2 - The reality is that nothing can be further from the truth. Iranians Assyrian such as @Jtaimoorazy have been persecuted by the Iranian regime and she has no love for the government. She has time and time again spoken about her family's struggles living in the Islamic Republic.
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3 - Such comments should not be spewed without validity, especially when tensions between the the US and Iranian government are so high. This is nothing but slanderous talk in order to try to discredit a person and/or organization.
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4 - No one should behave this way, no accusations should be posted without showcasing them first. What we see is accusations from
@iraqschristians and@zinarosek of harassment and/or threats, however none have been presented for the public to see.Show this thread -
5 - On the other hand, myself and all those who are speaking against some of the claims being made openly show exactly what we are referencing, not simply making slanderous comments on social media in order to evoke a push back during heightened national tensions.
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6 - I push for everyone to use civility on social media and not to use such tactics. I encourage everyone to challenge wrongs, and engage against lies yes, but do so with the intent to clear up any misunderstanding and without such vile intent.
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7 - Finally, equating anyone who comes from Iran to being "close to the Iranian government" is racist imo. Not everyone within a country likes their government, nor do those in the diaspora. we should not lump all Iranians into one basket, but rather know each individual's story
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She’s been trying to incite conflict in the area for years. She’s dangerous.
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Thx for the heads-up.
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Tweets from them like this make me sad. They used to do good work, now they only increase the internal divisions in an already fractured community :(
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