(feat): come up with a list of useful analytics
User-relevant metrics (per month)
- amount of subscriptions
- amount of posts
- amount of views
- amount of interactions
these two would help the user know the results from their ad campaign:
- amount of views gained by the use of boost
- amount of interactions gained that came from boosts
- total amount of interactions that came from boosts (pie chart)
- amount of subscriptions that came from boosting the channel
For subscriptions, views and interactions we could show them like this:
amount of that metric per month, followed by
a normalized area chart (like this one: https://swimlane.github.io/ngx-charts/#/ngx-charts/area-chart-normalized ), where we would show the total amount for that metric and the percentage that came from boosts
changed milestone to %sprint: Elevated Eagle
added S - InProgress label
changed weight to 3
assigned to @ramialbatal
changed the description
- Developer
- Regarding the interactions... we can make them in both directions, i.e. amount of received vote-ups and amount of votes-up that the user did, similar for the reminds, vote-downs, and comments.
- We can try to add some gamification aspect: we can order the users based on their activities (this is the same order that we can get from the reward system), and check if the user is in the top 10% then he is in the Golden Circle, if he is falling in the top 50% then he is in the Silver Circle, otherwise he falls in the Bronze Circle.
- We also can show the amount of sent and received wires... this should be displayed in the wallet probably.
- Owner
Also eventually video plays, blog and image views, discovery feed entity views, messages, posts, numbers of boosts, wires and associated wire metrics
- Developer
We probably should add a message on top of the charts page explaining that Minds do not use this data for recommendation or analytics unless the user gives his explicit consent... the level of details might scare the user.