. Then listen to the [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qw7LEIDFCX4 METAL version!]] Your head will EXPLODE!²%%* Everything on [[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?p=PL61AC07CA883528C0 this playlist]]. Everything.²%%Why? What's on that playlist, and why is it awesome?²* The song [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ee3-KPXEL04 Coolangubra]] by the band of the same name, featuring percussion, rhythm guitar, and truly epic electric violin. (Note that the *ding!* at the beginning of the video isn't part of the actual song.)²* Nearly anything by Two Steps From Hell. Listen to [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRLdhFVzqt4 Heart of Courage]] for just a taste. Recognize it? Of course you do, like other artists Two Steps From Hell makes music for movie and game previews, including ''Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix'' and ''Deathly Hallows'' (parts 1 and 2), ''Mass Effect'' (2 and 3), ''Tron: Legacy'', ''Interstellar'', ''Doctor Who'', ''Batman V. Superman'', ''Aquaman'' and many many more. "High C's" and "American Dream" are some of their greatest works. ²* '''Dub FX.''' This is a guy capable of creating a musical masterpiece using only his own vocals, looping and effects pedals. [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bioYs6oAD8g This is a taste of what he's capable of.]] ²* There goes through the world a whisper... [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNK7biw9r5c Workers, don't you hear it?]]²* Fedez' [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pg1nssG_Z-8 Alfonso Signorini]] is a mix of pop and rap, with an EarWorm-y chorus.²* The simple children's folk song, "Ghost of John/Tom", one verse usually sung as a round, was given additional lyrics by Kristen Lawrence and turned into a rich, foreboding, even creepier and more haunting song by playing with the tune, adding harmonies, and accompanying it with strings and a pipe organ. ''With a fugue''. And it is glorious. [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjY6EqqGz-8 "Ghost of John (Dead Composers Version)"]].²* Music/ScottJoplin is by far the most famous ragtime composer, and is responsible for many familiar rags:²** [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6_oz7RmUns "The Entertainer"]]. Yes, it's become a standard jingle (usually played much too fast) but the actual piece remains great, and the third section is a moment of ethereal beauty that catches you completely by surprise.²** [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0B04--XmZiE Maple Leaf Rag]] is awesomely... enjoyable.²** A few others that stand out among Joplin's oeuvre are "The Chrysanthemum", "Peacherine Rag" and "Gladiolus Rag".²** And for something a bit different, Joplin's [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BP69-iS4GzU "Bethena: A Concert Waltz"]] is also rather awesomely pretty. Also known for being "that song from ''Film/TheCuriousCaseOfBenjaminButton''".²* Astor Piazzolla's ''nuevo tango'' combined classical music and jazz into a new form of tango music leading to compositions such as [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHBjHgYCmoI "Suite Punta del Este: I. Introduction: Allegro pesante"]] (aka [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNOzVkvRU1w Theme]] from Film/TwelveMonkeys and [[WesternAnimation/TheSimpsons Black Stanley's theme]]) and [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaXNdVTGT0k "Libertango"]], a song that sounds like a theme to a Parisian spy thriller. Libertango was later CoveredUp by musician Grace Jones in [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oRO76JhVtE "I've Seen That Face Before (Libertango)"]], an 80's reggae/tango/synth combo that never loses the feeling of the original.²* Website/YouTube channel BGH Music made a composition where ''[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjG55cAo3Fc all 88 notes on the piano are played just once]]''. [[spoiler:Middle C is right at the very end.]]²* [[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn4HDI02U4f3VEsghRX7dRw 8 Bit Universe]] has ''hundreds'' of 8-bit covers of popular songs, both old and new, and many of them are quite awesome. The cover of Music/TaylorSwift's [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esJxpkS0RuA "Wildest Dreams"]] sounds oddly epic.²%%** [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NcPvmk4vfo The inevitable "Never Gonna Give You Up" cover]], as well as fellow Rick Astley song [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZ71FS2UXpk "Together Forever"]].²%%** [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuZX59ibZ-o Their 8-bit cover of]] "[[Music/{{Coldplay}} Viva La Vida]]".