Commit 80cbdc95 authored by Mark Harding's avatar Mark Harding

(fix): do not summon jurors who have already voted

1 merge request!100Epic/reporting and moderation
Pipeline #61800281 passed with stages
in 5 minutes and 14 seconds
......@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ class Repository
continue; // avoid duplicate reports
$jurorGuids[$jurorGuids] = true;
$jurorGuids[$jurorGuid] = true;
$decision = new Jury\Decision();
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ use Minds\Core\Queue\Client;
use Minds\Core\Queue\Runners\ReportsAppealSummon;
use Minds\Core\Reports\Appeals\Appeal;
use Minds\Core\Reports\Summons\Delegates;
use Minds\Core\Reports\Manager as ReportsManager;
class Manager
......@@ -22,6 +23,9 @@ class Manager
/** @var Repository $repository */
protected $repository;
/** @var ReportsManager $reportsManager */
protected $reportsManager;
/** @var QueueClient */
protected $queueClient;
......@@ -39,12 +43,14 @@ class Manager
public function __construct(
$cohort = null,
$repository = null,
$reportsManager = null,
$queueClient = null,
$socketDelegate = null
$this->cohort = $cohort ?: new Cohort();
$this->repository = $repository ?: new Repository();
$this->reportsManager = $reportsManager ?: new ReportsManager;
$this->queueClient = $queueClient ?: Client::build();
$this->socketDelegate = $socketDelegate ?: new Delegates\SocketDelegate();
......@@ -57,21 +63,33 @@ class Manager
public function summon(Appeal $appeal, $cohort = null)
$reportUrn = $appeal->getReport()->getUrn();
// Get a fresh report to collect completed jurors
$report = $report = $this->reportsManager->getReport($appeal->getReport()->getUrn());
$reportUrn = $report->getUrn();
$juryType = 'appeal_jury';
$missing = 0;
if (!$cohort) {
$jury = iterator_to_array($this->repository->getList([
$summonses = iterator_to_array($this->repository->getList([
'report_urn' => $reportUrn,
'jury_type' => $juryType,
$completedJurorGuids = array_map(function($decision) {
return $decision->getJurorGuid();
}, array_merge($report->getAppealJuryDecisions(), $report->getInitialJuryDecisions()));
// Remove the summons of jurors who have already voted
$summonses = array_filter($summonses, function (Summon $summons) use ($completedJurorGuids) {
return !in_array($summons->getJurorGuid(), $completedJurorGuids);
// Check how many are missing
$notDeclined = array_filter($jury, function (Summon $summon) {
return $summon->isAccepted() || $summon->isAwaiting();
$notDeclined = array_filter($summonses, function (Summon $summons) {
return $summons->isAccepted() || $summons->isAwaiting();
$missing = 12 - count($notDeclined);
......@@ -84,14 +102,14 @@ class Manager
// Reduce jury to juror guids and try to pick up to missing size
$juryGuids = array_map(function (Summon $summon) {
return (string) $summon->getJurorGuid();
}, $jury);
$pendingJurorGuids = array_map(function (Summon $summons) {
return (string) $summons->getJurorGuid();
}, $summonses);
$cohort = $this->cohort->pick([
'size' => $missing,
'for' => $appeal->getOwnerGuid(),
'except' => $juryGuids,
'except' => $pendingJurorGuids,
'active_threshold' => 5 * 60,
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