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9 chapters r all fucked up wtf is going on
ch 185 please ;)
Alright then, Ill give Rough a try (Ive only read the baseball ones)! I remember seeing an artwork some time ago of the main couple and thinking they were Hideo and Haruka, but thats Adachi for you.
did someone know where i can read previous chapter?
Haha, yes its highly unlikely that the coach would be shown or even mentioned in Mix. And yes, the anime is shaping up to be another classic (hopefully more people would watch it).
Also do give Rough and Katsu a read (Rough especially). The slice of life aspect (for which Adachi is famous for) is simply mesmarizing.
PS: are you active on other social media platforms (example Reddit)? It would be great to have thought provoking discussions with another one of Adachis fans (especially his skill to portray human interactions). Do let me know and do share your profile :)
where's chapter 1??
chapter 81 to 90 failed