Sam Heller


Senior Analyst, Non-State Armed Groups, . Looking at jihadism, one eye still on Syria. Jamajem means 🏴‍☠️. Contact:

Beirut, Lebanon
Joined September 2011


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Mar 14

    New report on Idlib's armed factions and a stabilizing alternative to a military solution for Syria's rebel-held northwest – a "solution" that would prove a humanitarian disaster and risk scattering Idlib militants globally:

  2. Retweeted

    I’ve never seen something more human from a robot than this.

  3. Retweeted

    The battle for Tripoli cld morph into all-out proxy war between the parties' regional backers. They are playing w/fire They should push for a ceasefire entailing partial withdrawal of Haftar forces from Tripoli front lines & resumption of UN peace talks

  4. Retweeted
    18 hours ago

    Allowing the battle for Tripoli to unfold without a credible effort to push the sides to a ceasefire is very dangerous. Fuelled by foreign support, the conflict could escalate, causing immense material destruction and human suffering in the capital and surrounding areas.

  5. 23 hours ago

    4. See for more on Damascus's cultivation of Syria's religious domain as an integral part of its system of patrimony and control:

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  6. 23 hours ago

    3. Assad's rhetoric syncs with standards for "correct" religious discourse enumerated in Law 31, regulating the work of Syria's Ministry of Awqaf:

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  7. May 23

    2. Assad on belonging: "Once more, I give the Muslim Brotherhood as an example of those who pretend to belong to religion, when they don't belong to the nation. They're the ones who promote the idea, 'My nation is where I put my prayer rug.' This talk contradicts human nature."

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  8. May 23

    1. At opening of al-Sham International Islamic Center for Combating Terror and Extremism, President Assad lays out forward-looking, holistic vision for Syrian Islam: active and robust, but closely integrated with totality of society and nation.

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  9. Retweeted
    May 22

    Ongoing conflict in NW Syria is impacting civilians, civilian infrastructure and service provision in northern Hama and southern Idleb governorates, as well as the countryside of Aleppo - Read our situation report on recent developments.

  10. Retweeted
    May 22

    .⁦⁩’s Dareen Khalifa on the situation in : « Sad as it sounds, given the humanitarian cost, all parties are going to continue to try and destabilise the others.”

  11. Retweeted
    May 22
  12. Retweeted
    May 22

    Al-Turath Media Foundation, an Islamic State opposition outlet, announces death of onetime IS judge Abu ‘Abd al-Rahman al-Shami al-Zarqawi, at hands of an IS cell in western Aleppo countryside. The Syrian had been with the group since 2005. No tolerance for IS opposition figures

  13. May 22

    . on the negotiation of new cross-sectarian politics and economics in Iraq's Samarra:

  14. May 21

    . documents cases of harassment, detention and disappearance in areas recaptured by the Syrian government:

  15. May 20

    Feel free to use 🕳🚶🏻‍♂️, no need to credit me. 🕳🚶🏻‍♂️ is for everyone.

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  16. May 20
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  17. May 20

    Just a friendly reminder that the official “trap” emoji is “🕳🚶🏻‍♂️”. As in, “This 👇🏻 is a 🕳🚶🏻‍♂️.”

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  18. Retweeted
    May 20

    How is this resurgence of the Islamic State in the Libyan Fezzan operating? After five weeks of operations, here's what I'd say

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  19. Retweeted
    May 20

    In this new report we unpack the financial (often neglected) underpinnings of the conflict in . Of Tanks and Banks: Stopping a Dangerous Escalation in Libya via

  20. Retweeted
    May 19
  21. May 19

    Per Islamic State's latest "al-Naba," Syria – mainly Deir al-Zour – continues to drive the group's quantitative metrics. But qualitatively, note how simple Deir attacks – IEDs, shootings, tossing a grenade at a checkpoint – differ from something like Nigeria, or even Badiyah.


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