Put out a positive note, got any leaks for us before Ubisoft and Square tomorrow?
thank you. what i've posted so far is what i know so far. i'll keep you updated. the source isn't going to go away or anything for future conferences either.
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You should have a lawyer go over that cease and desist letter and confirm whether or not Nintendo has the right to stop you from reporting information that you were given about their games. It’s not like they have you under a confidentiality agreement.
I would if I were in a better position right now. As that Kotaku article said, I'm traveling abroad and not at home at the moment. Regardless, I'll be a good source of video game news in the future as a proven legitimate source, even if I don't post Nintendo.
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Nobody really wants leaked though.
Today’s events would say otherwise.
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what is that for
I was joking.
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Nintendo fans in the comments asking you to send the info to someone else:pic.twitter.com/cXgYmZnYGA
I mean loopholes are loopholes bruh
All it is is passing on the legal action to someone else. I get you're super thirsty for leaks but get over itpic.twitter.com/STKv345r1G
I mean I guess that's right but through private channels if that other person wasn't warned...
The original person is still accountable my dude
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I think announcing that you will leak the Direct on twitter was a bad idea.
Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
Girl we’re only here for Nintendo...
As sad as that is, it's true. Other companies can suck it. Go Nintendo!
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Good luck, sorry they got you!
Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
Sabi your whole audience here is Nintendo. I think this not only killed our hope for a leak, it might of killed your reputation unless you build it up again.
How would it kill his reputation? This just made him more legit if anything
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