[Sprint/GiddyGiraffe] (fix): analytics
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38 38 public function fetchAll($opts = []) 39 39 { 40 40 $result = []; 41 foreach ([ 'hour', 'day', 'month' ] as $unit) { 41 foreach (['hour', 'day'/*, 'month'*/] as $unit) { - Owner
why have we removed the month?
58 58 ->willReturn(12); 59 59 60 60 $graph = new Graph(); 61 $graph->setKey('avgpageviews-mau_unique-month') 61 $graph->setKey('avgpageviews-mau_unique-month-12') - Maintainer
We're doing a lot of math changes in the aggregates without a lot of unit test changes.