



i don’t know what’s cooler tbh: 

  • Demon horns being broken halos from when they were angels. 
  • Demons willingly grow their own halos, but never complete the circle to symbolize their rebellion against heaven’s strict order. 

In addition to the second one, angels are GIVEN their halos rather than earning them. Demons like Lucifer rebelled for freedom and individuality, thus demon horns all look different compared to an angel’s boring halo.

Horns are useful tools, but if you join them into a circle they become useless badges of authority.

And the thing about wearing a badge is that you become a symbol of someone else. You’re not you, you’re an extension of the entity whose authority you’re borrowing. You can’t be yourself until you ditch it


Here’s a visual representation of angels and demons.

I figure that as angels, their “horns” would glow when connected to become traditional halos. However, this blinds the angel with heavenly light, making the angel rely on God’s guidance.

Angels who break their halos become demons, and willingly grow their horns in obscure shapes so it won’t connect back into a halo. Because the halo no longer blinds them, demons can finally see but can no longer communicate with God for guidance – the light they once gave to heaven now belongs to them, hence demons being proficient with fire allowing them to see in the dark.

Extra notes on horns & halos:


Circular horns (Halos) are smooth and easy for God to “grab” like a chain.

Jagged horns are sharp to the touch and can pierce God.

Crucial notes I forgot to add:

  • The only way angels can break their own halos is through strong, direct, hard force; rebellious angels willingly fell from heaven, breaking their halos upon hitting our world’s surface. That’s why demons are called “fallen angels”.
  • The only thing that can hurt God and other angels is another angel, so the shattered remains of a demon’s old halo would be reformed into tridents and pitchforks commonly associated with the devil.
  • Regretful demons wishing to commune with God again would either try to grow their horns back into a halo, or clasp their hands in prayer to form a circle with their own body mimicking a halo. It would faintly work. These demons would become the first priests, and spread the practice to humans. 

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