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  1. Pinned Tweet
    Apr 23

    Dear Western defenders of Gaddafi and Assad, both left-wing and right-wing: You are all racist as fuck. Go to hell.

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    52 minutes ago
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    @ForgetRat blocked me after the 2 tweets preceding tweets. Because Syrians talking about Syria & telling Westerners to talk to Syrians is the type of inconvenient agency that gets in the way of their cafe anti-imperialism. So, yeah, all good.

  3. Retweeted
    11 hours ago

    Now a Gabbard campaign coordinator defines peaceful protesting of RSS financial ties at a public event as stalking. Nope. Stalking was when I asked a ? about Syria at a town hall, then Gabbard's Science of Identity cult buddies repreatedly CAME TO MY HOME to try to intimidate me.

  4. Retweeted
    14 hours ago

    عدة غارات جوية للطيران الروسي تستهدف قرية باب الطاقة بريف حماة الغربي.

  5. Retweeted
    18 hours ago

    " I never lost faith in how just this revolution is. Despite that, I might never see the results of this revolution with my own eyes, maybe one day my grandchildren will feel very proud of me. I will never be silent." Amina Khoulani, Families for Freedom

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    1 hour ago
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    is the frontman for D corrupt religious mafia. He said "We are proud that we are under pressure because of Palestine” He is not the one who’s under pressure. The people are under pressure. is one of the most miserable countries in the world

  7. Retweeted

    It’s not surprising that , the self-proclaimed “human rights professor” who’s the mouthpiece for ’s violent regime, comes to the U.S. to enjoy the freedoms he denies the Iranian people. What is surprising is some people still give this hypocrite the light of day.

  8. Retweeted

    دراسة للمركز السوري للدراسات والأبحاث القانونية حول جرائم الشرف , قدمها الزميل المحامي أحمد مشول , نرجو أن تساعد بنشر ثقافة منع التمييز ضد المرأة ووقف العنف الجنسي والتخلص من أرث متخلف

  9. Retweeted

    ولن تكون غير ذلك، مجرمة حرب شربت من دماء السوريين حد الثمالة ولعبت بأشلاء أطفالهم وسبحت بدمائهم حد الغرق

  10. Retweeted
    23 hours ago

    The Palestinian guy Ahmad Khamis broke Assad's redline when he tried to launch an attack using Syrian borders, now he will be taken directly to the ill-famed Palestine Branch while non-Syrian Assad supporters will cheer for "Resistance"

  11. Retweeted
    Apr 28

    Syria Notes Spring 2019 Testimony: Listening to Syrians

  12. Retweeted

    This is a grave violation of int'l law (the non-refoulement principle) - no person, even a convicted criminal, should be sent back to a place where their life or liberty is at risk. Both fear persecution by the Assad regime upon return to Syria.

  13. Retweeted
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    Dear : Do you ever get embarrassed over the 4-dimension mental gymnastics you go through to avoid using the words “blatantly lied”?

  14. Retweeted

    مخيم قرطبة 2 يقطنه مئات النازحون من مختلف المحافظات السورية، يرصد لكم الدفاع المدني من خلال هذا التقرير معاناة أهالي المخيم وسبل تقديم العون لهم خلال الفترة الماضية. "مستمرون بخدمتكم"

  15. Retweeted

    I'd love to see people like him tell refugees that it was bad some volunteers dug their relatives out of rubble because of some "regime change" war that never really happened.

  16. Retweeted

    It really saddens me how a bunch of working class Syrians who spent years digging people out of rubble while getting crushed or bombed or losing limbs for their trouble have been so effectively demonized by Russian state propaganda

  17. Retweeted
    17 hours ago

    regime again blocks UN aid to 36,000+ in --- Many down to 1 meal/day "If we are arrested and imprisoned, only God knows if we stay alive" 7,000+ leave --- but have to pay to get out of regime centers

  18. Retweeted

    yeah could anyone live that way?

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  19. Retweeted

    Dear Jack, I'm tired of being told references to raping journalists are not a vio. I am tired of being called a baby killer and worse. I'm tired of seeing the hate aimed at Jewish, Muslim and POC. This isn't hard: Ban Nazis, or you become one.

  20. Retweeted

    Disgraced former academic hasn’t lost his taste for conspiracy theories. He’s still pushing victim-blaming Kremlin propaganda.

  21. 1 hour ago

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