(feat): OnChain boost updates
OnChain Boost Update:
Boost max increased to 10,000 views - this should almost be completed per Ben
OnChain gives a 'Priority Boost' for faster completion times.
- Prioritize every ~4 posts or so in the queue, as to not clog the boost network
OnChain boosts to have an icon+text showing OnChain boost and a clickable link to the Etherscan boost transaction (mockup below)
Users who boost OnChain 5 times get a badge icon on profile "Power User"
@benhayward.ben @markeharding @jotto141 @brianhatchet
OnChain Boost Icon and Badge
OnChain Boost Mockup
added 2 - Normal P - Boost S - Backlog T - Feature labels
changed milestone to %sprint: Ohms
changed title from (feat): Allow boost up to 25k but require onchain to (feat): Allow boost up to 20k but require onchain
changed the description
removed milestone
changed milestone to %sprint: Remind
assigned to @benhayward.ben
changed title from (feat): Allow boost up to 20k but require onchain to (feat): Allow boost up to 10k but require onchain
changed the description
changed weight to 10
added S - InProgress label and removed S - Backlog label
changed milestone to %sprint: Subscribers
removed S - InProgress label
added S - Follow Up label
removed milestone
- Developer
Functionality should be working and ready but planning needs to be done, @jotto141 let me know when this is to be resumed.
changed the description
changed title from (feat): Allow boost up to 10k but require onchain to (feat): OnChain boost updates
- Reporter
Added some extra requests for onchain that Bill and I discussed in more detail.
added to epic &4 (closed)
changed the description 2 times within 1 minute
changed the description 2 times within 1 minute
changed the description
mentioned in merge request front!210 (merged)
mentioned in issue #316 (closed)
mentioned in merge request !122 (merged)
changed the description 2 times within 2 minutes
changed the description 2 times within 10 minutes
changed the description 2 times within 5 minutes
mentioned in epic &4 (closed)
closed via merge request !122 (merged)
mentioned in commit 5efd71fe
mentioned in commit front@510f485b
changed milestone to %sprint: Aspiring Albatross
added S - Backlog label and removed S - Follow Up label
added S - InProgress label and removed S - Backlog label
changed epic to &42
- Developer
Okay, this had to wait a short while, as it's going to be necessary to detach the badges component first as outlined in &42
Else if any more than a handful of badges are displayed, any excess will overflow the container.
removed the weight
removed S - InProgress label
marked this issue as related to front#1086
changed milestone to %sprint: Dapper Dingo
added S - Backlog label
added 1 - High label
removed 2 - Normal label
changed weight to 6
added S - InProgress label and removed S - Backlog label
added S - Backlog label and removed S - InProgress label
removed S - Backlog label
- Developer
Awaiting the green light from @FaizanJKhan so moving to open.
changed milestone to %sprint: Elevated Eagle
added S - Backlog label
changed milestone to %sprint: Funny Frog
changed the description
marked the task OnChain boosts to have an icon+text showing OnChain boost and a clickable link to the Etherscan boost transaction (mockup below) as completed
- Developer
@markeharding I did thinking over the weekend after our chat Thursday. I was initially thinking to use a cron job, but now I'm thinking, we could put a redeem button on /tokens, that calls the backend and checks whether a user has more than X onchain boosts, then writes it into the entity if so. What do you think?
Unless we're going to be making some sort of special landing page for this, I presume we should also add a section to /tokens to show users that it exists. @FaizanJKhan any suggestions, text to put in, or anything to add?
removed S - Backlog label
added S - Backlog label