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1/ Here with English subs. I got the phone content of top German
#ISIS widow Omaima Abdi. 1000s of pics show she carries gun, arms her child &marries jihadist Deso Dogg. She returned to Hamburg &now lives as if nothing happened. Our EXCLUSIVE@akhbar: this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
18/ Just this: To avoid any confusion, the word "Lies!" in German means "Read!", so it has nothing to do with the English word "Lies!". Anyway hope this thread was interesting. Will update again in case I find more info. Thank you for attention. My DMs open for tips.
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17/ Here link to a story on recent police operation against alleged extremist "Ansaar International" in Germany. Article also mentions relation between Ansaar Int &banned outfit "True Religion/Lies!". Omaima's husbands Nader &Deso Dogg were part of Lies! …
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16/ Both the FB account under the name "Omaima Abdi" and her personal instagram account were deactiviated shortly after I broke the Omaima Abdi story on 15 April 2019.
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15/ In the comment section, "Omaima Abdi" asks Ansaar Int Hamburg "when somebody is available to accept donations." We believe that this is her FB page because some of her FB friends were also followers on her Instagram account, where she published personal photos of herself.
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14/ Last point in this thread regarding new info on Omaima Abdi case is this:
@LarsWienand discovered that a FB account under the name "Omaima Abdi" on 14/04/2019 commented on a post by Ansaar International Hamburg, 4 days after the group's office was raided by German this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
13/ Obviously, the whole thing between Fatima Atta & Mohamed Atta might not mean anything or might even be an inside jihadi joke. Nonetheless it's quite interesting that almost 20 yrs after 9/11 the same area in Hamburg comes again up in the Omaima-Abdi investigation.
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12/ Actually Mohamed Atta's address in past (Marienstrasse 54) is 700m from Al Iman mosque on mystery map. And 400m from area where route on map ends. Also before Omaima went to Syria she lived in Harburg area, only 800m from Atta's former apartment & 1.2 km from Al Iman
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11/ Nevertheless, using intentionally the fake name Fatima ATTA might be potentially significant. Why? Because one of main terrorists behind 9/11 was Mohamed ATTA. He not only lived in Hamburg but as well in the area of Harburg.
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10/ Difficult to judge why image of fake ID card was in Omaima Abdi's telephone. Did somebody send it to here? Did she make it? Did Omaima or anybody else later use it to travel on? Or is it just a "souvenir" (I mean, why use 11 September as birth date?). Really I can't say.
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9/ Image of fake ID is taken from German Wikipedia entry on "Personalausweis". As you can see, the ID numbers from Wiki version & DoE are same. But signature, PoB, first/family name were altered. Also DoB changed into 11-9-1985 (September 11th) & Wiki photo removed. this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
8/ In addition to the mystery map, something more: Earlier I found an image of a (fake) German ID on Omaima Abdi's phone. When I published it, I blurred the name on the ID. But I'm revealing name now. It is: Fatima Atta. I'll explain later why this name might be
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7/ Interestingly, the Al Iman mosque is, according to this article from 2014 in Die Welt, one of the two mosques in Harburg under surveillance by the German authorities, for possible links to extremism. Here article from Die Welt. …
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6/ It is of course impossible to know what the purpose of the mystery map was. But obviously somebody was explained to walk from the Al Iman mosque to the Knoopstrasse/Harburger Ring area. To do what? I don't know.
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5/ From the roundabout the route on mystery map goes "down". I believe it then makes a right turn at the Knoopstrasse, leading towards the crossroad where Knoopstrasse and Harburger Ring meet. The large pink dot on the mystery map seems to be located in this area. this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
4/ Dubrovnik restaurant and House Net are just indicators for the user of the map, nothing more.
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3/ The indication G (Grill) on the map might be the Dubrovnik restaurant on the corner of roundabout. There is also another clear indication on the mystery map: "House Net". This shop is located on the Harburger Ring and sells mobile phones etc. this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
2/ Harburg is a quarter in southern Hamburg. Route on mystery map starts at "Moschee" which means Mosque in German. The Al Iman mosque is in Krummholzberg. From Al Iman mosque, the pink line moves to a circle which I believe is roundabout right outside Harburg Rathaus (cityhall)
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1/ Hello all, a thread with new info on German
#ISIS returnee Omaima Abdi. Among content on Omaima's phone was mysterious map (left). With help of a source, I now believe map shows Hamburg area HARBURG, route from Al Iman mosque to Harburger Ring/ this threadThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
Hello all, in 20 minutes I'll post a long thread with new info about
#OmaimaAbdi, the ISIS returnee from Hamburg, Germany. In case u forgot some details of this case, u can refresh ur memory by watching my report from couple of weeks ago. Link: Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo -
A Dutch woman who joined
#ISIS in Syria & returned to the Netherlands, was granted a house by authorities in the city of Maastricht. Obviously the Syrians & Iraqis she and her group turned into refugees are forgotten & are mostly still living in tents. …Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
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