Queen of Running Away!


Days on the Left Without Defending Genocide: 0 Proud Member of the Syria Regime Change Lobby يلعن روحك يا حافظ 🌹= fascist collaborator

Joined July 2011


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    12 Sep 2018

    With Florence bearing down on the Carolinas and Manghut on the Phillipines, Puerto Rico still in ruins one year after Maria, and Idlib awaiting destruction at the hands of fascists, it's beyond clear what this world will do to the coming climate refugees.

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  2. This hit piece on Warren proves that it was never about Hillary. It was about keeping women under the boots of men.

  3. Undo
  4. 4 hours ago

    Obama also did nothing as the Khalifas and the Saudis crushed the Bahraini Revolution.

  5. OK, . Your team has a seen-from-the-sky problem. - declined to ban Nazi profiles despite what they're posting (but I was banned 3 times) - now you told me that a video posted by unconstitutional proto-militia which threatens me directly is NOT GOING vs. your rules!? 🤷‍♂️

  6. 4 hours ago
    Replying to

    Don't forget about Obama literally giving covert support to Sisi's coup.

  7. 10 hours ago

    Hatesh burns the flag of the revolution and Nusra wiped out entire FSA groups. The FSA has fought ISIS longer than literally anyone else in Syria. You're a racist who can't tell Arabs apart. Get lost.

  8. 10 hours ago

    It would be nice if even half the Westerners rightly horrified when Trump calls the press an enemy would also be horrified that the Assad regime has again deliberately dropped bombs on journalists.

  9. 4 hours ago

    From 2011 to 2016 Democrats had a choice: they could support the values that made their society possible or they could lose it entirely. They chose Assad's "stability" over dropping a single bomb to stop his extermination campaign. Putin saw all of this and acted accordingly.

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  10. 5 hours ago
  11. May 17

    ^ any time you see someone making these arguments, please understand they are simply lobbyists masquerading as foreign policy analysts and should be treated as such.

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  12. May 17

    Because everyone knows replacing the money that dictators have spent murdering civilians in order to help stabilise and further entrench their dictatorships will result in an improvement in human rights. Please now pay me a 6-figure salary and invite me to speak on major networks

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  13. May 17

    Hello, I'm a very serious totally non-partisan think tank person, my solution to all problems in the Middle East is to remove sanctions from dictators, give them all the foreign investment they want, normalise relations and hope everything will improve for the people they oppress

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  14. 5 hours ago

    If you spend years advocating for "Medicare for All" while smearing Syrians not wanting to live under fascism anymore as "jihadists," you're not a progressive. You just believe in America First, "but from the left."

  15. 5 hours ago

    Ben Rhodes, John Kerry, Samantha Power, Brett McGurk, Denis McDonough especially, who was probably the most consequential actor in stopping the 2013 strikes, the whole bad of rotten criminals got us here.

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  16. 5 hours ago

    Obama on military action, and damn-near elated after hearing Assad gassed 1,300 people in their sleep, including ~900 children: "It will drive a stake through the heart of neoconservatism,” he told his advisers. “Everyone will see they have no votes.”

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  17. 5 hours ago

    The Obama Doctrine gave us Trump. On young people in the Middle East vs. East Asia: “They are not thinking about how to kill Americans,” he says. “What they’re thinking about is How do I get a better education? How do I create something of value?”

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  18. 5 hours ago
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    they are anti fascist up until fascism exerts its own force. in other words power worshiping. nothing more

  19. 5 hours ago

    🌹: Medicare for All! 🌹: Idlib is full of Zionist Wahhabi jihadists and they all deserve to be bombed

  20. 5 hours ago
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  21. 5 hours ago
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    Neither party cares about the lives of people outside the borders of the United States.


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