So, I found out last week that my ftM coworker who is the smallest "guy" I've ever met coming in at 4'8" and looks like a bull dyke with a wispy Amish beard and Popeye forearms has a fiance'. I figured it was some fucked up form of lesbian lub. Whatever. But no, it was worse than that.
I got to meet the fiance' yesterday.....a mtF.
I accidentally laughed in its face. It wasn't a, "Oh man, this is hilarious" type of laugh. It was the kind of laugh one bursts out with when the situation is so insanely fucked up and depressing lacking any control can only react by laughing manically. I mean......what's the point of it all?
I really feel bad for these people. They're quite obviously mental ill and being preyed upon by the medical industry, the state and its politics.
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[–] Derpfroot 1 points 55 points 56 points (+56|-1) ago
This is what they deserve. Ridicule. They aren't helping anyone, especially themselves. And they need to know it.
[–] Civil_Warrior 1 points 9 points 10 points (+10|-1) ago
No thats pointless.
These are followers they follow.
The way you fix the degeneracy of followers is by leading and winning.
Followers follow the winner.
It is mathmatically insane to think you can solve it by talking sense to crazy.
[–] MortonLoothorKodos 0 points 3 points 3 points (+3|-0) ago
Nobody said to talk sense.
[–] waucka 0 points 1 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago
By laughing at it, you demonstrate that you are not a follower. By brushing off objections to your laughter, you demonstrate that you are not an outcast who scuttles about in darkness.
If you are neither a follower nor an outcast, what must you be?
[–] Rellik88 0 points 25 points 25 points (+25|-0) ago
So a strait couple then. Since its just a man and women? Fucking faggots.
[–] CapinBoredface 0 points 15 points 15 points (+15|-0) ago (edited ago)
Funny lil anecdote about that.
When I was a young guy, about 15, I got into a group of friends. The rejects, nerds, weirdos... those types of kids. We built robots and made comics and played video games and joined clubs together. One of the clubs we joined was GSA, or "Gay Straight Alliance".
See, I was raised to accept everyone for who they are and I was taught that there was no such thing as "wrong" love, so when one of my friends came out of the closet of course we all supported her.
In 2007 she decided she was bi, not gay. I figured that made sense, people like who they like. Then she started dating one of my other friends (who happened to be Jewish) and after a few months it came out that she had introduced him to pegging and now he was bi. I figured it was an odd relationship but hey, to each their own, right?
Then one day during a GSA Club meeting, one of the kids came out as trans. In 2007 being Trans was not something most high school kids would even really know about. But this previously (flamboyantly) gay boy, who was only 14 years old, assured us that he was actually a she. We all welcomed "her" and patted ourselves on the back. "She" cried, we celebrated. A month later my gay-then-bi-then-pegging-guys friend decided she might be trans too.
Now heres the funny part.
She told all of us, her "boyfriend" the jew, the 14 year old MtF kid, the English teacher who ran the club, and everyone present that she wasn't sure if she was a boy or a girl.
Suddenly I remembered that she had mentioned that she had thought the MtF made a cute girl so I asked her "Hey, if you decided to be a boy, and he decides to be a girl and you both like the way the other looks so you get together would that make you guys normal?"
Everyone lost their shit. And I think that was my first red pill. I learned just how shallow and insane these people are. They are degenerate fetishists who hide behind a lie and call it love. They dont "love" each, because if they really truly were only attracted to the personality then every dyke could just find an effeminate man and every poof could just find a tom boy... but they need to indulge the degeneracy and when one form of faggotry becomes "normal" they start one upping eachother in some kind of fucked up race to see who can mutilate their bodies fastest and the grand prize is aids and a fucking noose in that closet they were so eager to leave.
anyway, I guess that wasnt a lil anecdote after all. Thanks for giving me a tiny opportunity to vent.
[–] Bastionof_freespeech 0 points 4 points 4 points (+4|-0) ago
I sort of feel bad for these people, no one really knows who they are when they're that young. Hopefully they have the insight to realize how much bullshit is in the LGBT community and that they can be happy being normal people. Im friends with a few faggots too and they try to pretend everyone is gay and that they're in the closet when in fact they're the ones self conscious about who they are. Society needs to stop rewarding LGBT people and making them seem like they are altruistic when in fact they don't even know who they are and trying to push bullshit into the greater of society
[–] Socks_are_okay 0 points 4 points 4 points (+4|-0) ago
That sounds absolutely crazy. Good read, thanks for the vent!
[–] Rellik88 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago
slow clap
[–] carlip 3 points 15 points 18 points (+18|-3) ago
still a better LARP than Q
[–] CowWithBeef 0 points 9 points 9 points (+9|-0) ago
It's pretty rare for a tranny to actually pass. More people fall for Q.
[–] BushChuck 1 points 1 points 2 points (+2|-1) ago
Good one.
[–] DozensOfDindus 0 points 2 points 2 points (+2|-0) ago
A fucked in the head straight couple
[–] mrnicegoy 0 points 24 points 24 points (+24|-0) ago
[–] TetrahedronOmega 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago
Mrnicegoy wrote:
Interestingly, there's a Nipponian artistic aesthetic called Visual Kei (ヴィジュアル系), which includes male musical acts dressing as women. The following are some euphonious Visual Kei trannies, including Nihonese musicians.
"YOHIO - SKY☆LiMiT (MV)", YOHIOちゃんねる ( ), Mar. 27, 2012, , . Mirror: "YOHIO - SKY☆LiMiT (MV) - 480P", rutube_account_1115585 ( ), Apr. 2, 2016, . Mirror: "SKY☆LiMiT", YOHIO ( ) May 5, 2012, .
"Seremedy - NO ESCAPE [OFFICIAL PV]", Ninetone Records ( ), July 19, 2012, , . Mirror: "Seremedy - NO ESCAPE PV", JRockisNotDead, July 22, 2012, .
