[Sprint/FunnyFrog](bug): Added in counter for comments and alert. #452
Closing #452
I decided rather than throwing an alert at the user, it'd be better to let them write or paste in what they want, and then cut it down to the appropriate length.
Counter is hidden if comment is empty as normal.
Without the error bar.
With the error bar.
0/3 discussions resolved
changed the description
- Last updated by Ben Hayward
1 1 <div> 2 <div [class.hidden]="!error" class="mdl-card mdl-color--red-500 mdl-color-text--blue-grey-50 mdl-shadow--2dp"> 3 <span class="mdl-card__supporting-text mdl-color-text--blue-grey-50" style="text-align: center;">{{error}}</span> 4 </div> 5 </div> 6 <span [class.hidden]="charCount === 0" class="m-comment-composer-charCount">{{charCount}} / 1500</span> - Owner
why not just use
? - Owner
for class name use
changed this line in version 2 of the diff
8 13 </div> 9 14 10 15 <div class="minds-body"> 11 12 16 <div class="m-comments-composer"> 17 13 18 <form (submit)="post($event)"> 14 19 <minds-textarea 15 20 #message="Textarea" 16 21 [(mModel)]="content" 17 22 [disabled]="(ascendingInProgress || descendingInProgress) && attachment.hasFile()" 18 (keyup)="getPostPreview(content)" 23 (keyup)="getPostPreview(content); characterCount(content)" - Owner
dont think we need this?
1 .m-comment-composer-charCount { 2 font-size: 10px; 3 color: #666; - Owner
please use global colours