²* [[https://miracleofsound.bandcamp.com/ Miracle Of Sound]] is a GenreRoulette one-man project from Ireland, dedicated to making the most awesome fan songs ever created. It is a testament to his skill that you can outright hate the franchise that a particular song is about, and still love the song. It's often joked among his fanbase that it is physically impossible for him to write a bad song.²%%** [[https://miracleofsound.bandcamp.com/track/the-new-black-gold-2013-2 The New Black Gold.]]²%%** [[https://miracleofsound.bandcamp.com/track/lady-of-worlds-2 Lady of Worlds.]]²%%** [[https://miracleofsound.bandcamp.com/track/legends-of-the-frost Legends of the Frost.]]²%%** [[https://miracleofsound.bandcamp.com/track/when-the-wolves-cry-out-2 When the Wolves Cry Out.]]²%%** [[https://miracleofsound.bandcamp.com/track/machine-hearts Machine Hearts.]]²[[/folder]]²²[[folder:To be classified]]²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUcszN8jRB8 Bad Lip Reading's, er, "cover" of Bruno Mars' The Lazy Song-slash-Lady Gaga's Alejandro.]] It's both hilariously surreal and awesome at once.²-->Is this Idaho? Because I will not limbo in Idaho.²* Pretty much all of Amanda Palmer's first solo album, but especially "Ampersand". It's just so defiant and powerful and, well '''awesome'''. Also "Leeds United", "Runs in the Family", and "The Point of it All". Oh, and by the way, Amanda Palmer and Neil Gaiman are an Awesome Couple, if that even exists.²* Music/ImogenHeap's "Hide And Seek". There's something about it that makes it legendary.²* On the subject of Lux Aeterna, listen... to [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rvim8neMIIk this.]]²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVrZE5Y2lV4 The Ballad of Brisco County Jr.]] is so awesome Creator/{{NBC}} ripped it off for all their Olympics ads for the last decade or so.²* [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savage_genius savage genius]] generally shows up in the anime section, but one of their best, [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XA1ojWsNXg "Still I Love You"]], is an album only, and deserves a nod here.²* [[https://www.youtube.com/profile?user=ronaldjenkees&view=videos Ronald Jenkees]] is an amiable Kentuckian who likes to have a little "[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoFurLevE28 disorganized fun]]" on his keyboard for "[=YouTubes=]." When he's feeling a bit more organized, he comes up with stuff like "[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0O2aH4XLbto Throwing Fire]]."²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5ZfzoynbRY "Dulcissimia"]] by Corvus Corax. ''That'' is folk. First, you can't believe how over the top it is...and then they bring out the ''chariot''.²* Any march by John Philip Sousa. Of course, the most Awesome Music of his catalog is "The Stars and Stripes Forever".²* The Swedish Music/DiabloSwingOrchestra does also belong here. Not only do they state that the origin of their music dates back to the 16th century, when the original Orchestra was killed by the church for being too awesome, when you hear the music you're inclined to believe them. [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ad-l54T_kYY Ballrog Boogie!]]²* Hybrid's [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoV9d9y-DdQ Finished Symphony]] would damn near be a stock piece of music as a climactic song of triumph, were it not for the 9.5 minute length.²* Rajaton's [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oghj7y4hluU "Butterfly"]] deserves a place on here for sure, but the 3:45 mark of [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXEoVw7ETKM "Dobbin's Flowery Vale"]] will ''bring you to your knees''.²* [[http://www.estradasphere.com/news.php Estradasphere]] deserves mention here; specifically, the songs "Smuggled Mutation" and "Colossal Risk".²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDE2kGuIXp0 Listen to me, my children now...]]²* How about [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHthbtSbGLM "Dragon's Heartbeat"]] from the soundtrack of ''Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story'', by Randy Edelman? This seems to get used all over the place, most memorably from Elvis Stojko's figure skating routine in the 1994 Olympics. Timestamp 1:00 in the link is when it gets memorable, and 1:35 is when it gets epic.²* [[http://www.journalistenlounge.de/e-nomine/ E Nomine]]. particularly [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxQxqm_jInU Schwarze Sonne]]. OminousLatinChanting FTW.²** Try [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgPtz7svaKk The Lord's Prayer (German)]] and the [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KZ35m_zDgk English version]] for raw epicness.