Talk:Brenton Tarrant

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How about for the load out

  • Fuckload of guns

AR15, Shotgun, Failed snackbar bombs.

  • Perks

Aussie rage White nationalism — Preceding comment added by Sefus23 (talkcontribs), 09:08, 15 March 2019

"he namedropped famous Swedish neon-nazi PewDiePie" -- ha, "neon-Nazi", that's funny. The truth is that PewDiePie says that he is not a Nazi, however, like a Nazi, PewDiePie wants to further remove freedom of speech and freedom of expression from YouTube: CongratulationsYouPlayedYourself.jpg. For proof of him wanting YouTube to silence the voices of people whose ideas he disagrees with see the video titled "BAN PEWDIEPIE! 📰 PEW NEWS📰" (, especially starting at one minute into the video.

(And by "hate speech" YouTube means "anything that could cause even the slightest offense to someone which is related to identity politics"; JewTube, pathetic as always, probably just uses that as an excuse to delete videos to make their site more monetize-able/advertiser-friendly/Jewgold-friendly.)  —Lolyunohavgudsoftware 16:07, 29 April 2019 (UTC)

His Weapons+gameplay footage[edit]

1.Hera Arms CQR(AR-15 variant) with 40-round Magpul PMAGs+ranger plates and Aimpoint reflex sight 2. remington 870, he used it to drive-by some sandniggers and later dropped in in the mosque 3.I think he also had an AK, but still haven't fully watched the video video:


Sum gr8 Serious Business commentary here. BTL sample:

Being a 60 year old Englishwoman, I don’t spend much time on right wing sites and would have had no idea what most of this meant without your explanation.


Pauline Thomas

СидецарPutin surprised face 180.jpg 14:43, 15 March 2019 (UTC)

Wayback Machine Favicon.jpg Waybacked vids[edit]

СидецарPutin surprised face 180.jpg 16:03, 15 March 2019 (UTC)

i think he killed more than 90[edit]

Can someone confirm please? --Niksfish (talk) 17:57, 15 March 2019 (UTC)

Is the entire first paragraph supposed to be ironic?[edit]

  • It looks like something written by a boomer grifter that posts YangGang memes on twitter. Is this intentional? Am I not getting the joke? G Head.png oddguy G Head.png 18:51, 15 March 2019 (UTC)
What's with the Prodigy video and the big rainbow quote? Does this tie in with the shooting somehow, or not? СидецарPutin surprised face 180.jpg 16:31, 17 March 2019 (UTC)

Wanted Level[edit]

  • I noticed that the wanted level was changed from 3 to 5 stars. Honestly, given that the response from the NZ police was pretty dismal, doesn't that seem a bit more like hyperbole than lulz? --Slowlaris (talk) 05:26, 16 March 2019 (UTC)
I always thought of wanted level as a carnage meter, but I suppose it makes sense that it would be used to measure the magnitude of police response.
MW2 weed emblem.png MW2 weed title background.pngMW2UTUBER (talk) 17:46, 16 March 2019 (UTC)
MW2U was rite first time. "Wanted" and "reaction" are related like "hunger" and "food" - A demands B, but B isn't dictated by A.
СидецарPutin surprised face 180.jpg 18:29, 16 March 2019 (UTC)

ResetERA blames PewDiePie[edit]

Check this out. ResetERA got so triggered over the New Zealand shootings Archive today-ico.png they blame it all on PewDiePie for being a alt-right Nazi. And the bans. People get banned a lot for questioning and saying that PewDiePie didn't do anything wrong. Ivo Robotnik (talk) 00:13, 17 March 2019 (UTC)

I screencapped some of the best posts from users that got banned. Seems like business as usual for them. --Slowlaris (talk) 23:45, 17 March 2019 (UTC)

Guy needs a nick[edit]

СидецарPutin surprised face 180.jpg 01:57, 17 March 2019 (UTC)

