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New yearbook by
@SIPRIorg's is out. Here's your annual look at the world's top military exporters and importers. … Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Hetav Rojan Retweeted
SPØRGSMÅL Jeg leder efter en gæst med et indgående kendskab til den danske venstrefløjs (partier til venstre for S) historie til en sommerpodcast-episode. Nogle forslag derude?
#dkpolThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Hetav Rojan Retweeted
Hvis man følger tyrkisk politik, så er der spændende tv i aften! De to store partiers kandidater til den vigtige borgmesterpost i Istanbul mødes i en direkte duel live på tv. Det er helt uhørt i tyrkisk politik.
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It took awhile but in the end
#Ekremİmamoğlu finally nailed the most compelling point in a clear and effective way: promises from the party that has governed Istanbul in the way it has for 25 years fall flat.Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Hetav Rojan Retweeted
"En anden dansk kvinde har en dreng på tre, som er meget syg, han er holdt op med at spise"
@politiken er i al-Hol lejren i Syrien. …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Hetav Rojan Retweeted
En af de modigste dokumentarinstruktører, jeg nogensinde har set
@waadalkateab vinder endnu en pris for sin hjerteskærende beretning fra belejringen af Aleppo i 2016. “For Sama” hedder den fantastiske film, som jeg opfordrer alle til at se. …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Hetav Rojan Retweeted
For anyone writing about limpet mines today, DM me and I can connect you with some buddies of mine from the Navy EOD community who can talk things over with you
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Big fan of these OSINT walkthroughs by the Bellingcat team. Deep dive into this week's tanker trouble. …
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Turkey's intel agency MIT opens "internet museum" of spycraft with Ottoman reports on Lawrence of Arabia and these snazzy spy accessories. …
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This is very timely. Exciting opportunity at
@ICSR_Centre. …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo - Hetav Rojan Retweeted
Det her er helt vildt: Tre kilder fra Den Frie Syriske Hær bekræfter over for WA uafhængigt af hinanden, at danskeren Jacob El-Ali, der poserede med afhuggede hoveder i Raqqa, risikerede sit liv for at spionere mod IS
#dkkrim#dkpol …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Casual reminder: Nearly 7,000 minors from +30 countries are stranded in camps following IS collapse in Syria, say estimates. …
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Belgium joins the European repatriation club. French and Dutch govt's brought back children in past week. …
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Distress call: Here's a navigation officer from nearby ship currently 45miles from struck tanker Front Altair. (Thread) …
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Here's an English google translation. …
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For 1st time, Denmark joins France in repatriating kids of IS fighters. Two French kids with "Danish background" are evacuated from Syria to France. …
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Of the countless protests and riots I've covered over the years, I've never once seen this tactic used. Tear gas grenades extinguished almost immediately with water. Hong Kong protesters seem incredibly well organised. …
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Det er et lyspunkt for Tyrkiets politiske kultur, som ellers kan byde på masseslagsmål i parlamentet og voldsopfordringer fra partiledere. Her fra maj 2016. …
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I Danmark er valgkamp = partilederdebat. I Tyrkiet er det første gang i 20 år, at lederne af de to største partier skal udveksle holdninger i samme lokale. Det fortæller os én ting: AKP er dybt bekymret for at tabe Istanbul igen. …
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My Russian defense system brings all of the US Congress to the yard. …
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