Rob MalleyCompte certifié


President and CEO . Ex Special Assistant to President Obama & White House Coordinator on MENA & Gulf Region. RT≠endorsement

Inscrit en octobre 2011


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  1. a retweeté
    24 mai

    BREAKING: The Trump administration has notified Congress it plans to send 1,500 troops to the Middle East amid heightened tensions with Iran, U.S. officials say.

  2. 24 mai

    My father has the privilege of spending time with then UN Secretary General U Thant Half a century later, I was honored to meet his grandson in Yangon to discuss the state of global politics, Myanmar’s stalled peace process, the fate of the & much more.

  3. 24 mai

    “The unanswered question is who is provoking whom. As we escalate sending more troops, moving aircraft carriers, we view it as preventative and as defensive. They view it as provocative and leading up to a pre-emptive attack.”

  4. a retweeté
    24 mai

    It’s not your imagination; ⁦⁩ measures the risks. “Tensions between the U.S. and Iran, as well as between Iran and Saudi Arabia, are reaching a critical level, as are risks of a deliberate or accidental confrontation among these parties.”

  5. 24 mai

    Enjoying a short break with my Asia program colleagues, ⁦ & ⁦⁩, visiting the stunning Shwedagon Pagoda

  6. 23 mai

    A decision that will exacerbate tensions - between Congress and the administration & between the US and Iran Includes my thoughts

  7. 23 mai

    The battle for Tripoli cld morph into all-out proxy war between the parties' regional backers. They are playing w/fire They should push for a ceasefire entailing partial withdrawal of Haftar forces from Tripoli front lines & resumption of UN peace talks

  8. a retweeté
    23 mai

    Moïse , a prominent opposition leader and businessman exiled from the by former president , has returned to the country. In this new Q&A, discusses the possible impact on Congolese politics ⇩

  9. 23 mai

    « 0nce the fuse was lit, no one could stop the explosion » ⁦⁩’s fictional account of how a US-Iran war could start - which sounds far too realistic for comfort ...

  10. 23 mai

    More blunt talk from ⁦⁩: “I am not sure the some leading countries in the security council are fully aware of the risks they are taking. This conflict could mutate in a few months so we truly regret that we did not stop it on time ».

  11. 23 mai

    .⁦⁩’s Dareen Khalifa on the situation in : « Sad as it sounds, given the humanitarian cost, all parties are going to continue to try and destabilise the others.”

  12. 22 mai

    Representative Castro on US policy toward : “This is a case of somebody getting into somebody’s face and hoping that they’ll punch, and waiting to punch back".

  13. 22 mai

    Always count on to find just the right way to present things...

  14. a retweeté
    22 mai

    🇪🇺 endorses these recommendations👍, and stands ready to support their implementation with €. Peace 🕊 for now!

  15. 22 mai

    Efforts to obtain the release of our colleague Michael Kovrig from arbitrary detention continue -- and they will not let up

  16. 22 mai

    Not overly reassuring when you consider their goal was also to achieve a more stringent nuclear deal (Iran announced it would now ignore some constraints of the existing one) & to moderate Iran’s behavior (which by the administration’s admission clearly is not the case)...

  17. a retweeté
    21 mai

    If our maximum pressure campaign against Iran is making them less willing to talk, and our military deterrence campaign is causing them to increase attacks and threats, then....uhhhh...that sounds like our plan isn't working.

  18. 22 mai

    From ⁦⁩: “Iranians are no closer to talking than ever before. They do not seem to be backing down. Thus you have to ask whether our strategy is working."

  19. a retweeté
    21 mai

    . to UNSC: There is no military solution to Libya. This is not a cliché, it is a fact, and it is high time for those who have harboured this illusion to open their eyes and adjust themselves to this reality.

    Afficher cette discussion
  20. 21 mai

    Want a sense of what the maximum pressure campaign on looks like -- and the role they might be playing in current US/Iran crisis? Take a look at our interactive graphic


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