Null gets a letter from NZ police[edit]

Don't know if this is newsworthy, but the Archive today-ico.png New Zealand police are trying to van users from the kiwifarms. --Slowlaris (talk) 22:05, 17 March 2019 (UTC)

Funny, but also nasty. The NZ police haven't got the faintest fucking inkling of what offense they are supposedly investigating, or they'd have said so. Instead, they want to go trawling in the hope that some kind of charges - anything at all - can be brought against someone, because then it might look like they're doing their jobs efficiently. Moon's a shit, but gets a thumbs-up for his robust reply. This definitely deserves adding to the article - finder gets the honor.
СидецарPutin surprised face 180.jpg 22:57, 17 March 2019 (UTC)
I mentionned it on the talk page of Kiwi Farms but someone suggested I should post also that vlog about the case of NZ police vs Kiwi Farms on Youtube and mirrored on Bitchute if Youtube remove the clip. --Sd-100 (talk) 15:04, 25 March 2019 (UTC)
  • It might come in handy if NZ police sperg out even more. Otter Whiskers OtterWhiskersIcon.png signed on: 17:54, 25 March 2019 (UTC)

NZ censorship[edit]

18yo charged with "distributing an objectionable publication" (and then refused bail) for sharing Tarrant's livestream on FB. Maximum sentence: 14 years!
СидецарPutin surprised face 180.jpg 10:16, 18 March 2019 (UTC)

Permission to upload le minecraft video[edit]

I have a Minecraft parody of the shooting (12 minutes long, HQ) that was just deleted from YouTube after 3500 views. Can I upload this file here? Asking B/C file is about 2 gb.

(There was also another video from another uploader who made a parody in Arma III who may want to upload his here also.)

Suleiko signature.png(talk) 14:25, 19 March 2019 (UTC)

If the file size is an issue you can scale it down to an SD resolution using ffmpeg. I doubt anyone is gonna fullscreen it on their home theater anyways. --Slowlaris (talk) 17:24, 19 March 2019 (UTC)

Meg Jayanth of GDC 2019 blames GamerGate for New Zealand shooting[edit]

Have you heard of this year's GDC 2019? Twitter-favicon.png Meg Jayanth was on stage and blamed the New Zealand shooting on GamerGate. Now she's claiming that she's been harassed without any screencaps. Ivo Robotnik (talk) 07:45, 24 March 2019 (UTC)

Some Retard Added This[edit]

Information icon.png Fix grammar and figure out where to put it, or just delete it. It's fucking garbage anyway.

It's worth noting Mr.Tarrant has probably studied Muslims habits, many experts agreed that he have chosen Friday as many Muslims consider this day as a holy day. Almost all of them never miss the Friday prayer, they dress nicely, put lots of perfumes and head to the mosque to listen to the Cleric talking about something very important (usually the speech is printed by the General Authority of Islamic Affairs & Endowments in order to keep the masses brain-washed.

Otter Whiskers OtterWhiskersIcon.png signed on: 18:55, 24 March 2019 (UTC)

I agree, you're a Retard. -LIODPhoenix Emblem.png 18:14, 25 March 2019 (UTC)
  • My standards are higher.
    1. The expression is it's worth nothing that.
    2. Mr. Tarrant instead of Mr.Tarrant
    3. Using have in third person singular is a huge error.
    4. That should be Muslim customs instead of Muslims habits, because you are describing how they worship. (Also, you put Muslim in plural rather than giving it the possessive 's.)
    5. Comma comes before and if there are more than two items listed.
Now stop being butthurt and learn English. Otter Whiskers OtterWhiskersIcon.png signed on: 18:37, 25 March 2019 (UTC)
Let me guess, you went to Harvard too? You could've corrected whatever "grammar" was there instead of being a bitch honestly. -LIODPhoenix Emblem.png 18:40, 25 March 2019 (UTC)
  • It's more beneficial to teach you these things, so that I won't have to keep correcting everything in the future. Otter Whiskers OtterWhiskersIcon.png signed on: 18:49, 25 March 2019 (UTC)

