Ankaralı Jan


Not just coming to my attention, but to the attention of everyone on Twitter - Yeni Şafak, 12.09.2013

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  1. Retweeted
    3 minutes ago

    "It was not immediately clear what action the EU might take against Ankara" ... ... "Another option could be formally suspending Turkey's status as an official candidate to become a member of the European Union" ... Oh rats, this will hit Turkey hard.

  2. 8 minutes ago

    People literally starved themselves to death for his ability to speak to these lawyers. If he had made the call and was censored, interesting times. If it's fake news, also interesting.

  3. Retweeted
    16 minutes ago
    Replying to

    They did this in November election too. We were on honeymoon and planned to get ferry back to Istanbul so my wife could vote. But all ferries were cancelled. Not new.

  4. Retweeted
    30 minutes ago

    hdp sandık görevlileri için test hazırlamış onu yapıyorum sösjsbsmdldkdkdndk

  5. 25 minutes ago

    *News agency AA, not TRT

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  6. Retweeted
    26 minutes ago
    Replying to

    That's a problem about US bureaucracy. Turkey should focus on protecting her land. US will inevitably face the fact that economical sanctions when imposed on too many countries on big scales are big burdens on their shoulders as well.

  7. 26 minutes ago

    The Mayor of Ankara tells Istanbul residents that the state broadcaster is getting its election night figures from AKP HQ

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  8. 32 minutes ago

    And on Sabah newspaper's cue, Öcalan calls for the HDP not to take sides in the Istanbul mayoral race

  9. Retweeted
    1 hour ago

    This is beyond scandalous - Turkish Airlines are CANCELLING flights from Marmara to Istanbul to prevent summering secularists from returning home to vote. AKP is pure filth, the cancer that tries to consume society

  10. 42 minutes ago

    If Turkey does buy the S-400s and relies on President Trump to veto the sanctions as Erdoğan suggested today, Trump will have to do some heavy lifting on Turkey's behalf...

  11. 1 hour ago

    Istanbul municipality ferry compang cancels services bringing people into the city on the day of the election and the day before

  12. Retweeted
    7 hours ago

    Love has won in İzmir: The ban on Pride Week has been lifted! | LGBTI NEWS TURKEY

  13. Retweeted
    10 hours ago

    BREAKING: The Court of Appeal has ruled that UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia for use in are UNLAWFUL. All arms sales licences suspended!

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  14. Retweeted
    4 hours ago

    It is utterly mind-boggling that would suspend the account of a rare unbiased news outlet in Turkey. No reason has been given yet. But it's just days before a local election Erdogan's AKP is bending over backwards to win. Coincidence? This is Turkey - so probably not.

  15. Retweeted
    4 hours ago

    Terrifying. A car with the number plate 06 BFJ 470 cut off an inter-city passenger bus traveling from Ankara to Mersin and proceeded to forcefully abduct a female passenger named Kadriye Çavuş. In the video she's screaming for people to call the police.

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  16. Retweeted
    7 hours ago

    President Erdoğan today gave a rare briefing to foreign media - the first in years. He said that a Russian S-400 air defence system would arrive in Turkey the first half of July, but that he thinks Donald Trump will protect the country from sanctions

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  17. Retweeted
    7 hours ago

    ., deputy chair of İyi Party and MP for İzmir, shared one of ' tweets, calling on 'brotherhood of conscience' to be an element of society. He's getting quite viciously attacked for endorsing Demirtaş.

  18. Retweeted

    In a rare news conference with foreign media, 's Erdogan says he does NOT expect U.S. to sanction Ankara over its purchase of missile systems, despite repeated threats from , talks at length about his good relationship w/Trump. Repeats S-400 "done deal"

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  19. Retweeted
    10 hours ago

    The other day Yıldırım paid a visit to Milli Gazete daily (belonging to the Saadet Party & those who subscribe to Milli Görüş ideology) and apologised for statements that "may have hurt Saadet Party members" as well as praising its leader .

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  20. 7 hours ago

    MHP Committee Member tweets his support for the MHP-linked men who beat up an İyi Party activist for supporting İmamoğlu


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