5/23/19 - Introducing the Shinies Tipping System

  !jurann ( Suspended )
User Title: Crafter
Registered Since: Jan 14th, 2006 07:37
Current Mood: complacent
Artist Profile:
Programmer, Game Developer, Fursuiter, Philanthropist, Convention Staffer, Web Innovator, Pilot, Foodie, Polar Bear. Loved by many, hated by many, and unknown to most; polarizing personality. You can love me or hate me and I will generally give you back what you put into me and yet I'll still talk to anyone and hear you out. I have opinions, I often share them, they are not intended to offend but sometimes they will. If you don't like my thoughts, feel free to have a discussion - I don't share them to change the world but to challenge and be challenged. No mind changes or improves without testing the validity and strength of ideas against other ideas. If you like my thoughts, also feel free to express that, validity runs both directions.

I like artwork, and I like working with artists. I'm willing to go half/half on commissions if you'd like your character and mine in a 2-char situation - just ask. Here's my character information:

Good refs:
- Male NSFW:

Polar Bear Pointers:
- Polar bears have black flesh - all of it: lips, pucker, cock, nipples - anything that's underneath the fur
- Polar bear fur is actually hollow and clear, but tends to have a yellow to white color from a distance
- The tongue of most polar bears is a grey-blue color, ranging to bright blue or even purple
- Ears on a polar bear's head are small, fuzzy and round - anything larger would get frostbitten
- The muzzle of a polar bear fades from white/off-white to dark gray before the black nose
- Don't be afraid to use photo references, there are tons of great pics on Google Image!


Just shy of seven feet tall, the anthro polar bear form of Jurann stands before you. Like
most bears of his kind, he is generally bulky with rounded features and covered in a heavy
coat of shaggy, cream-colored fur. Unlike most other polar bears, atop his head is tousled
a mop of purple hair, streaked with lighter and darker shades of the color, parted in the
middle. A short goatee of the same color adorns his chin, contrasting with the muzzle
above which fades from creamy to grey then to black at his nose. His eyes blaze a
brilliant deep green above his snout, full of life and wonder and perceptiveness.
As usual, Jurann is naked right now, showing off the padding of his belly and the overall
roundness of his ursine heritage. His legs are particularly well-built, solid and sturdy
masses of sinew capable of running or thrusting with great force. Nestled between his legs
is a fat sheath and ballsac, lightly fuzzed with the creamy white fur of the rest of his
body, but it's clear here that the flesh beneath is jet black as most evidenced by the
bare tip of his sheath. From the girth and length of the fuzzy covering, you'd imagine
this ice bear's packing some serious heat. Though he's large and sometimes intimidating, a
playful twinkle of his eyes indicates that he's a gentle giant inside.
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Yep, I haven't posted much lately. Been pretty busy with a few things.

Firstly and most importantly, I've been moving and getting settled into a new house with my fiancee kaboukie kaboukie - We got a great new place that's HUGE and designer and in a great community with low crime and a lot of hi-tech neighbors. So I've been doing a lot of woodworking to build new furniture and desks for us to work on, built a new 7-panel flat panel harness and MAN it looks great with the panels on it! The moving and settling in are still a work in progress, but it's beginning to settle down a little now.

What my focus and attention are moving to now is a rewrite of the current StickyPaws project updating it to Mojolicious - the new Perl-based web framework that the new portions of FurBuy are written in. Since Mojo has much better separation for MVC, moving StickyPaws (and later FurBuy, I'll get to that) to it means that Kam can work on the presentation while I work on improving and adding back-end functionality. Or vice-versa as necessary. Good news is that I have login and the image gallery viewing pretty much done now, I just have all of the other, more trivial views and interaction to convert still, along with adding some new features that will be much simpler with the move to Mojo. I'm guessing that StickyPaws will remain the priority for the next few months.

Where's the FurBuy refresh/refactor then? Well, it was put on hold for a few months due to some miscommunications with various members of our team. And with school starting up again soon, we're not certain how much bandwidth Kam will have for working on a new UI. If we're lucky, she can work it into her classes as part of her class work and kill two birds with one stone. The jist is that the current Beta UI is not going to be what we move forward with - Kam will be redesigning the look and feel again from the ground up. And new pieces of functionality may be added to FurBuy using Mojo and the current look/feel in the interim. We expect more major work to get done on FurBuy around the Winter Break later this year.

For logistical reasons, we're placing the StickyPaws Beta at a higher priority than the refresh on FurBuy. We want to roll out StickyPaws (final name QED - we have some ideas and are considering coming up with more still) to start getting eyeballs and interest generated there first, which will help drive business and interest to FurBuy since the two will be integrated. This is an important step for us because we intend to show off a lot of modern web features that we hope will help guide the furry community into the next era of online connectivity and cloud networking. How exciting! =)
5 years ago    

Comments (5)   

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Artist Information

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XBox Live:
ursa polaris
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  firefoxinc Posted 7 months ago

  vocoletum Posted 2 years ago
Not sure if you still check FA.
I heard about G'razel, recently.

He was a good man.

You've my condolences.


  ron-ii Posted 3 years ago

  agentt Posted 3 years ago
Greetings from a fellow bear.

  bobbyback Posted 4 years ago
Good riddance to bad rubbish! This guy was a complete scoundrel.

  latinowerejackal Posted 4 years ago
how long is the suspenion?

  spacecadet Posted 4 years ago

  chaluny Posted 4 years ago
I never have sen an id bear sone C:
Good idea.

  kharnak Posted 5 years ago
missed you :c

  pikachu25a Posted 5 years ago
why the suspention?

  bruiser Posted 5 years ago
*zzt!* Thank. You. For. Watching. *zzt!*


  nagi-wolf Posted 5 years ago