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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Apr 29

    My new piece with for on the severe movement restrictions placed on Iraqi families with perceived ties to ISIS & widespread sexual exploitation within camps holding them

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  2. HTS member tries to excite fighters on the way to the front lines. They seem mostly bored.

  3. Retweeted
    9 hours ago

    : Assad's scorched earth policy continues tonigth with multiple incendiary bombardment on S. countryside (also bombed by ). Video from Habit.

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  4. Wonderful thread by Israel's president who consistently speaks up against the rampant racism in Israel targeting Arabs

  5. Retweeted
    13 hours ago

    Beyond honored to share my latest work:

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    I spoke to . His house was hit by an air strike in Idlib yesterday, his entire family injured and his aunt killed. This isn't even the first time in the war that his home has been destroyed

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  8. Only fair with how Israel meddles in US politics that the US will meddle in Israeli politics in return. Netanyahu has a day left to form a govt before a new MK is nominated to do so, or the Knesset disbands for new elections.

  9. First Israel Locked This Palestinian Family Out of Its Home. Now It Locked the Gate Connecting Them to Their Village for Installing a Bell Truly one of the most Kafkaesque cases ever to emerge out of occupied Palestine

  10. Check out this thread by a journalist in Idlib who interviewed a National Liberation Front fighter about the battle in Kafr Naboudeh.

  11. Retweeted

    EXCLUSIVE: The Palestinian Authority foiled a suicide attack in Israel planned by ISIS to be executed by a 23-year-old teacher from the West Bank. The teacher was arrested 2 weeks ago by the PA security forces and has been in their custody since

  12. Retweeted

    Important piece that highlights stark discriminatory contrast of Iraqi authorities- Yezidi boys forced to fight with are being given reintegration and PSS programming while Sunni Arab boys of the same age are being prosecuted, sentenced.

  13. The Federation of Moroccan Jews gave Minister Miri Regev a bust on the occasion of her birthday. Only problem: it looks nothing like Miri Regev. via

  14. New video by the Turkistan Islamic Party, an Uighur jihadist group operating in Idlib, highlights their indoctrination and training of children.

  15. More of the teenagers Hayat Tahrir al-Sham is deploying to the front-lines with the regime. The young man filming belongs to Jaysh Omar bin al-Khattab, made up of fighters displaced from eastern Ghouta & Aleppo.

  16. Useful thread examining the current state of gov formation in Israel

  17. Retweeted
    24 hours ago

    "How can we faithfully cover a city's attempted resurrection?" shares a perceptive, introspective, and deeply empathetic take on the importance of narrating not just war itself, but its fallout.

  18. Retweeted
    22 hours ago

    Eritrea's war-like tensions with Ethiopia ended quickly, but Eritrean Pres Isaias Afwerki is trying to slow-walk pressure for reform, because his severe repression has always been more about staying in power than confronting Ethiopia.

  19. May 26

    After Trump recognized the annexation of the Golan ahead of the recent Israeli elections, Shimrit Meir quips "I wonder what piece of land we'll get from Trump on the occasion of the new elections. Maybe the Suez Canal?"

  20. May 26
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  21. May 26

    Wael Jamal a-Dalati (Abu 'Adi) from Babila was killed today in northern Hama fighting with the 4th Division of the Syrian Army. Wael was formerly a rebel with the FSA-aligned Jaysh al-Ababil. When Babila surrendered following years of siege, Wael "reconciled" with the regime.

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