Jett Goldsmith


Words , , , etc. Lovingly cited in RT, Sputnik. Focus: civil society, البعث, Syrian state structures. Nothing is endorsed.

Denver, CO
Joined December 2013


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Feb 1
  2. Retweeted

    Rise of attacks in demands our attention. We must stand with the Syrian people suffering under the barbaric regime, propped up by Russia & Iran. We must stop this offensive, & hold these war criminals accountable.

  3. Retweeted
    4 hours ago

    9:15: جبل الزاوية - الآن طائرة سوخوي - 22 تحلق باتجاه الغرب

  4. Retweeted
    4 hours ago

    9:18: جبل الأكراد - الآن طائرة سوخوي - 22 تحلق باتجاه دائري

  5. Retweeted
    4 hours ago

    9:19: مطار حماة العسكري - الآن طائرة مروحي براميل تحلق باتجاه الشمال

  6. Retweeted
    6 hours ago

    Syrians displaced in the northwest call on Turkey to open border | Article [AMP] | Reuters

  7. Retweeted

    Due to extreme weather conditions, Israel faces today dangerous forest fires in populated areas. Upon instructions of , is contacting friendly countries in order to check the possibility of international assistance.

  8. Retweeted

    Hey : Why is it that is so reluctant to act against the far right and fascists but keeps suspending human rights advocates like at a whim? Please restore her account immediately.

  9. Retweeted
    21 hours ago

    L’Armée Arabe Syrienne a largué des tracts à partir d’hélicoptères, appelant les habitants de la province d’ à quitter leur domicile et à évacuer la zone avant la grande offensive prochaine. Armes chimiques en approche???

  10. Retweeted

    Assad is a butcher & a war criminal. His regime is illegitimate & his role in aiding ISIS & radicalization are well known. He must be held accountable for his crimes against the Syrian people & the United States must always stand opposed to his tyranny.

  11. Retweeted

    Sky News team has been deliberately targeted by Syrian forces as it tried to report from Idlib. An example of what life is like for innocent people living there:

  12. 16 hours ago

    Constellation Brands: taking shit brown people have been drinking for centuries and repackaging it for marketing towards a white demographic.

  13. 16 hours ago

    Genuinely surprised that this article does not consist simply of a link to an NYT article from the 1970s and a link to an NYT article from today.

  14. 17 hours ago
  15. 17 hours ago

    Sam Heller decided to shave his beard, instead opting to go with a well-maintained mustache -- not only superficially, but rhetorically.

  16. 17 hours ago

    When go all in on betting that the aggressiveness of your racism will successfully belie all surrounding context

  17. May 22
  18. May 21

    Oh good, they got a guy with a divining rod to spread some Safed mysticism around semi-active combat zones.

  19. May 21

    Dictators think they're legitimate in the same way impotent, sexually frustrated alt-righters think they're legitimate.

  20. Retweeted
    May 20

    Here's a small overview of burned farmland in southern that happened in a period of 5 days (May 15-May 20, 2019)

  21. Retweeted
    May 21

    Tucker Carlson: Immigrants have “plundered” our wealth and are coming for more


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