This is a low priority article; this tag is barely used. >>734198 This magick bitch says the Oedipus complex is legit: (interesting video) Also do you think the idea that Western Civilization exerts the same type of repressive conditions as Freud wrote about? This idea [formally] came from the Frankfurt School Marxists/Cultural Marxists/Freudian Marxists/Neo-Marxists, they never stated what they were for but clear stated they were vehemently against Western Civilization/Culture, to make a "free society" they sought to destroy it. It seems there very successful methods of trying to destroy it has so far caused more psychological problems than existed in original WC. They probably believed there Machiavellian means to get to an end always justified that end. What end?: Equality and a Communist utopia most likely. More info on PC - Speaker: Valdas Anelauskas:
User000name (talk) 14:49, October 21, 2016 (UTC)
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