

✨Trapped between a very fragile heart and a very strong mind✨[RTs not Endorsements]

England, United Kingdom
Joined November 2013


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    22 Dec 2018

    In 2018 Marriage Wave . . . 😍😛

  2. 1 hour ago

    And honestly this is just for starters . Pakistani Weddings need a complete revamp .

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  3. 1 hour ago

    Snakes guised as relatives Why cant it be just ppl who legit love you&ulove them&environment b celebratory Infact its surrounded by negative aura n energy Some get offended why you have called certain people and others as why you haven’t called some ppl lol . shit show

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  4. 3 hours ago

    Imagine being so scared of his rule you overturn his presidency in 1 yr , so scared of his voice you muzzle it deep in bars n glass chambers,So scared of his faith you deny him a Mushaf, so scared that you deny him a Janaza A proper burial . must have done something right

  5. Retweeted
    18 hours ago

    “Don’t kill the lions of your country or you’ll be left with the dogs of your enemies . RIP 💔

  6. Retweeted
    14 hours ago

    Someone educate this nation , please educate this nation . Tell them That they can make something of their lives , that they can see beyond their petty issues & big egoes , that life is precious, teach them to respect differences in civility . Referring to incident .

  7. 15 hours ago

    Too funny . Although I do think he is making fun of Sarfaraz lolz

  8. 16 hours ago
  9. 18 hours ago

    Allah SWT .. please grant a miracle to my country . 7 decades is a really long time :(

  10. 18 hours ago

    I am incredibly sad today :(

  11. Retweeted
    19 hours ago
  12. 19 hours ago

    You win . You will live and you will be remembered and honored . Rest In Eternal Peace

  13. Jun 17
  14. Jun 17

    Sometimes I wonder if Sun is that “ہمیشہ دھکائی جانے والی آگ” or volcanoes are or what . We really don’t know . I don’t think our brain can ever get this . Astagfirrullah

  15. Jun 16
  16. Jun 16

    یہاں پر ہم گرمی میں خراب ہوتے ہیں دیکھیں پولیس ڈنڈے مارتی ہے تبدیلی کیسے آۓ گی 😂

  17. Jun 16

    I never for once in the tinniest bit of my mind thought people can actually romanticize Bilawal n Maryam pictures . Lanaattt ۔ lol

  18. Jun 16

    O Goshh ... The India Pakistan Game and the Father’s Day Jokes . SHIT

  19. Jun 15

    That is gross generalization if you are talking in larger persepective . I can agree to it to the scale of social media though


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