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  1. Pinned Tweet
    17 Nov 2018

    mass grave sites in Raqqa which were prepared by IS early in 2017 in advance to their loss of the province and the city to the SDF are visible on Google Earth

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  2. 16 hours ago

    there's also a more or less steady stream of oil tanker trucks from the oil fields in Hasaka and Deir Ezzor provinces to opposition held areas via Hamran crossing northwest of Manbij (sat images dated 28 Mar 2019)

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  3. 16 hours ago
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  4. Apr 27

    Qatar Airways from Beirut to Doha short-cutting now via southern Syrian airspace the old route via Turkey was significantly longer

  5. Apr 27

    video of strikes in the Hamrin mountains ~20km east of Bayji published by Iraqi Ministry of Defence

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  6. Retweeted
    Apr 26

    A big part of OSINT in general is knowing when *not* to publish and living with not putting a low-confidence assessment out there—i.e., taming your own cognitive biases, including confirmation bias.

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  7. Apr 26
  8. Apr 25

    seems the Russian military bridge across the Euphrates near Deir Ezzor may have again suffered some damage since some of the floodgates at Tabqa dam were opened on 17 Apr 2019

  9. Apr 24
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  10. Apr 24
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  11. Apr 23

    great to see this one awarded at first it was just a very tough geolocation challenge and bugging us who had given up on it already. hope it was worth it not for the award but for the people of Cameroon

  12. Apr 23

    video for reference via [usual queue of oil trucks at checkpoints in Manbij and Ayn Issa]

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  13. Apr 23

    the crossing to Regime controlled areas is a lot less frequented recently than it was before (sat image 23 March 2019) 5/5

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  14. Apr 23

    most likely a majority of these trucks are coming from or going to opposition controlled areas, supplying the refineries north of Al Bab and in western Aleppo/eastern Idlib countryside via Hamran crossing 4/5

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  15. Apr 23

    second part, still driving east, near Ayn Issa. the IDP camp is visible from 00:40-01:20 to the left of the road 3/5

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  16. Apr 23

    first part of the video [00:00-00:29] shows oil trucks driving east empty, to the east of Manbij 2/5

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  17. Apr 23

    the video referenced, of "the entry of tens of trucks carrying fuels from the controlled areas of the SDF to the controlled areas of the regime forces" shows oil trucks on the east-west axis in Manbij and Ayn Issa 1/5

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  18. Retweeted
    Apr 22

    Why is this important? In 2016 JIAT, the Joint incident Assessment Team (Formerly JIST) was set up by the Led Coalition in 2016 to investigate claims of IHL violations. However, little to no accountability and action has come from these investigations.

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  19. Apr 22

    strange aircraft/drone near Baghuz at the border to Iraq besides some usual Beechcraft C-12 Huron ISR plane captured on satellite image on 11 March 2019

  20. Apr 21

    SyAAF IL-76 cargo plane [YK-ATB] from Tehran to Latakia today

  21. Apr 20
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