12th May 2019Wiki launched

After a productive brainstorming and hacking session at the MRathon (hackathon for MR professionals) in Montreal, Canada, we finally launched our Wiki! Now its up to you, the community to contribute to the wiki and create an open source knowledge base around MR research and development. Open and free to all, now and forever.

23rd April 2019Standard and Guideline on Open Source Hardware

On 17th of April we started our kick-off meeting on a DIN SPEC standard and guideline on Open Source Hardware. The consortium consist of many international experts developing, researching and selling open source hardware and open source software. The final documents, consisting of a standard and guideline, will be published by the end of this year (in English and...

16th April 2019Questionnaire on reproducibility

The ISMRM Reproducible Research Study Group would like to find out what the ISMRM Membership thinks about problems related to reproducibility – and what the study group might be able to do to improve things. The Questionnaire has 5 sections – and should only take around 5-10 mins to complete (but maybe a bit longer if you want to provide...

11th April 2019Reproduce a seminal paper initiative

The ISMRM study group for reproducible research just launched the 2019 reproduce a seminal paper initiative. The goal of this initiative is to select seminal papers from the field of magnetic resonance, and ask the community to reproduce the core findings/algorithms/implementations from these papers.

25th March 2019What the Hack? MRathon launching prior to ISMRM

Time for a hackathon to promote reproducibility, collaboration, and standards through open source practices in magnetic resonance. The MR Hackathon (MRathon) that we are co-organizing is scheduled for May 9-10 2019 at the Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Montreal, Canada. Right before the annual meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM).

31st December 2018First MR Image acquired

Happy old year! We are happy to announce that we acquired a first image in October this year with our open source Desktop MR system. We packed our magnet into the car in Berlin, drove down some 800km to LUMC in Leiden Netherlands, did a bit of magic and voila. This is a great success and it was a...

10th December 2018Call for Open Source Software Tools Demos – ISMRM 2019

An interesting call for proposals (organized by Miki Lustig, Larry Wald and Tony Stoecker) has been launched that addresses open source software developers of sequence design, simulation and image reconstruction software to present and demonstrate their tools at the ISMRM 2019 in Montreal, Canada. Here is the link to the call:

6th December 2018Ready for a challenge? Call for Ideas Open Now

Any good ideas to meet three important MR challenges from Africa, India and South America? We are happy to announce that the call for ideas is open and the best ideas will be presented at the ISMRM 2019 in Monreal, Canada. Moreover you will get a chance to work in teams to realize your ideas. You can find more...

25th May 2018Paris, Open Source Standards and Publications

Dear Open-Source friends, here are the latest news around the Open Source Imaging Initiative (OSI²), a collaborative effort towards open source research and the development of an open source MRI. Updates include Paris the city of love and open source, open source standards/hardware for RF coil developers and newest publications with open source content.

17th October 2017Imagining OSI2 around tapas at the ESMRMB 2017

Let's have some food and drinks together in Barcelona.

20th August 2017From the Pacific to the Mediterranean

The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine gave a warm welcome to OpenSourceImaging.org in its 25th annual meeting held in Hawaii (ISMRM 2017). The initiative raised interest through the two presentations and the two study group sessions offered by Lukas Winter. The next congress in our sight is the 34th annual scientific meeting of the European Society for...

29th March 2017Goodbye Olsztyn…Aloha Hawaii

After presenting (Lionel Broche, University of Aberdeen, Scotland) at the European Network on NMR Relaxometry (EURELAX) in Olsztyn Poland earlier this year we are heading next to Hawaii for the 25th annual meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2017). Our abstracts got accepted for oral and e-poster presentations and we are excited to ride...

24th March 2017Join OSI² on Slack

Talk to us! After an initial testing phase we are ready to communicate over Slack. Do you want to discuss, share ideas, participate, criticize, inspire, motivate and basically shape the future of Open Source Imaging? Then follow the instructions here: http://www.opensourceimaging.org/slack/ and join our Slack channel Open Source Imaging. The Slack channels are for discussions around various OSI² topics. Concrete tasks...

31st December 2016Happy old year, Happy new year!

