Yeah, nah


Clydesdale running against a stampede of donkeys. Semi-educated pleb. I am a layman, husband, father & don't claim to be pious.

Beyond the black stump
Joined March 2019

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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Apr 17

    Here I'm going to pin a number of resources (in no particular order) that I've personally found useful in learning about Islam. Sharh Al-Aqidah Al-Tahawiyah -

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  2. 12 hours ago

    I do not like living and praying amongst the Muslims in the West, never have, never will.

  3. 24 hours ago

    Let us call what she is - a kaffira.

  4. May 31
  5. Retweeted
    May 29
  6. May 29

    As I study Islam online I often have to refer to texts online. However, it is extremely disappointing that 's text has been put online without his permission and has been altered! NB - I personally spend quite a large amount of money on texts.

  7. Retweeted
    May 29

    The Musa's Islamic Book Bundle offer is still running. Get one for yourself; gift one to someone else. Support English-language Islamic scholarship.

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  8. May 22
  9. May 21
  10. May 20

    Be patient with the rulers. However ibn Zubayr revolted against a ruler due to oppression. Thus, you can't call someone a kharijite because they advocate for rebelling against unjust rulers. Great video but alas it would have be better w/out labelling them akhi .

  11. May 20

    Just because I accept some of Sheikh Madkhali's refutations of MB and Sayyid Qutb (rahimuallah) does NOT mean I agree with salafis supporting El-Sissi and Heftar. If you support these open murtadeen I can only shake my head and make du'a that you are guided. Amin.

  12. May 3
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  13. May 3

    Assalaamu alaikum. Enjoy and make the most of Ramadan.

  14. May 3
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  15. May 3
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  16. May 3

    May Allah grant them success & may Heftar spontaneously combust. Amin.

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  17. May 2
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  18. Retweeted
    Apr 2

    - Gang rape, regardless of gender. - Forced marriages, women are forced to marry Han-Chinese officials. - Nazi-era sterilization programs. If this isn’t systematic or , then I don’t know what is.

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  19. May 1
  20. May 1

    Many of your followers lack adab and are far too quick to label other Muslims based on flimsy principles.

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  21. May 1

    Akhi frankly speaking it is time that you stood down from public lecturing.

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