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  1. Pinned Tweet
    30 Apr 2017

    Some beautiful traditional Kurdish music with Iranian Rastak group ! The music is simply hilarious.

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  2. 4 minutes ago

    UK | Janazah prayers on President Morsi to be performed across major cities in England, Wales and Scotland today after the Maghreb prayer Mosques where the janazah prayer will be formed ⤵️

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  3. 7 minutes ago

    Pakistan | Thousands perform janazah prayer on President Morsi and protest the military junta in Egypt

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  4. Retweeted
    3 hours ago

    Imagine being so scared of his rule you overturn his presidency in 1 yr , so scared of his voice you muzzle it deep in bars n glass chambers,So scared of his faith you deny him a Mushaf, so scared that you deny him a Janaza A proper burial . must have done something right

  5. 17 minutes ago

    Isntanbul | Tens of thousands are awaiting the arrival of President Erdogan to perform the janazah prayer on President Morsi Crowd listens to prayers and Quran recitations in silence

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  6. 26 minutes ago

    This fear will eat them out. Cairo will be free again but this time for more than a year.

  7. 43 minutes ago

    Sydney | thousands of Australian muslims preform janazah prayer on President Morsi Angry congregation chant against the rule of the military junta in Egypt

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  8. 54 minutes ago

    Kayseri | tens of thousands perform janazah prayer on President Morsi followed by chanting Ya Allah, Bismillah, Allahuakbar

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  9. 1 hour ago

    Istanbul | tens of thousands attend janazah prayers on President Morsi across city’s mosque Largest gathering at Fatih Mosque where President Erdogan will be attending the prayer shortly

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  10. 1 hour ago

    Pres Morsi’s hometown | Despite crackdown, Egyptians come out in hundreds to perform janazah prayer in absentia on President Morsi. Reports of security forces attacking the crowds after the prayer

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  11. 1 hour ago

    Diyarbakir | tens of thousands of Kurds & Turks attend janazah prayer in absentia on President Mohammed Morsi

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  12. 1 hour ago

    Umm al-Fahm | Palestinians perform janazah prayer in absentia on President Morsi

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  13. 1 hour ago

    Mississauga - Canada | Muslims perform janazah prayer in absentia on President Mohammed Morsi

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  14. 1 hour ago

    California | thousands perform janazah prayer in absentia on President Mohammed Morsi at Anaheim Mosque

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  15. 2 hours ago

    1- Jerusalem | Thousands perform janazah prayer on President Morsi in absentia

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  16. 2 hours ago

    Global mourning of President Mohammed Morsi Millions across the globe mourn the death of the imprisoned democratic leader of Egypt Thread

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  17. Retweeted
    6 hours ago

    State-owned media has death published in 7 lines in the crime/accident news section Regardless of state political stance on ex-president, this is major news for any news outlet that has a minimum of professionalism. Not in

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  18. Retweeted
    2 hours ago

    Thread on Morsi by an American academic who knew him well

  19. Retweeted

    Dün vefat haberini aldığımız Muhammed Mursi için bugün İstanbul Fatih Camii'nde ikindi namazına müteakip gıyabi cenaze namazı kılınacak. Ben de Şehit Mursi kardeşimin gıyabi cenaze namazına iştirak edeceğim.

  20. 3 hours ago

    The bad news is -well bad for those who think physical death is the death of the idea- the Brotherhood has grown from a six member fraternity to Middle East’s largest peaceful political organisation thanks to the blood & sacrifices of its leaders. Nothing will change.

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  21. 3 hours ago

    This is a repeated theme with Muslim Brotherhood leaders Hassan Banna, MB’s founder, was assassinated. Only a few women of his family & his father were allowed at his burial Mohammed Mahdi Akif, former supreme guide, was buried at night & only family allowed

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