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Keepers of the Light

This song is by Prussian Blue.

You rage against my culture and my kin
Your hateful words expose the darkness within!
You can shout, you'll never put out this light
You don't scare me!

You hide in shadows, wait to tears us apart
Your hate of white, just shows the black of your heart!
Come on out and I'll give you your fight!
You don't scare me!

Every time that you knock me down I will rise again!

With a song in my heart I'll lead our people to the rainbow's end!

For the keepers of the light they will sparkle in the night
Like a star upon a dream you will recall!
Where the turning sun shines true and the skies are prussian blue...
Let the keepers of the light burn in us all!

You plot your evil just to hurt our kind
With venom lies born from a poisonous mind!
Blow away you won't extinguish this flame!
You won't break me!

Unsatisfied till everything you control
Your spiteful deeds reveal an empty soul!
There's no way that my blood you will tame!
You won't break me!

Every time that you push me 'round I will push you back

Singing songs of our racial pride we waken with a thunder crack!

For the keepers of the light they will sparkle in the night
Like a star upon a dream you will recall!
Where the turning sun shines true and the skies are prussian blue...
Let the keepers of the light burn in us all!

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