Andrew TablerVerified account


Martin J. Gross fellow, Washington Institute; author, In the Lion's Den: An Eyewitness Account of Washington's Battle with Syria. Re-tweets ≠ endorsements

Washington, DC
Joined March 2011


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  1. May 8

    Anti-Kurdish protests grow in Syria's Deir al-Zor: residents, locals

  2. May 7
  3. May 7
  4. May 7

    Pro-regime and Iran-backed militias sweep Syria-Iraq border for ISIS cells via

  5. May 7

    Escalating Syrian and Russian airstrikes in rebel-held Idlib stoke fears of a final showdown

  6. May 6

    Very interesting study of voter sentiments on FP beyond bubble cities, indicating why traditional labels have become irrelevant ⁦⁩ America Adrift - Center for American Progress

  7. Apr 25

    So why is Israel bombing so much inside of Syria then? The Syrians Don’t and Won’t Toe the Iranian Line: Explaining a Most Curious Alliance 

  8. Apr 24

    Watch this space VERY closely Outcry at UN plans to consolidate Syria aid operations in Damascus: ()

  9. Apr 18
  10. Retweeted
    Apr 6

    After eight years of conflict, the regime of Bashar Al Assad is pushing the prospects for peace “further and further away” by pursuing a military solution, says US Syria envoy

  11. Retweeted
    Apr 2

    Just to remind: my colleague was nominated last April; had his confirmation hearing last June. His vote has since been stalled for reasons that have absolutely no connection to his qualifications or fitness to serve in . Enough is enough!

  12. Retweeted
    Apr 2

    Hold the presses: in sudden shift, was pulled from agenda, evidently by . Perhaps he should chat w/ who just gave powerful floor speech defending Dems from charges they’re holding up confirmation process.

  13. Retweeted
    Apr 2

    Delighted to see item #27 on agenda: finally, a confirmation vote for my universally respected colleague to be Asst Sec of Affairs. Wishing him all success!

  14. Mar 17

    U.S. crafts plans to keep 1,000 troops in Syria, three months after President Trump sought complete withdrawal

  15. Mar 7

    Must read here from The Syria Report - Where We Stand on the Syria Sanctions [Free article] -

  16. Mar 5
  17. Feb 26

    U.S. pressing Gulf states to keep Syria isolated: sources

  18. Feb 23

    In Latest Shift, Trump Agrees to Leave 400 Troops in Syria via

  19. Feb 18
  20. Feb 4

    US-led coalition jets bomb Syrian Army


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