(bug): User is not marked as blocked after blocking in messenger
Reported by Ubertesters.
Steps to reproduce
- In messenger open a chat and choose block.
- Close the chat window.
- Open chat window again.
Platform information
Laptop windows 10, Chrome
Username: yahya94
What is the current bug behavior?
- Second party is not marked as blocked.
- User is able to block second party again.
- Second party is not receiving the messages.
- User is unable to unblock second party.
What is the expected correct behavior?
- Second party should be marked as blocked.
- User should not be able to block second party again.
- User should not be able to send messages.
- User should be able to unblock Second party.
Relevant logs and/or screenshots
Possible fixes
(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)
added 1 - High P - Messenger T - Bug labels
- Owner
Can we get usernames between all interacted accounts on all reports?
- Owner
assigned to @benhayward.ben
changed weight to 2
changed milestone to %sprint: Subscribers
added S - Backlog label
@yahya94 and @PEDROTM
added S - InProgress label and removed S - Backlog label
added S - Review label
added S - Follow Up label and removed S - Review label
- Developer
Dug into this a bit more and it seems that the problem is that when the conversation is loaded, the blocked status is incorrect. Prior to the image below I started a conversation between 2 browsers. I tested that the messages could be sent and then blocked my secondary account. Looking at the image below, (1) shows the response from the conversation endpoint on load. (2) shows the result of trying to send a message to my primary account.
I need to see if somebody can check on their systems that this is not an issue with my local setup, as I find it strange. Looking at the PHP, This value is gotten from the ACL, which I am sceptical is really is at fault.
Edited by Ben Hayward added S - Backlog label and removed S - InProgress label
added S - InProgress label and removed S - Backlog label
removed S - InProgress label
- Developer
- Owner
Could you replicate the issue on production?
- Developer
@markeharding Yep, this bug does appear from my perspective (or did when checked) happen on production.
Edited by Ben Hayward - Owner
What is the status here?
changed milestone to %sprint: Funny Frog
- Developer
Will take another look at this this week as my domain knowledge is better now. If I cannot come to a solution in a timely manner I'll hand it off to a more senior developer.
added S - InProgress label and removed S - Follow Up label
added S - Backlog label and removed S - InProgress label
added S - InProgress label and removed S - Backlog label
changed weight to 4
added S - Backlog label and removed S - InProgress label
added S - InProgress label and removed S - Backlog label
- Developer
I'm unable to see any errors in php-fpm, upon blocking a user, going to investigate why that is in the engine.