Hello, everyone. I have discovered an amazing sexual technique which can greatly enliven and invigorate people's lovemaking. And I give it away for free! Whether one is a man who loves a woman, or a woman who loves a man, my InfiniLast sexual technique described in my following article is a real Godsend.
* James Redford, "How to Last During Lovemaking Like a True Sex-God Stud", Internet Archive, May 12, 2019, 6 pp., ark:/13960/t0tr3j398; PDF, 139454 bytes, MD5: 8f85855ba2d8eb2ef9170527fbabd6b0,
https://archive.org/download/InfiniLastSex/Redford-InfiniLast-Sex-Technique.pdf ,
https://bit.ly/2LEMm6E ,
https://webcitation.org/78KGCK1s4 ,
https://megalodon.jp/2019-0513-0846-26/archive.org/download/InfiniLastSex/Redford-InfiniLast-Sex-Technique.pdf ,
http://www.freezepage.com/1557704775GXQCMMUNJE .
The following is the abstract to my above article:
ABSTRACT: Described here is a sexual technique which allows a man to maintain an erection indefinitely during coition, even after obtaining multiple full orgasms with ejaculation. This differs from heretofore-described male sexual-stamina techniques, of which rely on ejaculatory-control methods.
Enjoy, everyone!