

Feylî Kurd. PhD in Physics, Researcher at Cambridge Univ. Developing an unhealthy interest in linguistics. Chronically homeless. Multilingual, yet illiterate.

Joined July 2013


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    24 Mar 2016

    The status of various Kurdish dialects. Some big dialects are threatened if we do not do anything!

  2. 2 hours ago
  3. Retweeted
    May 9

    Chobani was founded by a Kurdish refugee who treats his workers right, pays them a living wage, has given them ownership in the company should it go public, and routinely creates jobs for other refugees, despite being targeted by far right extremists. Hamdi Ulukaya is the MAN.

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  4. Retweeted
    May 10

    Weku ney kun kun e cergim Le taw hicranî to boye Be sozî ney desutêm u Be nexmey ney denallênim

  5. Retweeted
    3 Nov 2018

    Willpower and perseverance / Hêza vînê û behnfirehî / Sabir ve irade

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  6. Retweeted
    May 9

    Turkey: A disgusting country that should be broken up.

  7. Retweeted
    May 8

    Me: cultural Marxism doesn't exist 90s TV show Dinosaurs:

  8. May 8
  9. Retweeted
    May 8

    this video is shared a lot since yesterday, reportedly showing a in being by troops and affiliates.

  10. May 8

    Fatwa, the musical! Lol

  11. Retweeted
    May 8

    "My creed is Love; Wherever its caravan turns along the way, That is my belief, My faith." - Ibn Arabi

  12. Retweeted
    May 8
  13. May 8

    But it was the US, not Iran, that withdrew from the deal last may. Isn't the US, the malign actor? American talking points are sometimes Alex-jones level stupid.

  14. Retweeted
    May 7

    State promotion of Han men marrying Uyghur women is all the more disturbing because a word from a Han person can get a Uyghur person sent to internment. Most Uyghurs simply cannot say “no” under current circumstances.

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  15. May 8

    Donald Trump in the early 90's: "I am being put up there with Gorbachev and the Kurds". (minute 3:43)

  16. Retweeted
    May 7
  17. Retweeted
    May 7
  18. Retweeted
    May 7

    "Ziman, mala hebûnê ye." (Martin Heidegger) Mala hebûna xwe xerab neke!

  19. May 7

    Tenê ez dixwazim, bêjim em ne xema wan in.

  20. Retweeted
    May 6

    My mother at the anniversary ceremony yesterday. Her father, a top leader in the Dutch resistance, saved thousands of people, including jews by creating falsified identity cards. However, a traitor betrayed him, and he was arrested with 27 others on 13 June 1944.

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