With the year 2016 ending we would like to say thank you to all of you for your tremendous support! This was the year of birth of opensourceimaging.org and the start of the open source imaging initiative. It was a lot of fun watching our initiative grow and develop. A short update on the latest events.

25th October 2016Science communication is undergoing a revolution – Dr. Nikola Stikov

Dr. Nikola Stikov, founder of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, visited Stanford University last week and spoke on the topic of modern science communication with the goal of communicating science to a broader audience using blogging.

6th October 2016Petition started: ISMRM Study Group on Reproducible Research

A petition has been started by Michael Hansen (NIH, Bethesda, US) and others working on Open Source Software in the MR community to create an ISMRM study group on reproducible research. We talked to Michael and once the study group is formed Open Source Hardware will be included as well. So please support this great initiative! Sign the...

28th September 201615th Open Source Project Added

We have already 15 projects uploaded! What can you do with the last five uploads? Well, e.g. you can reconstruct your images using BART or Gagdetron, convert them to the open data format ISMRMRD in order to share your data with your collaborators, who can use the result for simple image registration with SimpleElastix. Or are you a hardware girl/guy?...

25th September 2016Science Hacking

Flower pots that generate energy, polygon evolution, experiencing quantum mechanics in virtual reality and many more fun projects at the Science Hack Day Berlin. The idea of the Science Hack Day: Connecting the scientific and maker community for 24 hours and see what happens. Brilliant, just imagine the potential of long term collaborations between scientists and makers to tackle...

9th September 2016Bringing affordable medical devices to the World (Health Summit)

Many crucial medical devices are beyond the reach of patients throughout the world. We believe that an open source approach to medical hardware design will engage communities of developers and produce simple, practical and innovative instruments. Local development, customized production and global education will be encouraged, ultimately resulting in better, sustainable health care for patients throughout the world. And that...

Photo: Katharina Bohm/MDC

25th August 2016Globalizing Medical Imaging – MDC insights interview

Our interview for MDC insights the online news platform of the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (MDC) got published. Many thanks to Russ Hodge for the interview and Martin Ballaschk for editing. Can we as a community globalize medical imaging?

15th August 2016Open Innovation and Open Science in Europe

Research in Europe is opening up. Based on a recent report of the Council of the European Union, all publicly funded research shall be freely available (open access) to the public from 2020 . Licensing models shall be promoted, such as creative commons for scientific publications and research data sets.Good job Europe. Interestingly to the concept of Open Science...

8th July 201610th Open Source Project Added

We are happy to announce that the 10th open source project has been added to the project section. Thanks to all contributors! We also added a search/filter function to the projects section (thanks Sergej) and the newsletter will be launched very soon, so subscribe to receive the fancy updates. Don't worry we will not spam you, the newsletter will...

5th June 2016Flash Grant Received

We are happy to announce that Open Source Imaging has been identified as an "impressive change agent" by the Shuttleworth Foundation and awarded us with a Flash Grant. The Shuttleworth Foundation supports social innovators for an open knowledge society. Thumbs up for the Shuttleworth Foundation and to Open Source Ecology, who supported us!

2nd June 2016Opening Up MR Value

Happy Birthday Paul Lauterbur! As a birthday gift, we have launched OpenSourceImaging.org on 6th of May 2016. Few days later the open source imaging initiative (OSI²) has been successfully presented at the 24th annual meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) in Singapore, the biggest MR technology based conference with about 5000 abstracts. We...

2nd May 2016OSI² presentation at the 24th ISMRM in Singapore

Kick-Off for the Open Source Imaging Initiative (OSI²) at the 24th annual meeting of the ISMRM in Singapore, the biggest MR technology related conference in the world. Our abstract has been accepted as part of “The MR Value Initiative”. Meet Lukas Winter at the electronic poster and learn more about how the community can benefit from OSI² and how...

1st May 2016About OSI²

The Open Source Imaging Initiative (OSI²) represents a new approach to the development of medical imaging devices, aiming to make the health-care benefits of modern instruments accessible to many more people around the globe. The project will pool the knowledge and experience of many experts in open-source designs for Magnetic Resonance Imaging devices (MRI) which can be built and...