(bug): Dark Mode missing from menu
@medworthy I have noticed that within the last weeks, the dark / light mode option has been removed from the "burger" menu (browser interface) and is now only available via the usage of a mouse over operation within the top left logo image.
As far as I can see, the redaction of this ("burger") menu option further limits accessibility of this functionality.
added 1 - High Bug Hunter P - Platform T - Bug labels
marked this issue as related to #1327
It is great to see that the dark / light mode option has returned to the "burger bar" within such a short period after I opened my original Gitlab ticket.However, there is another related issue that I believe could do with some attention.
I use two separate devices within my daily usage (which both includes the KDE desktop environments but one device has a fairly light UI based theme, whilst the other device uses a darker UI theme). I have noticed that if I select the dark mode option on one of the browsers, this also forces the other browser / device to also have said theme.
I understand that the dark / light mode preference is stored within the users database entry and considering how other platforms replicate this function, I suggest that it would be more appropriate to store the users theme (dark / light mode) preference within a browser based cookie.
Edited by Mark Edworthy- Developer
Hey, I see your point entirely @medworthy though cannot guarantee a time-frame on features. Spawned #1335 , feel free to add anything else there.