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    The annual anniversary of the martyrdom of member Ebrahim Abdulkader in by thr black monsters of We miss you brother, as well as does .

  2. A video shows how 2 members of SDF set a fire in the lands near Ain al-Arous town in the countryside of city.

  3. مقطع مصور يظهر دورية تابعة لقسد تقوم باشعال النيران بالاراضي الزراعية بقرية عين عروس بريف تل أبيض شمالي محافظة الرقة.

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  5. US-led coalition airstrikes destroyed Raqqa. I met the women we’ve abandoned there.

  6. A big fire broke out in the agriculs lands between Barzan village and Ain Elaaros town near Tel Abiad city on the Syrian-Turkish border.

  7. An explosion in the city of

  8. Syria: new multimedia site tells story of Coalition’s destruction of Raqqa

  9. “قسد” تمنع النازحين من دخول الرقة ووفاة سيدة وجنينها في مخيم الركبان

  10. Inside the city, the International Alliance issued more than 3829 airstrikes, the SDF shot thousands of shells, and ISIS committed more than 90 suicide bombings. An estimated 90% of Raqqa city has been completely destroyed.

  11. In all this, the civilians incurred the biggest losses with more than 1873 of them killed, over 450 thousands displaced from them homes, and thousand more injured and disappeared.

  12. Today marks the anniversary of when the SDF launched the battle for control over Raqqa, which lasted four and a half months, and ended in the withdrawal of 4500 ISIS fighters and family members from the city.

  13. Yesterday militia arrested more than 15 persons of Al-Jawhar family including women and children from their house in Al-Jimele neighborhood in city.

  14. بينهم عقيد طيار.. قتلى للنظام بريف الرقة

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  16. Happy Eid for everyone 💐🎉

  17. القمح السوري ضحية الحرب: حرائق مفتعلة لأسباب سياسية؟

  18. Car Bomb Blast Kills 10, Hurts 20 in Syria’s Raqqa

  19. +18 The video contains blood content a video of the explosion which happened in Raqqa city on Saturday’s evening, the video shows the victims who are mainly children P.S: ISIS has claimed responsibility of the explosion .

  20. A fire broke out in the agricultural lands in countryside north .

  21. “Ezo Khalaf Almousa Alnoaime” got killed yesterday due the explosions in city.


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