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    Jun 3

    Two years after the Qatar dispute, the coalition assembled by Saudi Arabia achieved none of its goals and — because of its failures — is quietly turning against each other. Details in my new analysis in :

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    It's time for us to start paying attention to what's going on in Sudan.

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    Jun 7

    In has a terrific piece on the return of Assad statues to areas retaken from the opposition. Includes a brief comment from me.

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    Assad supporters call Abdel Baset Sarout a terrorist and extremist. They ignore that Sarout danced and sang alongside with Fadwa Sulieman (Alawite) and cried for Basel Shehada (Christian) and mourned for May Scaff (Christian).

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    لم يكن لدى الساروت حكما ولا مالا ولا اجهزة استخبارات، ومع ذلك احبه السوريون ورثوه وبكوه. اما حافظ الاسد، فكان حاكما، ولا يتذكره السوريون الا بترداد "يلعن روحك يا حافظ". يمكن لآل الأسد قتل كل السوريين، لكنهم لن يتمكنوا يوما من نيل حبهم او احترامهم.

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    You put this so elequently. Most of my Facebook friends are Syrians inside Idlib/Aleppo and it's just one photo of his after another. There is little talk of anything else.

  7. Strangely I was saying this earlier today. The last couple of days remind us that there is no way this is going to be over. Hard to see where things are heading at this confusing moment, but it’s impossible for people to ever forget what the Assads did to them & to their homes.

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    Jun 9

    I wrote about the aftermath of the attack this past week in , , which shook daily life there. It was a lone wolf attack, but local politicians said deeper structural problems allowed it to happen. Read it here in :

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  9. After years of calm, Lebanon’s Tripoli reels from 'lone wolf' terror attack

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    14 hours ago

    Watching videos of al Saroot’s funeral procession: Cheap Akkad motorcycles, pick-up trucks, tanned brown arms in fake designer t-shirts and jeans, and the revolution’s green flag fluttering in the wind. Syria’s real proletariat, forsaken by the world, mourning one of their own.

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    16 hours ago

    Abdul Baset al-, heavily wounded, died on Saturday. Famous goal keeper, "singer of the revolution", he is a true icon, the kind of ones dictatorships & tyrannic regimes will never have. His own story embodies the fight for dignity. He was 27.

  12. The latter part of the analysis is also shared by knowledgeable observers like

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  13. HTS was able to lead the rebels to face off Russian-backed forces and even go on the offensive, despite speculation that Turkey might be trying to plant friendly forces between HTS & regime areas analysis from for

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  14. The Observer view on the crisis in Sudan | Observer editorial

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    Hello, I have a story about that shows the extent to which the debate over Iran policy has been turned into a snake pit of disinformation that leads from social media to news outlets all the way up to the White House:

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  16. This is exactly how much of the commentary on the region sounds like, down to the confidence it’s delivered with:

  17. A worthy sendoff

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  18. By “not in spite of... but despite”, I meant “not in spite of having flaws, but despite those flaws” (those flaws are part of what made them so real)

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  19. Had the same impression when I first read the piece, but mostly because it was based on one person’s “confessions”. Makes absolutely no sense for other reasons too.

  20. Jun 8

    Abdulbasit’s mother travelled for 13 hours to see him (she was told he was injured). They told her the news as she arrived. He was the 5th of her sons to have been killed by Assad, in addition to 5 of her brothers. Her words after crying: “Alhamdulilah.”

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  21. Retweeted
    Jun 8

    rose to fame as a goalkeeper for his home city of Homs, joined peaceful protests against Assad and was known as the “singer of the revolution”. Hetook up arms as the country slid into civil war. 4of his brothers and his father have also been killed


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