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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Mar 18

    NEW -- " Says Is Defeated. Reality Says Otherwise" - My new article for takes a look at what remains of in & ... the news isn't good.

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  4. Tomorrow from 1500-1630, will be hosting US, UK & UN officials to talk in the : - Amb. James Jeffrey - Edmund Fitton-Browm () - Jessica Jambert-Gray , , , , & more...

  5. Retweeted
    21 hours ago

    Must attend or livestream event tomorrow organized by ⁦⁩: Terrorism in the Middle East: A Situation Report | Middle East Institute ⁦

  6. Embarrassing for . Incriminating to . NGOs based in , have decided to stop sharing hospital coordinates with the , to "deconflict" them & avoid being targeted. **Only** has the capacity for pin-point strikes, like this one. = War crimes.

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  7. Retweeted
    May 29

    Idlib offensive: The view from Damascus New article by for on

  8. Jun 3

    6-months after re-opening its Embassy, the is sending aid to -held areas & funding soap operas for state TV, some pushing - shared views on & Islamism. admin thinks it stopped Emirati re-engagement, but it just changed.

  9. Jun 3

    2,000+ have been arrested since returning to ; others subjected to harassment, extortion, torture & forced to inform on relatives. “If I knew then what I know now, I would never have gone back..." Good wake-up reporting by :

  10. Jun 3

    Dreadful news from Azaz overnight, as a car bomb killed 21 people at a food market, after breaking fast. Here, a grandfather clutches his dead grandson, who'd been out shopping for clothes. The boy's father was also killed. -linked "Wrath of Olives" is blamed.

  11. Jun 3

    This is either (a) the personification of total cluelessness or (b) a meek attempt to hide unabashed, malicious intent. Take your pick. Good questioning, .

  12. May 31

    Just saw play “Seven Days Walking” at the . What a genius. A much needed escape & chance to reflect.

  13. May 31

    Yesterday, I had the opportunity to speak publicly about the situation in & what developments there might mean for 's future, as well as other aspects of the crisis. You can re-watch the event here, including my opening remarks from 4:30mins

  14. May 31

    "-besieged Deir ez Zour"??? Where does that even come from?

  15. Retweeted
    May 29

    Possibly the first piece of its kind published so far on the offensive, drawing on many sources within government-held areas, and outlines what the end-game in the offensive will look like. My latest for .

  16. Retweeted
    May 30

    In next Tuesday, June 4? will be hosting 3 high-level US, & guests to discuss counter-terrorism in the : - Amb. James Jeffrey - - Jessica Jambert-Gray fast!

  17. May 31

    When I first met Hassan Soufan, in late-2017, he was fizzing with anger at & Abu Mohammed al-Jolani, who described as a 'threat to the revolution.' The fight in has clearly forced many to put that behind them - temporarily - but talk of mergers may be a factor here:

  18. May 31

    Former al-Sham leader Hassan Soufan has announced his resignation "for special reasons" from Ahrar & the 's leadership council -- though he says he'll remain "a fighter" in the "blessed revolution."

  19. May 31

    Shame on you . (Fareed al-Mhlol), an immeasurably brave civilian journalist from the anti-extremist Marat al-Numan has had his account restricted. A few days ago, his home was hit by a pro- airstrike, killing his aunt & injuring several relatives.

  20. May 31

    "As 's government touts fight against ‘terrorists’ in , towns that resisted extremism come under fire" - , with a useful reminder that NW is complicated & well-meaning people have been made to suffer the most.

  21. May 31

    Another interesting development overnight in NW was 's shoot-down of 2 pro- military drones flying over north & 1 near Jisr al-Shughour. Whether they belonged to or , that's a marked escalatory message. Not sure de-escalation looks close.

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