The song "Omega" by Vexent:
The song "Douke no Hana" by Arlequin:
The song "Kyoukaisen" by Arlequin:
"アルルカン 「境界線」 MV FULL", GOEMONRECORDS ( ), July 3, 2017, . Mirror: "アルルカン 「境界線」(Arlequin - Kyoukaisen) FULL MV", Aya Valentine 2 ( ), Sept. 3, 2016, . Mirror: "Arlequin - Kyoukaisen", Kisune ( ), July 22, 2016, .
"「THE END」MV FULL Ver.", MEJIBRAY OFFICIAL ( ), Mar. 30, 2016, , . Mirror: "MEJIBRAY -「THE END」FULL HD", Yuwa ( ), Mar. 23, 2016, .
"Pentagon「POPCORN MONSTER」MUSIC VIDEO", Naomi Shiroyama ( ), June 14, 2016, . Mirror: "ペンタゴン「ポップコーンモンスター」(Pentagon - Popcorn Monster) FULL MV", Aya Valentine 2 ( ), Sept. 3, 2016, . Mirror: "Pentagon - Popcorn Monster", Kisune ( ), July 17, 2016, .
The song "Shounen Waltz" by Pentagon:
"ペンタゴン 「少年ワルツ」 MV FULL", GOEMONRECORDS ( ), Jun. 22, 2017, , . Mirror: "ペンタゴン Pentagon - Shounen Waltz PV", Itoshisa ( ), Jan. 27, 2016, .
"ペンタゴン 「Jesus phobia」MV FULL", GOEMONRECORDS ( ), June 22, 2017, . Mirror: "Pentagon (ペンタゴン) - Jesus Phobia MV", megurine luka ( ), Nov. 14, 2015, , .
"∞INFi2TY 1st Single「Once for...」MV:HUMANS", Official INFi2TY ( ), Sept. 30, 2015, , . Mirror: "∞INFi2TY 1st Single「Once for...」MV:HUMANS", Tsurugi85 ( ), Dec. 2, 2015, .
"∞INFi2TY 「Just the beginning」 MV Full", Official INFi2TY ( ), Apr. 5, 2017, , .
"メディーナ (Mediena) - SORROW MV", Kiryu999 ( ), Dec. 22, 2015, . Mirror: "メディエナ__(Mediena)__Sorrow", Kenji Narukami ( ), Jan. 30, 2017, . Mirror: "[FULL PV] Mediena - SORROW", アペニン山脈の山と雪 ( ), Dec. 23, 2019, .
[–] TheKalergiFan 0 points 0 points 0 points (+0|-0) ago
They are ftm they didn't cut a dick off
[–] Drkadrka 0 points 2 points 2 points (+2|-0) ago
One of them is MTF, so yeah, one has or is considering peeling the banana.
[–] whitemouse 0 points 11 points 11 points (+11|-0) ago
We're all living in a madhouse, that's why you're laughing maniacally.
[–] Planetoftheclown [S] 0 points 9 points 9 points (+9|-0) ago
Honk honk
[–] UKD 0 points 9 points 9 points (+9|-0) ago
Let's be honest: there's no such thing as mtF, just a mentally ill male in a dress.
[–] Planetoftheclown [S] 0 points 2 points 2 points (+2|-0) ago
Good point.
[–] BushChuck 1 points 1 points 2 points (+2|-1) ago
[–] con77 0 points 1 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago
Or FtM
[–] celestial-skylord 0 points 9 points 9 points (+9|-0) ago
I feel immense pity and sadness for them. They Mutilate and Destroy their Bodies and they think themselves Virtuous for it. It's Satanic and Evil beyond belief.
[–] Bastionof_freespeech 0 points 2 points 2 points (+2|-0) ago
Definitely, if you look up on YouTube videos of people detransitioning it's full of horror stories of people given body changing drugs and surgeries where they are basically mutilated and broken people. I wish trans supporters would take a step back and realize how fucked up that culture is
[–] Planetoftheclown [S] 0 points 1 points 1 points (+1|-0) ago
I look at some of these people....these two in particular. I see the vulnerability. They're completely socially inept. They avoid others because they lack confidence and experience anxiety. Whatever reason they feel this will make them whole, but it won't and will further alienate them except in their ever smaller circles of people who struggle with the same ineptness except for those few who are true predators amongst them.
[–] conservativecanuck 0 points 6 points 6 points (+6|-0) ago
It's sad that doctors and medicine in general caved to the demands of the queer community. These people are struggling, and I wish that our culture would provide them honest talk instead of these blatant lies. Of course, we can be kind and decent with them--they are just humans wanting to be happy too--but ffs, this is so sad and fucked up
good luck
[–] BushChuck 1 points 5 points 6 points (+6|-1) ago (edited ago)
It's all the AMA and APA.
A cabal of a couple dozen people decides how everything is done in the Western World.
Everyone uses the DSM. Every doctor follows US standards.
The USA spearheaded the spread of; abortion, circumcision, sodomy, homosexuality, "transgendered" rights, women's rights, and just about any other degenerate behaviour you care to name.
[–] Wedhro 0 points 2 points 2 points (+2|-0) ago
I'm kinda pissed ghosts don't seem to exist: I'd enjoy watching the ghost of Hippocrates haunting those motherfuckers.
[–] gazillions 0 points 5 points 5 points (+5|-0) ago
The ones who should be shot are the proselyting savior complex assholes taking advantage of children's natural insecurities to convince them they're in the wrong body. Fucking parasites.
[–] mean_dot 0 points 3 points 3 points (+3|-0) ago
How about we shoot the ones that use government insurance (read, taxpayer subsidized) to pay for their disfigurement.