Patrick Krauth


Engineer and CEO, Novice Geopolitical Analyst, Language Freak

Ingolstadt, Germany
Joined October 2016

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  1. 33 minutes ago

    Türkiye'den kaç gündür Idlib bombardimanina hiçbir tepki yok. Bu da arkada bir anlasma oldugunu gösteriyor net sekilde. Normalde "yeni mütelci dalgasina izin veremeyiz, Eset rejimi varil bombasi atiyor tarzinda bagirirdi Anadolu Ajansi.

  2. Retweeted
    2 hours ago

    Nicolas Sarkozy exprime son inquiétude "sur une forme de disparition de l’occident"

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  3. 1 hour ago

    Hahahahaha, China should pressure Tehran?? WTF? Not even Russia has any influence on Tehran

  4. 15 hours ago

    5 dili akici konusuyorum, aralarinda hiç bekleme yapladan geçis yapabilirim karsimdaki kisiye (kisilere) göre, 14 yildir da yurtdisindayim, hiçbir zaman böyle konusmadim. Anlamiyorum nasil basariyor insanlar, bilerek mi yapiyor, yoksa salak olduklarindan mi.

  5. 17 hours ago

    Russia takes Syrian warfare experience too seriously. Toyota Hiluxes with machine gun nest in victory day parade 🤣

  6. Retweeted
    May 2

    Russia, China and every other country that’s not on the US Empire friends list now has the blueprint on how to destroy US Empire from within. No need for huge military spending or costly wars. Simply hack the 2 parties, expose their corruption and watch them self-destruct. Easy.

  7. 20 hours ago

    F-35 ve F-15 uçaklarinin karsilastirilmasi. Biraz reklam gibi olmus ama olsun. Asagidaki maddeye dikkat çekerim, S-400'e yakalanma menzili 34km (kendi iddiasina göre tabii). Yani F-35 "hayalet uçak" falan degildir, binaenaleyh hayalet uçak diye bir sey yoktur.

  8. 21 hours ago

    NATO'dan çikmaktan bu kadar korkmayin. Kaybeden NATO olur, Türkiye degil.

  9. 21 hours ago
  10. 21 hours ago

    Nasrallah: Israil savas mi istiyor? Birakin gelsin savasalim. 👍😎

  11. May 2
  12. May 2

    Fully agree. Diplomacy is waste of time. Support every single anti us group, from Taliban to FARC, from Mexican drug cartels to Iranian militia. Give nukes to North Korea and Iran bomb YPG into Oblivion.

  13. Retweeted
    May 1
    Replying to
  14. May 2

    Bir (hatta yakinda iki olacak) mühendis olarak sonuna dek destekliyorum. Biz küçücük plastik parça sorunlarini 40 50 degisken oldugu için açiklamaya çalisirken zorlaniyoruz sözde "sosyal bilimciler" sicak koltuktan viski yudumlayip analiz kasiyor 10000 degiskenli denklemde.

  15. May 2
  16. Retweeted
    May 1

    Die steht auf d EU-Terrorliste, hat eine Unzahl v Terrorakten zu verantworten &deren Symbole sind in Ö seit März verboten. Es ist inakzeptabel, dass d SPÖ trotz d Verbrechen eine Abordnung dieser linksextremistischen Organisation auf d Wiener Ringstraße aufmarschieren lässt.

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  17. Retweeted
    May 1

    So next time you are hear about how being wrong operating in "zones of influence" mindest & being about advancing democracy & liberal values, it's useful to remember that actually not alone in Washignton in endorsing his things.

  18. May 1

    Veterans know it better than others. P.S. Venezuela is not Iraq.

  19. Retweeted
    May 1

    Iran Islam Cumhuriyeti dusmani Vali Nasr soyle der : Iran bilindiginin aksine hicbir devletin topragini isgal edip yonetmek amaci gutmez aksine o ulkede fikrinin yayginlasip / halkini ikna edip ABD'ye karsiti bir cephe kurma amaci guder diyor. Cok dogru bir tespit.

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  20. May 1

    And here just in case he blocks 🤣

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