Incel Wiki
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Monday FA Monday is a content creator who vlogs about his inceldom and the incelosphere. Although he frequently uses the self-identifier "forever alone", he also uses the terms "incel" and forever alone" interchangeably. He particularly used the terms interchangeably in his criticism of a short film called "incel" by director John Merizalde. He has a very calm demeanor and may be one of the most serious incel vloggers around. He has expressed that while he has had a couple girlfriends in his lifetime, women are generally not interested in him and he was never satisfied with the attention that his peers received with girls in comparison to him while growing up.
Incel, is an academic sociological term that is short for and means, 'involuntary celibacy', a life circumstance. Individual philosophies like the blackpill or subcultures like 4chan culture emerge on some, but not all, forums dedicated to involuntary celibates and go in and out of fashion. Inceldom was first academically recognized as a sociological phenomenon by the Donnelly Study. The Donnelly Study defined incels as all adults who want to have a willing sexual partner of the gender that they are attracted to, but cannot find one for six months or more. For the purposes of this wiki, an incel is someone who is or would be romantically and/or sexually rejected by the vast majority of the single members of the gender they are attracted to while approaching at random in spaces socially designated for dating, for at least a few years. The current non-niche incel internet forums are:, Reddit's Braincels, Facebook's Incelistan,,, Incelswithouthate, and Foreveralone. Incel Wiki does not support or condone violence or the incitement of violence. |
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Things that Need Work on the Wiki | Site Information |
- This wiki aims to be a repository of information regarding the manosphere at large, particularly incels. The wiki does not endorse, agree nor disagree with any information added by users. Mods of this site endeavor to monitor & appropriately deal with any material which breaks the rules, but are not able to be online all the time. As such, information added is responsability of the user adding it in accordance with the law. Incel Wiki takes no responsibility for any actions whatsoever of users. Incel Wiki is not, both sites have different rules and moderators. Incel Wiki does not support or condone violence, and is against the incitement of violence.
- This is a satirical site, do not take the content seriously. Take the site as fiction, not fact. No advise here is genuine mental health or physical health advise.
- Do *not* post content violating US/international law, create a page about someone under 18, post calls to violence, or create a page about yourself.
- If you are feeling suicidal please call the Samaritan's Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-877-870-4673. If you need professional help please seek it.