Yes, there is evidence that Bt brinjal is 100 per cent safe (Part II)

June 6, 2019, 8:50 pm IST in Seeing the Invisible | India | TOI

In this second part I continue to consider the issues raised by Kavitha Kurunganti. It turns out that GM crops are the most studied crops in history and 95 per cent of the safety studies, in the best peer reviewed journals, confirm their safety. Approximately 5 per cent of such studies claim to show adverse effects but such studies have been consistently found to be methodologically problematic (such as the Mezzomo study), aside from numerous other issues, including the fact that that such studies arise from just a few laboratories and have been published in less important journals with lower peer-review standards.

In relation to the IFPRI study, let me clarify for Kavitha that it was a joint study with the Bangladesh government. Since the Bangladesh government had thoroughly confirmed human safety prior to regulatory approval for release in 2013, the IFPRI’s data on pesticide use led their Minister to say that the Bangladesh government has ensured that the improved GM varieties do not harm human or environmental health. That’s the “perfect” safety I was referred to.

Kavitha had mentioned in her article that crop developers’ own testing data shows Bt-brinjal to be unsafe. I personally checked this with P. Ananda Kumar – a member of India’s GEAC and two Expert Committees that looked into the Bt brinjal data. He is not aware of any such data. If Kavitha can provide it to me, I’ll pass it on to Mr Kumar to examine it.

The third argument to confirm safety is about regulatory controls. Government regulators are required to confirm that these crops are safe and investigate unintended or inadvertent effects of genetic manipulation using Bt genes. Mr Ananda Kumar has advised me that this was indeed done for Bt brinjal. These regulatory studies from 2000 to 2009 were unambiguous in their results: that Bt brinjal is safe for humans.

What about Kavitha’s comment about the independent experts of a Technical Expert Committee of the Supreme Court which “concluded that there should be a ban of such Bt food crops in India”? I understand that the Technical Expert Committee report minus Dr Paroda’s section lacked scientific scrutiny and is therefore unreliable.

So, in the end, I’m not persuaded by Kavitha’s many concerns. I hope she is able to see why. I can assure her that I will re-open this issue if she can provide me with proof of any human being directly harmed by consuming GM baingan bhartha or pakoras fried in Bt oils. Note that flatulence doesn’t count.

Fourth, having settled the consumer protection issue, we can turn to farmers. Around 200,000 farmers die each year from excessive use of pesticides, with most of these deaths in developing countries like India. The fact that Bt brinjal has allowed a dramatic reduction in pesticide use in Bangladesh means that tens of thousands of farmers’ lives can now be saved each year.

Quite inadvertently, Kavitha might have become a ‘useful idiot’ for pesticide companies who gain by selling toxic chemical sprays. I suggest she avoid becoming a part of the problem and become a part of the solution, instead. Yes, it is good to be sceptical and cautious (I am too) but harms need to be proven conclusively before stopping something that brings huge benefits for humans and the environment.

Fifth, Kavitha believes that farmers already have sufficient freedom through agro-ecology and organic farming. Actually, the health benefits of these alleged technologies are non-existent from the scientific perspective. Further, farmers strictly avoid these options for a very good reason (I’ve discussed in detail with an organic farmer in Haryana) – that these “technologies” are hopelessly unproductive and uneconomic. Even then, our party is not in the business of stopping farmers who wish to engage in self-harm through organic farming. But why is Kavitha against the freedom of farmers to use rock solid, proven technology that is known to radically improve their incomes, reduces their deaths from pesticide poisoning, and improve the nutrition of the mal-nourished children of India? Only religions are known to be so inhuman. I hope being anti-GM is not a new religion.

In the end, are we as a country going to facilitate farmers’ freedoms so they can adopt the best innovations developed by Indian and world scientists, or do we want to corral them into a backwater with cult leaders chanting from the sidelines for their death? Do we want to tie our farmers to the soil forever in poverty or give them an opportunity to rise up the economic ladder?

This is not just about Bt brinjal. GM mustard was innovated using public funds by Deepak Pental, the then Vice Chancellor of Delhi University. This crop has successfully undergone all tests by regulatory authorities who have recommended its commercial roll-out. But this, too, is in cold storage. The Kafkaesque situation today is that our governments are supporting foreign famers by importing GM canola but denying GM technology to our own farmers.

Let me reassure Kavitha that our party’s default position is to not approve any such innovation. We are against automatic transition of these inventions from the lab to the market. We insist that India’s regulators thoroughly assess GM crops for safety. But once the proofs are in, then we equally insist on their immediate roll-out. And so we oppose the ongoing moratorium on Bt brinjal and support civil disobedience by farmers in Akola on 10 June 2019. Our party will provide sufficient documentation on this topic in the coming days for citizens to understand the issue for themselves. Farmers have waited for many years, hoping that the MoEFCC would go by the scientific facts. Unfortunately, our policy makers repose more faith in Vedic vimanas and Ganesha’s cosmetic surgery than in our scientific bodies. Farmers can’t wait any longer. This is a matter of life and death for them. Their livelihood and their children’s future is at stake. They don’t have the luxury to engage in never-ending debates on a matter that is so conclusively clear.

Farmers have been forced to smuggle GM crops and use them illegally – which is not a good outcome for anyone, since we would like to see these crops properly regulated. The current situation, in which the government has forced farmers to become smugglers, must come to an end.

DISCLAIMER : Views expressed above are the author's own.


Seeing the Invisible
The blog is named after Seeing the Invisible, the title book on economics that Sanjeev has written. Economics involves the study of invisible incentives and motivations. Self-seeking ministers and bureaucrats often work invisibly and insidiously against the public interest. This is more so in socialist countries where governments undertake a number of unnecessary functions. On the other hand, self-seeking businesses – through their competition for our custom – often end up fostering the public interest The blog straddles a range of autobiographical, governance and policy issues, including the experience of joining and working within the IAS, letting go of the IAS and learning new things, and attempting to build a liberal party for India.


Sanjeev Sabhlok
Sanjeev Sabhlok joined the IAS in 1982 but resigned after 18 years upon concluding that India's corrupt socialist governance system cannot be reformed from . . .

Surinder Sud

Very well argued piece. Disinformation being floated by the anti-GM lobby needs to be exposed like this.

Eric Bjerregaard

Well written article. Thanks for standing up for the truth, your farmers, the consumers, your economy and the environment
