(bug): Error displaying content on home screen
@ radennis0
"Error displaying content" when I click on the home button
Steps to reproduce
(How one can reproduce the issue - this is very important)
Platform information
Moto e5 Play. Android 8.0.0
App version
v3.4.0 & v3.5.0-rc2
What is the current bug behavior?
User is shown an error upon clicking to visit the home screen.
What is the expected correct behavior?
User should be able to return to home.
Relevant logs and/or screenshots
Error: Exception in HostFunction: basic_string::resize
This error is located at:
in RCTView
in n
in inject-n-with-groupsBar
in RCTView
in u
in AndroidHorizontalScrollContentView
in AndroidHorizontalScrollView
in ScrollView
in z
in _
in o
in inject-o-with-groupsBar
in RCTView
in RCTView
in s
in RCTView
in RCTScrollView
in AndroidSwipeRefreshLayout
in v
in ScrollView
in z
in _
in n
in inject-n-with-user
in RCTView
in n
in inject-n-with-newsfeed-user
in n
in p
in v
in RCTView
in AndroidViewPager
in v
in n
in RCTView
in RCTView
in n
in t
in _
in b
in n
in n
in p
in v
in RCTView
in RCTView
in RCTView
in f
in RCTView
in f
in C
in n
in P
in RCTView
in n
in RCTView
in f
in PanGestureHandler
in y
in L
in RCTView
in h
in C
in b
in v
in k
in n
in n
in n
in S
in RCTView
in RCTView
in c
in RCTView
in n
in inject-n-with-groupsBar
in RCTView
in u
in AndroidHorizontalScrollContentView
in AndroidHorizontalScrollView
in ScrollView
in z
in _
in o
in inject-o-with-groupsBar
in RCTView
in RCTView
in s
in RCTView
in RCTScrollView
in AndroidSwipeRefreshLayout
in v
in ScrollView
in z
in _
in n
in inject-n-with-user
in RCTView
in n
in inject-n-with-newsfeed-user
in n
in p
in v
in RCTView
in AndroidViewPager
in v
in n
in RCTView
in RCTView
in n
in t
in _
in b
in n
in n
in p
in v
in RCTView
in RCTView
in RCTView
in f
in RCTView
in f
in C
in n
in P
in RCTView
in n
in RCTView
in f
in PanGestureHandler
in y
in L
in RCTView
in h
in C
in b
in v
in k
in n
in n
in n
in S
in RCTView
in RCTView
in c
Possible fixes
(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)
/label T - Bug ~"S - Triage:new"
added S - Triage (New) T - Bug (Triage) labels
changed the description
added S - Triage (Questions) label and removed S - Triage (New) label
- Developer
Messaged user to request further detail (try get a stack trace)
changed the description
- Developer
@msantang78 logs attached above, Escalating to bug.
added 0 - Urgent 1 - High P - Platform T - Bug labels and removed S - Triage (Questions) T - Bug (Triage) labels
assigned to @msantang78
changed milestone to %sprint: Funny Frog
added S - Backlog label
added S - InProgress label and removed S - Backlog label
added S - Follow Up label and removed S - InProgress label
- Maintainer
I couldn't reproduce the issue. It seems to happen with the substring function of a String that contains an emoji on it.
reported here: https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/23459
Edited by Martin Santangelo changed weight to 2