- I think the US still doesn't have a policy yet for East of the Euphrates. - Great that Amb. James Jefferies is on the scene. He is a voice of wisdom. - He has very clear ideas on what needs to happen, but in Washington who knows who's carrying the day.
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- Trump can reverse course instantaneously - It would be wise to implement the Manbij plan and replicate it east of the Euphrates. - We will probably see Turkey, Russia and Iran leading the way in Syria, and the US playing a secondary role.
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- The Idlib agreement is a real step forward. - It's a significant success for Turkish diplomacy - convincing Putin to reverse course is a huge achievement. - the Idlib agreement is good for the US and NATO because it keeps Turkey in an integral role.
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- There is no way that Turkey would leave NATO. - I fear Washington is not clear on what its goals are in Syria - I also fear there are plenty of people in DC who won't welcome this deal, who will portray it as another sign of Turkey moving away from NATO.
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- I haven't heard anything about the US playing a role in the Idlib deal. - It seems to me that this was pretty much the Turkish side really turning up the heat on Moscow. - Turkey has been recaliberating its strategic position over the past 16 years.
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- Foreign policy elites still think of Turkey as a bridge between the east and west but not centered more in the east. But they know Turkey's great strategic value. - Turkey is being pushed east - The EU's insulting approach pushes Turkey to the east
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- The US withdrawal from the world stage is leaving Turkey with no other options. - The US has chosen to partner with a terrorist organization rather than a NATO ally.
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