²** [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1F4dFEcefs TERRA CREMATA FEROX TEMPESTAS PLUTON EXIT REGNATOR IRIT]]²** [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3C5lEWmIYk She is not yours, but she is still your world!]]²** [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ylwH0w0GhA Mitternacht]]. SO CATCHY!²* "I Kissed A Girl" is another mediocre-at-best [[{{Fanservice}} Playing To The Fetishes]] pop song, right? [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUpioV2I-8U Not when Paul [=McDermott=] is singing it.]] Highlights include the second verse and Mikey Robbins blasting out an awesome guitar solo.²** A similar moment of awesome came when Los Colorados, a Ukrainian polka band, remade [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1upZz3a-7iM "Hot & Cold"]].²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHSlfCOUhx8 This]] is the one of the most awesome pieces of music that ever was or ever will be produced by humankind. Listen through once, then listen again when you've found a translation for the lyrics. The music is awesome, and the message is awesome. ''Tikvah wins''. Also, it's Awesome Music for Subliminal and The Shadow themselves, along with the entire TACT Family.²** As is [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eT464L1YRA this]], no wonder it was covered as an Easily Forgettable song by Dj Sammy.²* Labi Siffre's [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HTGWR-ldYo "Something Inside So Strong"]].²* Steve Hackett + Steve Howe + Max Bacon + Phil Spalding + Jonathan Mover: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy17kF9myDo GTR's "When the Heart Rules The Mind...]]²* While many people consider music to be an important weapon against South Africa's system of apartheid, the protest song "Sun City" by Artists against Apartheid is a particularly powerful moment when a good portion of American and European pop stars musically declared their refusal to play at one of that nation's largest resorts while that tyranny prevailed. Imagine this line in TheEighties where money was supposed to reign supreme while principles of justice were sneered at: "You can't buy me/I don't care what you pay!/So don't ask me, Sun City/Cause I ain't going to play!"²** Not only that, but they also made a piece of music that in its own right is TOTALLY. KICK. ASS. It's a grand all-inclusive alternate universe where Miles Davis is rubbing elbows with Grandmaster Flash, Jefferson Browne jammed with Joan Baez, and Lou Reed and Joey Ramone cavorted with the Fat Boys and Bono and the P-Funk Allstars.²* Anything by Music/Level80EliteTaurenChieftain. [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOpdyytB3OY For example.]]²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6ljFaKRTrI "This was a triumph..."]]²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3yDRw1V0-Y Cliffs of Dover]]. Very impressive to see played, and played well at that.²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mguzKze1sYo Classical Gas]]. Epic moment at the 0:45 second mark.²* The two demo tracks for the Impulse Tracker program, [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fz47It3_eKM Drifting Onwards]] and [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkpGpF4V6nc Blue Flame]]. So beautiful that words alone can't describe them...²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZFLmhFn0mg Mr E's Beautiful Blues]]. Doesn't matter how many things go wrong, it's a beautiful day...²* Pretty much anything by ThePolyphonicSpree, but [[SugarWiki/HeartwarmingMoments "Hold Me Now" and "Suitcase Calling"]] stand out the most.²** Their [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7eS4BA-Q2w cover]] of "The Town Meeting Song" from ''WesternAnimation/TheNightmareBeforeChristmas''.²* "Green Onions" by Booker T. and the [=MGs=], which can really only be described with the word "cool."²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fRRnrevc8M Dick Dale's version of "Miserlou"]], a.k.a, "That Slick-Ass Guitar/Gunshot Opening to ''Film/PulpFiction''". In addition, majority opinion states that the song was much more awesome before [[TheyChangedItNowItSucks Black Eyed Peas shat all over it.]]²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SijRPwSqYPg This]] remix of Music/MichaelJackson's "Smooth Criminal" from ''Music/{{Bad}}'' combined with "Da Mystery of Chessboxin'" by the Wu-Tang Clan and "Quiet Storm" by Mobb Deep.²* John Marnie's "Water on the Moon". Yes, it's about the LCROSS mission, but darned if it doesn't give you chills. "We're on our way, we're on our waaaahaaaaaay!"²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnEeO6xyY8o "Tincan Hitman" by Robotronica]].²* [=eRa=]. [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtbeH7IJeq4 Voxifera is awesome distilled]].