You're crazy. -LIODPhoenix Emblem.png 18:54, 25 March 2019 (UTC)

If you're going to be a Grammar Nazi, just correct the fucking errors and post a link to the diff on the culprit's talkpage, please.
СидецарPutin surprised face 180.jpg 19:03, 25 March 2019 (UTC)
  • That part is faulty not just from a grammar standpoint. It's been already established by news sites that Brenton had knowledge of Muslim rites, having been to Turkey twice. I've looked through the article and there's no mention of this. So, instead of "probably", we should add that it is, indeed, the truth. Otter Whiskers OtterWhiskersIcon.png signed on: 19:21, 25 March 2019 (UTC)
  • You know. Instead of making shit up, you could do your fucking research, user:LIOD. Otter Whiskers OtterWhiskersIcon.png signed on: 19:26, 25 March 2019 (UTC)

Gallery of BT's kit/loadout[edit]

Just wondering why there's no complete set of BT's gear and arsenal that he shared to 8chan on that day. If there's no specific reason I'd be glad to add them. Wtfperv icon.png(我肏) 18:02, 6 April 2019 (UTC)

  • Go ahead. Otter Whiskers OtterWhiskersIcon.png signed on: 19:58, 6 April 2019 (UTC)
    • Will do. Guess i'll add it under loadout section. Wtfperv icon.png(我肏) 20:34, 6 April 2019 (UTC)

"Note the full head of hair—more proof that hair loss correlates with a higher chance of becoming batshit insane."[edit]

for some reason that i might not know, someone has added this image with the above caption, including an unexplained link to EDF2.51. would someone pls have a look, i am not good with computar. ps: the man has great abs and hair btw. -hipcrime Emote Pop tart cat.gif 09:03, 15 April 2019 (UTC)

Erm.. I am he. Thought it'd be funny since one of EDF's nicknames are "Extremely Deficient Follicles," hence the hair joke. Sorry if it's anti-lulz, chief. ♠wtfpervWtfperv isis flag modified.png 14:06, 15 April 2019 (UTC)
fair enough, not anti lulz just confusing to me. others probably will get it, i dont use the forums much is all. :] -hipcrime Emote Pop tart cat.gif 21:40, 15 April 2019 (UTC)
There may be a grain of truth in the original claim. In 2006, a British politician was caught literally eating shit, and Archive today-ico.png blamed it on the fact that he was going bald.
СидецарPutin surprised face 180.jpg 12:37, 16 April 2019 (UTC)
oh fuck that's hilarious. you made my day and it's not even 6am. :D -hipcrime Emote Pop tart cat.gif 12:54, 16 April 2019 (UTC)
I hoped you would like it, so you've made me grin. СидецарPutin surprised face 180.jpg 13:00, 16 April 2019 (UTC)
That is some lulzy shit, thanks for sharing. Mark Oaten is a straight player. Not only did he eat shit, he had 2 male prostitutes do it with him after they had a threesome. Well played, sir. ♠wtfpervWtfperv isis flag modified.png 22:23, 16 April 2019 (UTC)

List of kebabs fragged[edit]

Is the "List of kebabs fragged section" really necessary or appropriate? There is no list of victims' names like that in other mass killers' articles (Paddock, Cho, Breivik, Mateen, etc.). Just a thought. ♠wtfpervWtfperv isis flag modified.png 14:30, 15 April 2019 (UTC)

What's this then? Scotch mist? СидецарPutin surprised face 180.jpg 22:19, 15 April 2019 (UTC)
Ah, Columbine, the not-so-gold standard of shootings. I stand corrected. So be it. Bismillah ya'allah. ♠wtfpervWtfperv isis flag modified.png 01:38, 16 April 2019 (UTC)