Randa Slim


Lebanese-American; Senior Fellow & Director of Conflict Resolution & Track II Dialogues Program & Non-Resident Fellow FPI

OH, DC & Beirut
Joined February 2011


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  1. 32 minutes ago

    Predict part of response to accusations of responsibility for tanker attack is use Assad’s playbook in 2013 in denying EGhouta CW attack. Iran will say why would they do attack while Abe in town. Assad said why would Damascus attack while UN monitors were in town.

  2. Retweeted

    Turkish official tells MEE, “NO CEASEFIRE in IDLIB” •Syrian opp seizes 4 strategic location • Assad attack wounded 3 Turkish soldiers • Turkish FM: If the attacks continue, Turkey will act • No ceasefire b/c Assad doesn’t stop

  3. 43 minutes ago

    My fear is that & seem 2be increasingly locked in escalatory spiral. Let us assume Iran does more such attacks & continues 2impose sanctions. Will this lead to upping the ante by targeting US personnel in region? Then, War will be inevitable.

  4. 1 hour ago
  5. 2 hours ago

    response to tankers’ incident in Gulf of Oman

  6. 3 hours ago

    True. But for at least 6 of those years you watched a genocide unfold in & your friend chose to do nothing about it. Major reason why I am not voting for in Dem primary.

  7. 3 hours ago
  8. 3 hours ago

    Waiting for twitter response to latest tweets

  9. 4 hours ago

    What a read on the impact of ’s territorial divisions on plans for reconstruction!

  10. 4 hours ago

    Nizar Zakka now requires psychological counseling & help. Hope he is getting it.

  11. Retweeted
    5 hours ago

    Iranian official: Front Altair oil tanker, moving Ethanol from Qatar to Taiwan, caught fire at 8:05 local time, 25miles from Iran's Jask Port The second Panama-flagged tanker Kokuka Corageous, moving Methanol from Saudi Arabia to Singapore, caught fire at 9:50, 30miles from Jask

  12. 4 hours ago
  13. 4 hours ago

    de-escalation of tensions can take place despite lack of direct negs between & . At least until 2020. If is re-elected, Khamenei might emulate his predecessor & drink the poison chalice this time in negotiating with .

  14. 4 hours ago
  15. 5 hours ago
  16. 5 hours ago

    Must read by “willfully ignoring how economic statecraft toward and might have unintended consequences in the Middle East creates dangerous blind spots for national security.”

  17. 5 hours ago
  18. 5 hours ago

    I am not a fan of to say the least, but someone needs to put these facts on his desk. He will do something to stop this UN funding of linked organizations.

  19. 5 hours ago
  20. 6 hours ago

    Did they discuss the ships “torpedoed” in the Gulf of Oman?


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