²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7NSdSEFxTQ This]] Chinese song.²* Practically everything by Music/TheSmashingPumpkins. Mostly for "Tonight, Tonight", "Landslide", "Zero", "To Forgive" and "Jellybelly".²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0RbWg0UCKE This is war, like you ain't seen.]] To an awesome WWII battle, even. Also contains a SugarWiki/{{Heartwarming Moment|s}} at the end, when the German soldiers leave the mother and her newborn baby alone.²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1pLmcVKH6o "Matsuri"]] by Kitaro.²* "Godzilla Eats Las Vegas" is an utterly epic, 10 minute long musical rendition of Godzilla terrorizing Las Vegas, with the French Horns providing his roar, the bass drum as the cannon blasts aiming to kill him, the musicians screaming "GODZILLA", music teachers tangoing across the stage, a mambo, xylophone hits representing morse code over a telegram, and a blood curling scream. It is absolute epic.²* The final battle between Neo and Mr. Smith in ''Matrix Revolutions'' while the song, Neodammerung plays in the background. Although to the untrained ear the lyrics sound like random ominous chanting, it's really a Hindu Vedic hymn about enlightenment spoken in Sanskrit.²* Anything by Paul Winter. He rocks. ''Whales Alive'' album especially though.²* "Adiemus" by Karl Jenkins. Epic. Just... epic.²* Music/LemonDemon's classic Web hit, [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiRH47J_zuI "Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny"]]. Pure, unadulterated ''awesome'.²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vC0s_SxIWRc Tetris]], remixed by 2PM. SO. FREAKING. EPIC.²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWTFG3J1CP8 More Tetris]], but with a twist: It's the complete history of the Soviet Union, sung to the theme. It's impossible to stop listening.²* "O Magnum Mysterium" by Tomas Luis de Victoria, especially as sung by the Boston Camerata. 2:32 of pure harmony. There are some pieces of music that make you stand up and cheer, and there are some that make you just lie down and listen. This is one of the latter.²* [[Creator/JimHenson Muppet.]] [[Music/{{Queen}} Bohemian. Rhapsody.]] The faithfulness to the original video is just astounding (though it ''did'' cut out the famous guitar solo right before the equally famous 'Opera' section.) Someone even made a video in which the two videos played in perfect simultation. [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBaO75n5-Ho It will astound you.]] (Starts around 0:15.)²* Music/{{BucketHead}} is so great he can make a {{Funk}} and Blue grass hybrid and make you enjoy it.²* What happens when someone blends the lyrics of the Nat King Cole classic "Nature Boy" with the ''Series/MadMen'' theme? Well, an actual band was assembled to give us [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEj0z0maxzM this treat]], with the icing on this cake courtesy of the vocals of Allison Williams (daughter of NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams).²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j82aPJjPCvU This live collaboration]] between Japanese turntablist DJ Kentaro and shamisen player Kinoshita Shinichi. Who would have thought that traditional Japanese music could be fused with hip-hop and drum n' bass is such an awesome way?²* [[http://soundcloud.com/birdfeeder/jurassic-park-theme-1000-Slower The Jurassic Park theme, slowed down by 1000%...]] and my GOD does it make you want to weep with the sheer beauty of it.²* Don McLean's "American Pie" is an eight minute long tribute to the Baby Boom generation. And it's amazing.²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IqH3uliwJY Zoot Suit Riot]].²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbO1YtoUqM8 The Evolution of Video Games Epic Medley]] is a nine-minute long piece of Awesome Music ''multiplied by 22''--it features 22 classic Nintendo and arcade video game theme songs packed in a single medley with transitions and will stun you from [[VideoGame/PacMan beginning]] to [[VideoGame/SuperMarioGalaxy end]]. And it's made in Mario Paint Composer, with ''16-bit limitations''.²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQkbwhHfohY NEDM?]] [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9Lh1YqMMcE NEDM]].²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJ0xBCwkg3E LOL!]] [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MP1sQ1HPgUM INTERNET!]]²* Most of [[ImageBoards DJ AnounymOS's]] tunes. Notably, [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtqhawGIrBA BAWWWWW]], and of course²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DoDLyx4OSY So I Herd U Liek Musics...]] (which also happens to be the best tune on 420chan's album Lulz: A Corruption Of LOL).²* Motown '''''as a whole''''' deserves its own page.²* Woodkid's [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSkb0kDacjs Iron]]. Better known as [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoH8heBDC_4 that one kickass song from]] ''VideoGame/AssassinsCreedRevelations''.²** Not to mention [[http://youtu.be/6XAT2C9CCPY his cover]] of Adele's "Someone Like You".²** And now his latest single, the sequel to Iron, [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmc21V-zBq0 Run Boy Run]].²* Gabriel Kahane's song cycle ''Craigslistlieder''. The piano forms a hilarious counterpoint to the lyrics, taken almost verbatim from particularly pathetic Craigslist posts. An example: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-O4J0XQ1_c Neurotic and Lonely]]²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9o8OWVWOE0 Death May Die]], a [[Franchise/CthulhuMythos Lovecraftian]] pastiche of "Auld Lang Syne". Even if you don't like [[CosmicHorrorStory the lyrics]], one must admit the instrumentals are AWESOME.²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lekcEhYgQXw Where Eagles Fly]] combines the power of two very different vocalists, Music/SarahBrightman and [[Music/{{Manowar}} Eric Adams]], to create something incredible.²* Nick Phoenix and Thomas Bergersen, a.k.a. Two Steps From Hell, have some awesome music of their own. [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRLdhFVzqt4 Just]] [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJm6b-o2pTM listen]] [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4tOrRgnxfU to]] [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6O6Q1OiF6LI it.]] There's a reason it's been used for movie and video game trailers, like ''VideoGame/MassEffect2'' and 2009's ''Film/StarTrek2009''. [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2O-0-fQOOs Here's the trailer for Mass Effect 2,]] and [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ETDE0VGJY4 the trailer for the reboot of Star Trek.]]²* In the [=90s=] in Indonesia, there was a group called Padhayangan Project or P-Project whose portfolio was to take one song and then make a parody song from it. For instance, take an already good and powerful song like [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIRbzF3ur7k "Tenda Biru" (Blue Tent) by Desy Ratnasari (then a popular artist/idol)]]... and they turn it into [[SugarWiki/FunnyMoments an utterly hilarious and awesome music out of it (with the same title)]] [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewLtRRbqTjM with its music video equally funny]].²* The ''Film/SuckerPunch'' soundtrack is actually life changing, covering rock, metal, industrial, pop, rap, and alternative. All made all the more theatrical and over the top, cuz it is possible. "Army Of Me" is industrial and rock screaming for power and taking no crap, "Tomorrow Never Knows" is trippy but healing, "I Want It All"/"We Will Rock You"'s rap is funny but true, "Where Is My Mind" and its fellow track "Asleep" both touch you on an emotional level, and "Sweet Dreams" is one of the few geniunely life changing addictive songs ever which really never gets old. They kept both the dramatic moments of the movie in the soundtrack and kept the songs intact for casual listening purposes and to relive the movie without watching it. How often does a "Various Artists" soundtrack do that right?²* [[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3C092BF204F08E13 Truxton]], whose mantra states "0% original content, 100% fun." None of his songs contain anything original, save a few drum loops, it is almost all crazy mashups with unbelievable outcomes. From bass heavy mashup of [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tet3MOH2Fcc Flux Pavilion/Green Day/Skrillex/Doctor P ]] to a chilling combination of the [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMjbOEjvhPQ "Whistle Concert"]] from ''Mega Man 3'' and "Wake Me Up When September Ends".²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMA8ofOjwuU This rendition of]] [[Music/NeilYoung "Rocking in the Free World"]] from [[Music/JoeSatriani Benefits for Cliff.]]²* Music/CelineDion: [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4De6R_lzxBQ "All By Myself", live from her Taking Chances tour]]. In fact, regardless on where she performs live, when she starts the "ANYMORE" in the middle of the song, that's when she gets the thunderous applause.²* Music/TheCatEmpire has many awesome songs, but [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgLjlH3fTQA Song For The Day]] and [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djR-MEB6foE All Hell]] are some particularly good examples.²* Music/TomWaits produces some epic music. He has three main modes- Terrifying Songs, [[TearJerker Heartbreaking Ballads]] and lounge jazz. Roughly one third of his stuff is unclassifiable.²* A great amount of music by Music/TheResidents is incredibly amazing. Special mention has to go to their album ''Not Available''.²* "Thousand Violins" by Music/TheTigerLillies definitely deserves a mention here.²* "Caliban's Dream", the theme from the opening ceremony of the 2012 London Olympics, is to music what Shakespeare is to literature. Words really don't do it justice. Then there's "[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hM0fiegRbTg And I Will Kiss]]". A magnificent ''[[EpicRocking 17 minute piece]]'' of orchestral techno laid with synths and breathtaking percussion led by deaf musician Dame Evelyn Glennie, this marked the point when the opening ceremony made billions of people go "[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6NBHx80ovY HOLY SHIT THIS IS AMAZING]]".²* Dweezil Zappa in general considering he can emulate a HardRock version of Music/FrankZappa. Here's [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_w_lk3ca40 his version of The Grinch]].²* Music/DeltaRae is already capable of some amazing things with music. Then you listen to "Bottom of the River." The first section is almost pure vocal, save for the percussion from a chain in an aluminum roasting pan and the sounds of a swamp at sundown. The final third is nearly nothing but melodic sighs, a drum and a bass. It's deceptively simple and pure SouthernGothic win. The first verse alone is eerily epic:²-->If you get sleep or if you get none (Cock's gonna call in the morning, baby)\²Check the cupboard for your daddy's gun (Red sun rises like an early warning)\²The Lord's gonna come for your first born son (His hair's on fire and his heart is burning)\²Go to the river where the water runs (Wash him deep where the tides are turning)...²* Peter, Paul, and Mary's epic rendition of [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1K-mFzcLFk "Hayo, Haya"]].²* Although they're mostly known for "To Be With You", a quick trawl through Mr. Big's discography reveals that these guys are really good at delivering awesome music. A few examples that spring to mind: "Daddy, Brother, Lover, Little Boy", "Green-Tinted Sixties Mind" and "Take Cover" (with some amazing drumming from Pat Torpey, too: it was given praise by Rush's Neil Peart!).²* Jogeir Liljedahl is an amazing MOD music artist from the early days of the Internet before the World Wide Web became a thing. [[http://modarchive.org/index.php?request=view_artist_modules&query=69569 Here is an archive of a good portion of his works]]. [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgCBdTBkOqo Helmet Shake]] by this gent is over five minutes of enchanting computer composed music.²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAS5Ja0YzT8 This cover]] of Music/{{Eminem}}'s "Rap God" by The Animal In Me perfectly mixes Rap music and Screamo music and actually being able to pull off the famous fast part of "Rap God" is a feat that must be heard to be believed. ²* Music/SusumuHirasawa's GenreBusting Electropop.²* Music/TheAxisOfAwesome has "[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wecd5S2pr_Q Why Aren't Lasers Doing Cool Shit?]]".²* Music/{{AJR}}, a pop band from New York, managed to make [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jade8OIy67M "I'm Ready"]], an absolutely epic EarWorm of a pop jam ''based around a sample from [[WesternAnimation/SpongebobSquarepants SpongeBob]].''²* [[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVRJdMxf_nuCR6C1ZMgn7Ug Derek]] [[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLLnIcQll56hJ89dDin4UcA & Brandon]] [[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjMZjGhrFq_4llVS_x2XJ_w/featured Fiechter]] compose instrumental theme music styled after many different regions of the world. All of it is very beautifully composed.²* "[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAmraKSm1Os To The Beach]]" by Luis Hermandez is practically tailor-made for a chill beach day playlist.²%%* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3ecg2mahps The Angels Among Demons.]]²%%What about it? This is completely zero-context as written.²* [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_E2CNZIlVIg "Tour the States"]] and [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZFF8EuaGjM "Tour the World"]] by Renald Francoeur. Who knew {{Educational Song}}s could be that awesome, not to mention set to a [[EarWorm catchy]] pop/hip-hop tune? [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCRsjY2s5A0 "Count It Out Loud"]] is also awesome.²[[/folder]]²---- |
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